Private Sub Workbook_SelectionChange(ByVal Target As Range)
End Sub
Public Function PSPGrowth(CurrentPos, DataColStart, CountryPSPNew, AvgDuration, Fee, Growth1, Growth2, Growth3, Growth4, Growth, CalcRange As Range)
'recalculate on cell changes
Application.Volatile True
'define variables
Sum = 0
PosCurrent = CurrentPos.Column()
PSPNewRow = CountryPSPNew.Row()
'calculate starting point
PosStart = PosCurrent - AvgDuration
If (PosStart <= DataColStart) Then
PosStart = DataColStart
End If
'calculate duration
Duration = 1 + PosCurrent - PosStart
'loop new contracts
For c = PosStart To PosCurrent
'get new contracts
NewContracts = Cells(PSPNewRow, c)
If (NewContracts > 0) Then
'get contract duration till current position
ContractDuration = 1 + PosCurrent - c
'calculate revenue growth according to contract duration
If (ContractDuration < 13) Then
'year 1
cDuration = ContractDuration
y1 = (1 + Growth1.Value / 12)
Sum = Sum + (NewContracts * (1 + Growth1.Value / 12))
ElseIf (ContractDuration > 12 And ContractDuration < 25) Then
'year 2
cDuration = ContractDuration - 12
y1 = (1 + Growth1.Value)
y2 = y1 * (1 + (cDuration * Growth2.Value / 12))
Sum = Sum + (NewContracts * y2)
ElseIf (ContractDuration > 24 And ContractDuration < 37) Then
'year 3
cDuration = ContractDuration - 24
y1 = (1 + Growth1.Value)
y2 = y1 * (1 + Growth2.Value)
y3 = y2 * (1 + (cDuration * Growth3.Value / 12))
Sum = Sum + (NewContracts * y3)
'Sum = Sum + (NewContracts * (1 + Growth1.Value + Growth2.Value + Growth3.Value / 12))
ElseIf (ContractDuration > 36 And ContractDuration < 49) Then
'year 4
cDuration = ContractDuration - 36
y1 = (1 + Growth1.Value)
y2 = y1 * (1 + Growth2.Value)
y3 = y2 * (1 + Growth3.Value)
y4 = y3 * (1 + (cDuration * Growth4.Value / 12))
Sum = Sum + (NewContracts * y4)
' Sum = Sum + (NewContracts * (1 + Growth1.Value + Growth2.Value + Growth3.Value + Growth4.Value / 12))
ElseIf (ContractDuration > 48) Then
'year 5+
cDuration = ContractDuration - 48
y1 = (1 + Growth1.Value)
y2 = y1 * (1 + Growth2.Value)
y3 = y2 * (1 + Growth3.Value)
y4 = y3 * (1 + Growth4.Value)
y5 = y4 * (1 + (cDuration * Growth5.Value / 12))
Sum = Sum + (NewContracts * y5)
'Sum = Sum + (NewContracts * (1 + Growth1.Value + Growth2.Value + Growth3.Value + Growth4.Value + Growth5.Value / 12))
Sum = Sum + 0
End If
End If
'return result
PSPGrowth = Sum * Fee.Value
End Function
Public Function PRODUCTAActive(CurrentPos, DataColStart, CountryBSNew, DropOutMonth, DropOutRate, CalcRange As Range)
'recalculate on cell changes
Application.Volatile True
'define variables
Sum = 0
PosCurrent = CurrentPos.Column
BSNewRow = CountryBSNew.Row()
'calculate starting point
PosStart = DataColStart
If (PosStart <= DataColStart) Then
PosStart = DataColStart
End If
'calculate duration
Duration = 1 + PosCurrent - PosStart
'loop new contracts
For c = PosStart To PosCurrent
'get new contracts
NewContracts = Cells(BSNewRow, c)
If (NewContracts > 0) Then
'get contract duration till current position
ContractDuration = 1 + PosCurrent - c
'calculate revenue growth according to contract duration
If (ContractDuration <= DropOutMonth) Then
Sum = Sum + Round(NewContracts, 0)
Sum = Sum + Round((NewContacts * (1 - DropOutRate)), 0)
End If
Sum = Sum + 0
End If
'return result
PRODUCTAActive = Sum
End Function
Public Function PRODUCTAConvertionCalc(CurrentPos, DataColStart, CountryBSNew, ConvertionMonth, ConvertionRate, CalcRange As Range)
'recalculate on cell changes
Application.Volatile True
'define variables
Sum = 0
PosCurrent = CurrentPos.Column
BSNewRow = CountryBSNew.Row()
'calculate starting point
PosStart = DataColStart
If (PosStart <= DataColStart) Then
PosStart = DataColStart
End If
'calculate duration
Duration = 1 + PosCurrent - PosStart
'loop new contracts
For c = PosStart To PosCurrent
'get new contracts
NewContracts = Cells(BSNewRow, c)
If (NewContracts > 0) Then
'get contract duration till current position
ContractDuration = 1 + PosCurrent - c
'calculate revenue growth according to contract duration
If (ContractDuration = ConvertionMonth) Then
Sum = Sum + Round(NewContracts * ConvertionRate, 0)
Sum = Sum + 0
End If
Sum = Sum + 0
End If
'return result
PRODUCTAConvertionCalc = Sum
End Function
Public Function PRODUCTACommissionCalc(CurrentPos, DataColStart, CountryBSNew, DropOutMonth, DropOutRate, ComY1, ComY2, PremiumPrice, CountryBSNewConv, ConvertionMonth, ConvertionRate, CalcRange1 As Range, CalcRange2 As Range)
'recalculate on cell changes
Application.Volatile True
'define variables
Sum = 0
TotalCom = 0
PosCurrent = CurrentPos.Column
BSNewRow = CountryBSNew.Row()
'calculate starting point
PosStart = DataColStart
If (PosStart <= DataColStart) Then
PosStart = DataColStart
End If
'calculate duration
Duration = 1 + PosCurrent - PosStart
'loop new contracts
For c = PosStart To PosCurrent
'get new contracts
NewContracts = Cells(BSNewRow, c)
If (NewContracts > 0) Then
'get contract duration till current position
ContractDuration = 1 + PosCurrent - c
'calculate revenue from new contracts
If (ContractDuration <= DropOutMonth) Then
If (ContractDuration <= 12) Then
TotalCom = TotalCom + Round(NewContracts, 0) * ComY1 * PremiumPrice
TotalCom = TotalCom + Round(NewContracts, 0) * ComY2 * PremiumPrice
End If
If (ContractDuration <= 12) Then
TotalCom = TotalCom + Round((NewContacts * (1 - DropOutRate)), 0) * ComY1 * PremiumPrice
TotalCom = TotalCom + Round((NewContacts * (1 - DropOutRate)), 0) * ComY2 * PremiumPrice
End If
End If
TotalCom = TotalCom + 0
End If
' converted contracts
BSNewRow = CountryBSNewConv.Row()
'loop new contracts
For c = PosStart To PosCurrent
'get new contracts
NewContracts = Cells(BSNewRow, c)
If (NewContracts > 0) Then
'get contract duration till current position
ContractDuration = 1 + PosCurrent - c
'calculate revenue growth according to contract duration
If (ContractDuration >= ConvertionMonth) Then
If (ContractDuration <= 12) Then
TotalCom = TotalCom + Round(NewContracts * ConvertionRate, 0) * ComY1 * PremiumPrice
TotalCom = TotalCom + Round(NewContracts * ConvertionRate, 0) * ComY2 * PremiumPrice
End If
TotalCom = TotalCom + 0
End If
TotalCom = TotalCom + 0
End If
'return result
PRODUCTACommissionCalc = TotalCom
End Function
答案 0 :(得分:0)
NewContracts = Cells(PSPNewRow, c)
NewContracts = CountryBSNew.Worksheet.Cells(PSPNewRow, c).Value