在win7上安装rpy2时遇到问题(R 2.12,Python 2.5)

时间:2011-02-07 18:22:14

标签: python r windows-7 matplotlib rpy2

我是Python的新手(以及一般的编程)我来自金融背景,所以请耐心等待。我刚开始使用Python(Enthought的Pylab / Scipy / Numpy)和R进行统计分析。我正在尝试将rpy2安装到Python中以集成R,但我收到错误:


试图猜测R的HOME而不是R   PATH中的命令。

我不确定这意味着什么。我的R.exe的路径是“C:\ Program Files \ R \ R-2.12.1 \ bin”,如果它有用的话。任何帮助将不胜感激!


import os, os.path, sys, shutil, re, itertools
from distutils.command.build_ext import build_ext as _build_ext
from distutils.command.build import build as _build

from distutils.core import setup
from distutils.core import Extension

pack_name = 'rpy2'
pack_version = __import__('rpy').__version__

class build(_build):
    user_options = _build.user_options + \
        #('r-autoconfig', None,
        # "guess all configuration paths from " +\
        #     "the R executable found in the PATH " +\
        #     "(this overrides r-home)"),
        ('r-home=', None, 
         "full path for the R home to compile against " +\
             "(see r-autoconfig for an automatic configuration)"),
        ('r-home-lib=', None,
         "full path for the R shared lib/ directory " +\
             "(<r-home>/lib otherwise)"),
        ('r-home-modules=', None,
         "full path for the R shared modules/ directory " +\
             "(<r-home>/modules otherwise)") 
    boolean_options = _build.boolean_options #+ \
        #['r-autoconfig', ]

    def initialize_options(self):
        self.r_autoconfig = None
        self.r_home = None
        self.r_home_lib = None
        self.r_home_modules = None

class build_ext(_build_ext):
    -DRPY_DEBUG_PROMISE    : evaluation of promises
    -DRPY_DEBUG_OBJECTINIT : initialization of PySexpObject
    -DRPY_DEBUG_CONSOLE    : console I/O
    -DRPY_DEBUG_COBJECT    : SexpObject passed as a CObject
    user_options = _build_ext.user_options + \
        #('r-autoconfig', None,
        #  "guess all configuration paths from " +\
        #      "the R executable found in the PATH " +\
        #      "(this overrides r-home)"),
        ('r-home=', None, 
         "full path for the R home to compile against " +\
             "(see r-autoconfig for an automatic configuration)"),
        ('r-home-lib=', None,
         "full path for the R shared lib/ directory" +\
             "(<r-home>/lib otherwise)"),
        ('r-home-modules=', None,
         "full path for the R shared modules/ directory" +\
             "(<r-home>/modules otherwise)")]

    boolean_options = _build_ext.boolean_options #+ \
        #['r-autoconfig', ]

    def initialize_options(self):
        self.r_autoconfig = None
        self.r_home = None
        self.r_home_lib = None
        self.r_home_modules = None

    def finalize_options(self):
                                   #('r_autoconfig', 'r_autoconfig'),
                                   ('r_home', 'r_home'))
        if self.r_home is None:
            self.r_home = os.popen("R RHOME").readlines()
            if len(self.r_home) == 0:
                raise SystemExit("Error: Tried to guess R's HOME but no R command in the PATH.")

    #Twist if 'R RHOME' spits out a warning
            if self.r_home[0].startswith("WARNING"):
                self.r_home = self.r_home[1]
                self.r_home = self.r_home[0]
            #self.r_home = [self.r_home, ]

        if self.r_home is None:
            raise SystemExit("Error: --r-home not specified.")
            self.r_home = self.r_home.split(os.pathsep)

        rversions = []
        for r_home in self.r_home:
            r_home = r_home.strip()
        rversion = get_rversion(r_home)
        if cmp_version(rversion[:2], [2, 8]) == -1:
            raise SystemExit("Error: R >= 2.8 required.")

        config = RConfig()
        for about in ('--ldflags', '--cppflags', 
                      'LAPACK_LIBS', 'BLAS_LIBS'):
            config += get_rconfig(r_home, about)



        if self.r_home_modules is None:
            self.library_dirs.extend([os.path.join(r_home, 'modules'), ])
            self.library_dirs.extends([self.r_home_modules, ])

        #for e in self.extensions:
        #    self.extra_link_args.extra_link_args(config.extra_link_args)
        #    e.extra_compile_args.extend(extra_compile_args)

    def run(self):

def get_rversion(r_home):
    r_exec = os.path.join(r_home, 'bin', 'R')
    # Twist if Win32
    if sys.platform == "win32":
        rp = os.popen3('"'+r_exec+'" --version')[2]
        rp = os.popen('"'+r_exec+'" --version')
    rversion = rp.readline()
    #Twist if 'R RHOME' spits out a warning
    if rversion.startswith("WARNING"):
        rversion = rp.readline()
    m = re.match('^R version ([^ ]+) .+$', rversion)
    rversion = m.groups()[0]
    rversion = rversion.split('.')
    rversion[0] = int(rversion[0])
    rversion[1] = int(rversion[1])
    return rversion

def cmp_version(x, y):
    if (x[0] < y[0]):
        return -1
    if (x[0] > y[0]):
        return 1
    if (x[0] == y[0]):
        if len(x) == 1 or len(y) == 1:
            return 0
        return cmp_version(x[1:], y[1:])

class RConfig(object):
    _include_dirs = None
    _libraries = None
    _library_dirs = None 
    _extra_link_args = None
    _frameworks = None
    _framework_dirs = None
    def __init__(self,
                 include_dirs = tuple(), libraries = tuple(),
                 library_dirs = tuple(), extra_link_args = tuple(),
                 frameworks = tuple(),
                 framework_dirs = tuple()):
        for k in ('include_dirs', 'libraries', 
                  'library_dirs', 'extra_link_args'):
            v = locals()[k]
            if not isinstance(v, tuple):
                if isinstance(v, str):
                    v = [v, ]
            v = tuple(set(v))
            self.__dict__['_'+k] = v
        # frameworks are specific to OSX
        for k in ('framework_dirs', 'frameworks'):
            v = locals()[k]
            if not isinstance(v, tuple):
                if isinstance(v, str):
                    v = [v, ]
            v = tuple(set(v))
            self.__dict__['_'+k] = v
            self.__dict__['_'+'extra_link_args'] = tuple(set(v + self.__dict__['_'+'extra_link_args']))

    def __repr__(self):
        s = 'Configuration for R as a library:' + os.linesep
        s += os.linesep.join(
            ['  ' + x + ': ' + self.__dict__['_'+x].__repr__() \
                 for x in ('include_dirs', 'libraries',
                           'library_dirs', 'extra_link_args')])
        s += os.linesep + ' # OSX-specific (included in extra_link_args)' + os.linesep 
        s += os.linesep.join(
            ['  ' + x + ': ' + self.__dict__['_'+x].__repr__() \
                 for x in ('framework_dirs', 'frameworks')]

        return s

    def __add__(self, config):
        assert isinstance(config, RConfig)
        res = RConfig(include_dirs = self._include_dirs + \
                      libraries = self._libraries + config._libraries,
                      library_dirs = self._library_dirs + \
                      extra_link_args = self._extra_link_args + \
        return res
    def from_string(string, allow_empty = False):
        possible_patterns = ('^-L(?P<library_dirs>[^ ]+)$',
                             '^-l(?P<libraries>[^ ]+)$',
                             '^-I(?P<include_dirs>[^ ]+)$',
                             '^(?P<framework_dirs>-F[^ ]+?)$',
                             '^(?P<frameworks>-framework [^ ]+)$')
        pp = [re.compile(x) for x in possible_patterns]
        # sanity check of what is returned into rconfig
        rconfig_m = None        
        span = (0, 0)
        rc = RConfig()
        for substring in re.split('(?<!-framework) ', string):
            ok = False
            for pattern in pp:
                rconfig_m = pattern.match(substring)
                if rconfig_m is not None:
                    rc += RConfig(**rconfig_m.groupdict())
                    span = rconfig_m.span()
                    ok = True
                elif rconfig_m is None:
                    if allow_empty and (rconfig == ''):
                        print(cmd + '\nreturned an empty string.\n')
                        rc += RConfig()
                        ok = True
                        # if the configuration points to an existing library, 
                        # use it
                        if os.path.exists(string):
                            rc += RConfig(library = substring)
                            ok = True
            if not ok:
                raise ValueError('Invalid substring\n' + substring 
                                 + '\nin string\n' + string)
        return rc

def get_rconfig(r_home, about, allow_empty = False):
    r_exec = os.path.join(r_home, 'bin', 'R')
    cmd = '"'+r_exec+'" CMD config '+about
    rp = os.popen(cmd)
    rconfig = rp.readline()
    #Twist if 'R RHOME' spits out a warning
    if rconfig.startswith("WARNING"):
        rconfig = rp.readline()
    rconfig = rconfig.strip()
    rc = RConfig.from_string(rconfig)
    return rc

def getRinterface_ext():
    #r_libs = [os.path.join(RHOME, 'lib'), os.path.join(RHOME, 'modules')]
    r_libs = []
    extra_link_args = []

    #FIXME: crude way (will break in many cases)
    #check how to get how to have a configure step
    define_macros = []

    if sys.platform == 'win32':
        define_macros.append(('Win32', 1))
        define_macros.append(('R_INTERFACE_PTRS', 1))
        define_macros.append(('HAVE_POSIX_SIGJMP', 1))

    define_macros.append(('CSTACK_DEFNS', 1))
    define_macros.append(('RIF_HAS_RSIGHAND', 1))

    include_dirs = []

    rinterface_ext = Extension(
            name = pack_name + '.rinterface.rinterface',
            sources = [ \
            #os.path.join('rpy', 'rinterface', 'embeddedr.c'), 
            #os.path.join('rpy', 'rinterface', 'r_utils.c'),
            #os.path.join('rpy', 'rinterface', 'buffer.c'),
            #os.path.join('rpy', 'rinterface', 'sequence.c'),
            #os.path.join('rpy', 'rinterface', 'sexp.c'),
            os.path.join('rpy', 'rinterface', 'rinterface.c')
            depends = [os.path.join('rpy', 'rinterface', 'embeddedr.h'), 
                       os.path.join('rpy', 'rinterface', 'r_utils.h'),
                       os.path.join('rpy', 'rinterface', 'buffer.h'),
                       os.path.join('rpy', 'rinterface', 'sequence.h'),
                       os.path.join('rpy', 'rinterface', 'sexp.h'),
                       os.path.join('rpy', 'rinterface', 'rpy_rinterface.h')
            include_dirs = [os.path.join('rpy', 'rinterface'),] + include_dirs,
            libraries = ['R', ],
            library_dirs = r_libs,
            define_macros = define_macros,
            runtime_library_dirs = r_libs,
            #extra_compile_args=['-O0', '-g'],
            #extra_link_args = extra_link_args

    rpy_device_ext = Extension(
        pack_name + '.rinterface.rpy_device',
            os.path.join('rpy', 'rinterface', 'rpy_device.c'),
            include_dirs = include_dirs + 
                            [os.path.join('rpy', 'rinterface'), ],
            libraries = ['R', ],
            library_dirs = r_libs,
            define_macros = define_macros,
            runtime_library_dirs = r_libs,
            #extra_compile_args=['-O0', '-g'],
            extra_link_args = extra_link_args

    return [rinterface_ext, rpy_device_ext]

rinterface_exts = []
ri_ext = getRinterface_ext()

pack_dir = {pack_name: 'rpy'}

import distutils.command.install
for scheme in distutils.command.install.INSTALL_SCHEMES.values():
    scheme['data'] = scheme['purelib']

    cmdclass = {'build': build,
                'build_ext': build_ext},
    name = pack_name,
    version = pack_version,
    description = "Python interface to the R language",
    url = "http://rpy.sourceforge.net",
    license = "AGPLv3.0 (except rpy2.rinterface: LGPL)",
    author = "Laurent Gautier",
    author_email = "lgautier@gmail.com",
    ext_modules = rinterface_exts[0],
    package_dir = pack_dir,
    packages = [pack_name,
                pack_name + '.rlike',
                pack_name + '.rlike.tests',
                pack_name + '.rinterface',
                pack_name + '.rinterface.tests',
                pack_name + '.robjects',
                pack_name + '.robjects.tests',
                pack_name + '.robjects.lib',
    classifiers = ['Programming Language :: Python',
                   'License :: OSI Approved :: GNU Library or Lesser General Public License (LGPL)',
                   'License :: OSI Approved :: GNU Affero General Public License v3',
                   'Intended Audience :: Developers',
                   'Intended Audience :: Science/Research',
                   'Development Status :: 5 - Production/Stable'
    data_files = [(os.path.join('rpy2', 'images'), 
                   [os.path.join('doc', 'source', 'rpy2_logo.png')])]

    #[pack_name + '.rinterface_' + x for x in rinterface_rversions] + \
        #[pack_name + '.rinterface_' + x + '.tests' for x in rinterface_rversions]

6 个答案:

答案 0 :(得分:8)

我知道我参加派对的时间有点晚了,但我遇到了同样的问题,并通过conda进行安装,让它在Windows 7上运行

conda install --channel https://conda.binstar.org/joshadel rpy2

答案 1 :(得分:2)

我在尝试将Rpy2与R 2.12和Python 2.6一起使用时遇到了类似的问题(根据rpy2文档的建议)。


我已将R \ R-2.12.1 \ bin \ i386中的所有文件复制到bin目录,设置一个指向R \ R-2.12.1的环境变量R_HOME然后工作。

答案 2 :(得分:2)



通过rpy2-2.0.8.win32-py2.6.msi(windows 7(64位),python 2.6,R 2.14(32位和64位,通过RAndFriendsSetup2140V3.2-1-1)安装rpy2 2.0.8之后.exe)),并试图在python控制台中导入rpy2,我得到了例外:


将以下行添加到rinterface / __ init__.py使其工作:

if os.path.exists(os.path.join(R_HOME, 'lib')):             ## ADDED ##
    os.environ['PATH'] += ';' + os.path.join(R_HOME, 'bin')
    os.environ['PATH'] += ';' + os.path.join(R_HOME, 'modules')
    os.environ['PATH'] += ';' + os.path.join(R_HOME, 'lib')
else:                                   ## ADDED ##
    os.environ['PATH'] += ';' + os.path.join(R_HOME, 'bin', 'i386')     ## ADDED ##
    os.environ['PATH'] += ';' + os.path.join(R_HOME, 'modules', 'i386') ## ADDED ##
    os.environ['PATH'] += ';' + os.path.join(R_HOME, 'library')     ## ADDED ##

# Load the R dll using the explicit path
# First try the bin dir:
Rlib = os.path.join(R_HOME, 'bin', 'R.dll')
# Try bin/i386 subdirectory seen in R 2.12.0                ## ADDED ##
if not os.path.exists(Rlib):                        ## ADDED ##
    Rlib = os.path.join(R_HOME, 'bin', 'i386', 'R.dll')         ## ADDED ##
# Then the lib dir:
if not os.path.exists(Rlib):
    Rlib = os.path.join(R_HOME, 'lib', 'R.dll')
# Otherwise fail out!
if not os.path.exists(Rlib):
    raise RuntimeError("Unable to locate R.dll within %s" % R_HOME)


然后我试图复制Taj G的情况,我做到了。 将“your_R_installation_dir \ bin \ i386”添加到Windows环境变量PATH后,旧错误消失但新的错误消失了:



似乎需要安装一些额外的部分,并且需要正确配置C / C ++编译器。我放弃了。使用easy_install从源代码构建rpy2在Windows上看起来非常棘手,而且目前还没有正式支持。

虽然与2.2.4相比,rpy2 2.0.8不是一个完整的版本,但它是sourceforge上带有标准Windows安装程序的最新版本。目前,这是一个简单的选择。

答案 3 :(得分:1)



  1. 使用您想要使用的所有函数编写R代码,这些函数也会调用您要使用的库。将所有这些函数和库调用放入一个文件(temp.r)。例如,也许我的文件看起来像是

    CurrentYear <- function(birth.year,age) { 
       year <- birth.year + age

  2. 使用python提示用户输入进行函数调用。我用GUI做了这个,你可以用终端中的脚本来做。

  3. 使用python创建一个带有R函数调用的字符串。例如,我们可能有

     stuff = '\nCurrentYear("%(birth.year)d", "%(age)d")\n' %vars() 

  4. 使用python将stuff添加到temp.r的末尾:

    # Creates a copy of temp.r, so as not to disturb its contents for future use.
    tocall = copyfile("C:\My Documents\temp.r", "C:\My Documents\tocall.r")
    # Open the copy with the intent to append it (hence the "a")
    inp = open("C:\tocall.r", "a")
    # Adds the function call to the R script
    # Navigate to the correct directory, use "Rscript" to
    # run the code in the shell
    dostuff = call('cd C:\My Documents &Rscript temp.r', shell = True)

  5. 利润
  6. 我不确定这种方法的缺点是什么,但它对我有用。希望如果你失败了整个RPy2,这会有所帮助!

答案 4 :(得分:0)



  1. 与Guillaume相同,我不得不将所有文件从C:\ Program Files \ R \ R-2.15.0 \ bin \ i386复制到R \ R-2.15.0

  2. 我必须设置一个环境变量

  3. 转到我的电脑&gt;属性&gt;高级&gt;环境变量&gt;   变量:“PATH”,在“值”

    的末尾添加;C:\Program Files\R\R-2.15.0
    1. 在命令提示符python setup.py build install
    2. 下重新运行C:\Python27\rpy2>


答案 5 :(得分:0)

从源代码中获得最终使用Windows 7的rpy2。如果它不适合你,就像它对我来说没有。请参阅rpy2 install on windows 7
