#include <winsock2.h>
#include <iostream>
using namespace std;
SOCKET hClientSocket ;
struct sockaddr_in clientAddr ;
} ;
char szServerIPAddr[ ] = "" ; // Put here the IP address of the server
int nServerPort = 5050 ; // The server port that will be used by
// clients to talk with the server
bool InitWinSock2_0( ) ;
BOOL WINAPI ClientThread( LPVOID lpData ) ;
int main( )
if ( ! InitWinSock2_0( ) )
cout << "Unable to Initialize Windows Socket environment" << WSAGetLastError( ) << endl ;
return -1 ;
SOCKET hServerSocket ;
hServerSocket = socket(
AF_INET, // The address family. AF_INET specifies TCP/IP
SOCK_STREAM, // Protocol type. SOCK_STREM specified TCP
0 // Protoco Name. Should be 0 for AF_INET address family
) ;
if ( hServerSocket == INVALID_SOCKET )
cout << "Unable to create Server socket" << endl ;
// Cleanup the environment initialized by WSAStartup()
WSACleanup( ) ;
return -1 ;
// Create the structure describing various Server parameters
struct sockaddr_in serverAddr ;
serverAddr . sin_family = AF_INET ; // The address family. MUST be AF_INET
serverAddr . sin_addr . s_addr = inet_addr( szServerIPAddr ) ;
serverAddr . sin_port = htons( nServerPort ) ;
// Bind the Server socket to the address & port
if ( bind( hServerSocket, ( struct sockaddr * ) &serverAddr, sizeof( serverAddr ) ) == SOCKET_ERROR )
cout << "Unable to bind to " << szServerIPAddr << " port " << nServerPort << endl ;
// Free the socket and cleanup the environment initialized by WSAStartup()
closesocket( hServerSocket ) ;
WSACleanup( ) ;
return -1 ;
// Put the Server socket in listen state so that it can wait for client connections
if ( listen( hServerSocket, SOMAXCONN ) == SOCKET_ERROR )
cout << "Unable to put server in listen state" << endl ;
// Free the socket and cleanup the environment initialized by WSAStartup()
closesocket( hServerSocket ) ;
WSACleanup( ) ;
return -1 ;
// Start the infinite loop
while ( true )
// As the socket is in listen mode there is a connection request pending.
// Calling accept( ) will succeed and return the socket for the request.
SOCKET hClientSocket ;
struct sockaddr_in clientAddr ;
int nSize = sizeof( clientAddr ) ;
hClientSocket = accept( hServerSocket, ( struct sockaddr *) &clientAddr, &nSize ) ;
if ( hClientSocket == INVALID_SOCKET )
cout << "accept( ) failed" << endl ;
HANDLE hClientThread ;
struct CLIENT_INFO* clientInfo = (struct CLIENT_INFO*) malloc(sizeof(struct CLIENT_INFO)) ;
DWORD dwThreadId ;
clientInfo -> clientAddr = clientAddr ;
clientInfo -> hClientSocket = hClientSocket ;
cout << "Client connected from " << inet_ntoa( clientAddr . sin_addr ) << endl ;
// Start the client thread
hClientThread = CreateThread( NULL, 0,
( LPVOID ) &(*clientInfo), 0, &dwThreadId ) ;
if ( hClientThread == NULL )
cout << "Unable to create client thread" << endl ;
CloseHandle( hClientThread ) ;
closesocket( hServerSocket ) ;
WSACleanup( ) ;
return 0 ;
bool InitWinSock2_0( )
WSADATA wsaData ;
WORD wVersion = MAKEWORD( 2, 0 ) ;
if ( ! WSAStartup( wVersion, &wsaData ) )
return true ;
return false ;
BOOL WINAPI ClientThread( LPVOID lpData )
CLIENT_INFO *pClientInfo = ( CLIENT_INFO * ) lpData ;
char szBuffer[ 1024 ] ;
int nLength ;
while ( 1 )
nLength = recv( pClientInfo -> hClientSocket, szBuffer, sizeof( szBuffer ), 0 ) ;
if ( nLength > 0 )
szBuffer[ nLength ] = '\0' ;
cout << "Received " << szBuffer << " from " << inet_ntoa( pClientInfo -> clientAddr . sin_addr ) << endl ;
// Convert the string to upper case and send it back, if its not QUIT
strupr( szBuffer ) ;
if ( strcmp( szBuffer, "QUIT" ) == 0 )
closesocket( pClientInfo -> hClientSocket ) ;
return TRUE ;
// send( ) may not be able to send the complete data in one go.
// So try sending the data in multiple requests
int nCntSend = 0 ;
char *pBuffer = szBuffer ;
while ( ( nCntSend = send( pClientInfo -> hClientSocket, pBuffer, nLength, 0 ) != nLength ) )
if ( nCntSend == -1 )
cout << "Error sending the data to " << inet_ntoa( pClientInfo -> clientAddr . sin_addr ) << endl ;
break ;
if ( nCntSend == nLength )
break ;
pBuffer += nCntSend ;
nLength -= nCntSend ;
cout << "Error reading the data from " << inet_ntoa( pClientInfo -> clientAddr . sin_addr ) << endl ;
return TRUE ;
#include <winsock2.h>
#include <iostream>
using namespace std;
char szServerIPAddr[ 20 ] = "" ; // Put here the IP address of the server
int nServerPort = 5050 ; // The server port that will be used by // clients to talk with the server
bool InitWinSock2_0( ) ;
int main( )
cout << "Enter the server IP Address: " ;
cin >> szServerIPAddr ;
cout << "Enter the server port number: " ;
cin >> nServerPort ;
if ( ! InitWinSock2_0( ) )
cout << "Unable to Initialize Windows Socket environment" << WSAGetLastError( ) << endl ;
return -1 ;
SOCKET hClientSocket ;
hClientSocket = socket(
AF_INET, // The address family. AF_INET specifies TCP/IP
SOCK_STREAM, // Protocol type. SOCK_STREM specified TCP
0 // Protoco Name. Should be 0 for AF_INET address family
) ;
if ( hClientSocket == INVALID_SOCKET )
cout << "Unable to create Server socket" << endl ;
// Cleanup the environment initialized by WSAStartup()
WSACleanup( ) ;
return -1 ;
// Create the structure describing various Server parameters
struct sockaddr_in serverAddr ;
serverAddr . sin_family = AF_INET ; // The address family. MUST be AF_INET
serverAddr . sin_addr . s_addr = inet_addr( szServerIPAddr ) ;
serverAddr . sin_port = htons( nServerPort ) ;
// Connect to the server
if ( connect( hClientSocket, ( struct sockaddr * ) &serverAddr, sizeof( serverAddr ) ) < 0 )
cout << "Unable to connect to " << szServerIPAddr << " on port " << nServerPort << endl ;
closesocket( hClientSocket ) ;
WSACleanup( ) ;
return -1 ;
char szBuffer[ 1024 ] = "" ;
while ( strcmp( szBuffer, "QUIT" ) != 0 )
cout << "Enter the string to send (QUIT) to stop: " ;
cin >> szBuffer ;
int nLength = strlen( szBuffer ) ;
// send( ) may not be able to send the complete data in one go.
// So try sending the data in multiple requests
int nCntSend = 0 ;
char *pBuffer = szBuffer ;
while ( ( nCntSend = send( hClientSocket, pBuffer, nLength, 0 ) != nLength ) )
if ( nCntSend == -1 )
cout << "Error sending the data to server" << endl ;
break ;
if ( nCntSend == nLength )
break ;
pBuffer += nCntSend ;
nLength -= nCntSend ;
strupr( szBuffer ) ;
if ( strcmp( szBuffer, "QUIT" ) == 0 )
break ;
nLength = recv( hClientSocket, szBuffer, sizeof( szBuffer ), 0 ) ;
if ( nLength > 0 )
szBuffer[ nLength ] = '\0' ;
cout << "Received " << szBuffer << " from server" << endl ;
closesocket( hClientSocket ) ;
WSACleanup( ) ;
return 0 ;
bool InitWinSock2_0( )
WSADATA wsaData ;
WORD wVersion = MAKEWORD( 2, 0 ) ;
if ( ! WSAStartup( wVersion, &wsaData ) )
return true ;
return false ;
答案 0 :(得分:0)
的缺点是,无论是插入还是删除消息,您都会一直在移动数据(具体取决于您的实现方式)。某种环形缓冲区更有效 - 它可以基于std :: vector实现。accept