
时间:2018-03-10 11:33:43

标签: arduino embedded avr atmega atmelstudio


我想做EVM项目(电子投票机)。我使用Atmega32A作为控制器,LCD(2 * 16)显示投票结果和4个按钮(YES,NO,Abstain,Show results)。

我想把它变成无线的,所以在经过一些搜索之后,我决定使用IR接收器(TSOP-1736)和一个适用于NEC协议的遥控器来制作EVM无线。 然后,我使用Arduino UNO和“IRremote”库将远程信号解码为HEXA代码,我可以在项目中使用,而不是稍后使用按钮!

当我尝试使用这个库使用“ATmel Studio IDE”对Atmega32进行编程时出现问题。实际上,“IRremote”库仅适用于ARDUINO,我无法将其用于ATmel IDE上的Atmega,所以我搜索了很多可以用于avr的替代库,我找到了这个 https://github.com/MalteP/nec-decoder 但是,当我尝试在ATmel工作室IDE中使用它来将最近发送的远程信号存储到变量中时,然后使用它在我的程序中做出决定我不能!我努力寻找解决这个问题的方法,但我很少找到有关它的主题。我阅读了一些关于如何使用中断,PWM和定时器手动读取信号的文章,但我没有说明如何完成工作!



#include <stdlib.h>

#ifndef F_CPU
#define F_CPU 1000000UL
#include <avr/io.h>
#include <util/delay.h>
#define EN PD7
#define RW PD5
#define RS PD2
void LCD_INIT( void );
void Lcd_cmd( unsigned char Command );
void Lcd_data( unsigned char data );
void Lcd_write_str( char *str );
void Lcd_set_cursor( unsigned char row, unsigned char col );
void Lcd_out( unsigned char row, unsigned char col, char *str );
// LCD Declarations and pins 
char a[10];
char b[10];
char c[10];
// buffers for showing integers on LCD
#define switch1 PA0 // YES option
#define switch2 PA1 // No option
#define switch3 PA2 // Abstain option
#define switch4 PA3 // Show voting results

int main()
    int i = 0;
    int j = 0;
    int k = 0; // Counting variables (i="YES" ) &(j="NO") & (k="Abstain" )
    DDRA = 0b00000000;


    while( 1 )
        for( int l = 0; l <= 16; l++ )
            for( int n = 0; n <= 2; n++ )
                Lcd_out( n, l, "  " );

        Lcd_out( 1, 3, "press key" ); //At the beginning 
        _delay_ms( 2000 );
        if( PINA & (1 << PA0) )
            Lcd_write_str( "                         " );
            i = i + 1;
            Lcd_out( 1, 3, "You voted Yes" );
            while( PINA & (1 << PA0) );
            _delay_ms( 500 );
        } //Voting YES !!!!
        if( PINA & (1 << PA1) )
            Lcd_write_str( "                          " );
            j = j + 1;
            Lcd_out( 1, 3, "You voted NO" );
            _delay_ms( 500 );
            while( PINA & (1 << PA1) );
            _delay_ms( 500 );
        }//Voting No !!!
        if( PINA & (1 << PA2) )
            Lcd_write_str( "                           " );
            k = k + 1;
            Lcd_out( 1, 1, "You voted Abstain" );
            _delay_ms( 500 );
            while( PINA & (1 << PA2) );
            _delay_ms( 500 );
        }//Voting Abstain !!!

         //Getting voting results =======

        if( PINA & (1 << PA3) )
            for( int l = 0; l <= 16; l++ )
                for( int n = 0; n <= 2; n++ )
                    Lcd_out( n, l, "  " );

            while( PINA & (1 << PA3) )
                Lcd_out( 1, 1, "YES = " );
                Lcd_out( 1, 6, itoa( i, a, 10 ) );
                Lcd_out( 1, 9, "NO = " );
                Lcd_out( 1, 14, itoa( j, b, 10 ) );
                Lcd_out( 2, 2, "Abstain = " );
                Lcd_out( 2, 11, itoa( k, c, 10 ) );
        // Showing results

void LCD_INIT( void )
    DDRD = 0xff;
    DDRB = 0xff;
    PORTD &= ~(1 << EN);
    _delay_us( 2000 );
    Lcd_cmd( 0x38 );
    Lcd_cmd( 0x0E );
    Lcd_cmd( 0x01 );
    Lcd_cmd( 0x06 );

void Lcd_cmd( unsigned char Command )
    PORTB = Command;
    PORTD &= ~(1 << RW);
    PORTD &= ~(1 << RS);
    PORTD |= (1 << EN);
    _delay_us( 1 );
    PORTD &= ~(1 << EN);
    _delay_us( 2000 );

void Lcd_data( unsigned char data )
    PORTB = data;
    PORTD &= ~(1 << RW);
    PORTD |= (1 << RS);
    PORTD |= (1 << EN);
    _delay_us( 1 );
    PORTD &= ~(1 << EN);
    _delay_us( 2000 );

void Lcd_write_str( char *str )
    unsigned char i = 0;
    while( str[i] != ('\0') )
        Lcd_data( str[i] );

void Lcd_set_cursor( unsigned char row, unsigned char col )
    row -= 1; col -= 1;
    Lcd_cmd( 0x80 + (row * 0x40) + col );

void Lcd_out( unsigned char row, unsigned char col, char *str )
    Lcd_set_cursor( row, col );
    Lcd_write_str( str );

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