Webrtc后置摄像头无法在IOS 11中工作

时间:2018-03-10 07:50:45

标签: javascript jquery ios webrtc getusermedia

下面是我的代码,在Android和ios 11中使用前置摄像头工作正常,而当我使用后置摄像头时出现错误


video: { width: 400, height: 200, facingMode: "user"  }


video: { width: 400, height: 200, facingMode: "environment"  }



var constraints = window.constraints = {
  audio: false,
  video: { width: 400, height: 200, facingMode: "environment"  }
function handleSuccess(stream) {
  var videoTracks = stream.getVideoTracks();
  console.log('Got stream with constraints:', constraints);
  console.log('Using video device: ' + videoTracks[0].label);
  stream.oninactive = function() {
    console.log('Stream inactive');
  window.stream = stream; // make variable available to browser console
  video.srcObject = stream;
function handleError(error) {
  if (error.name === 'ConstraintNotSatisfiedError') {
    errorMsg('The resolution ' + constraints.video.width.exact + 'x' +
        constraints.video.width.exact + ' px is not supported by your device.');
  } else if (error.name === 'PermissionDeniedError') {
    errorMsg('Permissions have not been granted to use your camera and ' +
      'microphone, you need to allow the page access to your devices in ' +
      'order for the demo to work.');
  errorMsg('getUserMedia error: ' + error.name, error);
function errorMsg(msg, error) {
  errorElement.innerHTML += '<p>' + msg + '</p>';
  if (typeof error !== 'undefined') {


2 个答案:

答案 0 :(得分:2)

目前,Apple的iOS11 下的getUserMedia不支持widthheight约束。


var constraints = window.constraints = {
   audio: false,
   video: { facingMode: 'environment' }

我已经在Apple中为此打开了一个错误,但它已被关闭作为副本。 请密切关注Apple有关此问题的更新。

答案 1 :(得分:0)

要使用getUserMedia访问Safari Iphone上的后置摄像头,您需要在Safari访问设置中设置对摄像头的永久访问权限。 “总是问”是不够的。
