我正在处理与20 Random Strings containing all capital letters
我相信由于那里的答案,我已经更接近解决方案,但仍然有一个(我希望)问题。 Microsoft Visual Studio 2017引发以下错误:
错误发生在第41行:mov arr1[EBX], AL
所以我最好的猜测是我错误估算了阵列的目标地址,但我不知道怎么做? 我在该循环的第一次运行时收到错误。
; Random Strings.
INCLUDE Irvine32.inc
TAB = 9 ;ASCII code for Tab
strLen = 10 ;length of the string
numberStrings = 20
str1 BYTE "The 20 random strings are:", 0
arr1 BYTE numberStrings DUP(?)
main PROC
mov EDX, OFFSET str1 ;"The c20 random strings are:"
call WriteString ;Writes string
call Randomize
call Crlf ;Writes an end - of - line sequence to the console window.
mov ECX, numberStrings ;Main Loop Counter Create 20 strings
mov ESI, OFFSET arr1 ;ESI: array address
L1 :
mov EAX, strLen ;EAX: string length
call RandomString ;generates the random string
call Display ;displays the random string to console
mov AL, TAB ;moves tab to register to be passed to WriteChar
call WriteChar ;leaves a tab space
main ENDP
mov ECX, EAX ;ECX = string length
mov EBX, ESI ;store array address
FillStringWithRandomCharacters :
mov EAX, 26 ;set upper boundry for RandomRange call
call RandomRange ;called with 26 so range will be 0 - 25
add EAX, 65 ;EAX gets ASCII value of a capital letter
mov arr1[EBX], AL ;pass 8 bits of EAX to array
inc EBX ;move array target address
loop FillStringWithRandomCharacters
RandomString ENDP
Display PROC USES EAX ESI ;Displays the generated random string
mov ECX, EAX ;ECX = string length
mov EBX, ESI ;store array address
DisplayRandomString :
mov AL, arr1[EBX] ;retrieve char from array
call WriteChar ;writes the char to console
inc EBX ;move array target address
loop DisplayRandomString
Display ENDP
call dumpregs
INVOKE ExitProcess, 0
END main