
时间:2014-02-11 02:37:14

标签: c++ visual-c++ c++11 data-structures



#include <vector>
#include <cassert>

template<typename T>
class Linkedlist
    // The basic doubly linked Linkedlist node.
    // Nested inside of Linkedlist, can be public
    // because the Node is itself private
    struct Node
        T  _data;
        Node   *_prev;
        Node   *_next;

        Node( const T & d = T(), Node * p = NULL, Node * n = NULL )
            : _data( d ), _prev( p ), _next( n ) { }

        // Rvalue   
        Node(Node && n)
            _data = std::move(n._data);
            _prev = std::move(n._prev);
            _next = std::move(n._next);

        // = operator
        Node& operator =(Node && n)
            _data = std::move(n._data);
            _prev = std::move(n._prev);
            _next = std::move(n._next);
            return *this;
    class LinkedListIter : public std::iterator<std::forward_iterator_tag , T , int>
        Node* _node;
        LinkedListIter(Node* p=nullptr) : _node(p){}

        Node* getNode(){return _node;}

        T operator * () { return _node->_data; }
        LinkedListIter & operator ++()
            _node = _node->_next;
            return *this; 

        LinkedListIter operator ++(int)
            LinkedListIter  retVal = *this;
            return retVal;
        bool operator < (LinkedListIter const& rhs) const
            return _Node < rhs._Node; 
        bool operator != (LinkedListIter const& rhs) const
            return _Node != rhs._pNode;
        bool operator == (LinkedListIter const& rhs) const 
            return _Node == rhs._Node;

    Linkedlist( )
    { init(); }

        delete _head;
        delete _tail;

    Linkedlist(const Linkedlist & rhs)
        init( );
        *this = rhs;

    const Linkedlist & operator= (const Linkedlist & rhs)
        if( this == &rhs )
            return *this;
        clear( );
        for(const_iterator itr = rhs.begin(); itr != rhs.end( ); ++itr)
        return *this;

    // Return iterator representing beginning of Linkedlist.
    // Mutator version is first, then accessor version.
    LinkedListIter begin()
    { return LinkedListIter(_head->_next);}

    // Return iterator representing endmarker of Linkedlist.
    // Mutator version is first, then accessor version.
    LinkedListIter end()
    { return LinkedListIter(_tail); }

    // Return number of elements currently in the Linkedlist.
    int size() const
    { return _size; }

    // Return true if the Linkedlist is empty, false otherwise.
    bool empty() const
    { return size() == 0; }

    void clear()
        while( !empty() )

    // front, back, push_front, push_back, pop_front, and pop_back
    // are the basic double-ended queue operations.
    T & front()
    //{ return *begin( ); }
    {return _head->_next.data}
    const T & front() const
    { return *begin(); }

    T & back( )
    { return *--end(); }

    const T & back() const
    { return *--end(); }

    void push_front(const T & x)
    { insert( begin(), x ); }

    void push_back(const T & x)
    { insert( end(), x ); }

    void pop_front()
    { erase(begin()); }

    void pop_back()
    { erase(--end()); }

    // Insert x before itr.
    LinkedListIter insert(LinkedListIter& itr, const T & x)
        Node *p = new Node(x,itr.getNode()->_prev,itr.getNode());
        return LinkedListIter(p->_prev = p->_prev->_next = new Node(x, p->_prev, p));

    // Erase item at itr.
    LinkedListIter  erase(LinkedListIter itr)
        Node *p = itr.getNode();
        LinkedListIter retVal(p->_next);
        p->_prev->_next = p->_next;
        p->_next->_prev = p->_prev;
        delete p;

        return retVal;


    LinkedListIter erase(LinkedListIter start, LinkedListIter end)
        for(iterator itr = start; itr != end;)
            itr = erase(itr);

        return end;

    int   _size;
    Node *_head;
    Node *_tail;

    void init()
        _size = 0;
        _head = new Node;
        _tail = new Node;
        _head->_next = _tail;
        _tail->_prev = _head;


3 个答案:

答案 0 :(得分:2)




答案 1 :(得分:0)


当你的指针指向“外来”内存区域(即你的应用程序没有保存的内存)时,通常会发生Access violation错误。

答案 2 :(得分:0)
