def __cost( self, trueX, trueY, reuse ):
x = tf.expand_dims( trueX, 0 )
X = tf.tile( x, [self.config['L'],1,1] )
# X -> A
A, mu_phi1, ls_phi1 = self.build_nn_gauss( x, self.config['sizeq_x2a'],
self.config['dim_a'], self.config['L'], 'phi1', reuse )
_cost = -tf.reduce_sum( ls_phi1, -1 )
# AX -> G (this is the semiclassifier)
AX = tf.concat( [ A, X ], -1 )
pre_G = self.build_nn( AX, self.config['sizeq_ax2g'], '0phig2', reuse )
log_pred_G = tf.layers.dense( pre_G, self.config['dim_g'], name='0phi2g', reuse=reuse )
log_pred_G = log_pred_G - tf.reduce_logsumexp( log_pred_G, -1, keep_dims=True )
pred_G = tf.exp( log_pred_G )
if trueY is not None:
# y = tf.expand_dims( trueY, 0 )
# Y = tf.tile( y, [self.config['L'],1,1] )
g = tf.expand_dims( trueG, 0 )
G = tf.tile( g, [self.config['L'],1,1] )
depth = 2
_cost_supervised_bi_label = 0
_cost_supervised_multi_label = tf.reduce_sum( tf.nn.sigmoid_cross_entropy_with_logits( logits=log_pred_G, labels= G), -1 )
for i in range(self.config['dim_y']):
y = tf.expand_dims( tf.one_hot(tf.to_int32(trueY[:,i], name='ToInt32'), depth, dtype=self.dtype ), 0 )
Y = tf.tile( y, [self.config['L'],1,1] )
# AGX -> Y (this is the classifier)
AGX = tf.concat( [ A, G, X ], -1 )
pre_Y = self.build_nn( AGX, self.config['sizeq_agx2y'], '{}phi2'.format(i), reuse )
log_pred_Y = tf.layers.dense( pre_Y, 2, name='{}phi2y'.format(i), reuse=reuse )
log_pred_Y = log_pred_Y - tf.reduce_logsumexp( log_pred_Y, -1, keep_dims=True )
pred_Y = tf.exp( log_pred_Y )
# reuse layers if created or else create a new layer
_cost += self.__add(_cost, self.__eval_cost_given_axgy( A, X, Y, G, True ))
_cost += self.__add(_cost, self.__eval_cost_given_axgy( A, X, Y, G, False ))
b = _cost
_cost_supervised_bi_label += -tf.reduce_sum( tf.multiply( Y, log_pred_Y ), -1 )
_cost = self.__add(_cost, self.__eval_cost_given_axgy( A, X, Y, G, False ))
def __eval_cost_given_axgy( self, A, X, Y, G, reuse ):
A, X, Y are 3D tensors of shape
n_samples x batch_size x dim
reuse -- whether to reuse NNs
return 2D tensor of cost function
n_samples x batch_size
# A,G,X,Y -> Z
AGXY = tf.concat( [A, G, X, Y], -1 )
Z, mu_phi3, ls_phi3 = self.build_nn_gauss( AGXY, self.config['sizeq_agxy2z'],
self.config['dim_z'], self.config['L'], 'phi3', reuse )
_cost = -tf.reduce_sum( ls_phi3, -1 )
_cost += .5 * tf.reduce_sum( tf.pow( mu_phi3, 2 ), -1 )
_cost += .5 * tf.reduce_sum( tf.exp( 2*ls_phi3 ), -1 )
return _cost