@jit (nopython =True)
def calc_density(pos, ncells, L):
dx = L/ncells
pos = pos/dx
#plower = pos.astype(np.int)
plower = np.int_(pos)
offset = pos - plower
opp_offset = 1- offset
density = zeros((ncells),dtype=np.float64)
for i in range(0,ncells):
ind = where((plower == i),dtype=np.float64)
density[(i+1)%ncells] += sum(offset[ind])
density[i] += sum(opp_offset[ind])
density *= float(ncells) / float(len(pos))
return (density)
@jit (nopython =True)
def periodic_interp(y, x):
ny = len(y)
if len(x) > 1:
y = array(y) # Make sure it's a NumPy array for array indexing
xl = floor(x).astype(int) # Left index
dx = x - xl
xl = ((xl % ny) + ny) % ny # Ensures between 0 and ny-1 inclusive
return y[xl]*(1. - dx) + y[(xl+1)%ny]*dx
在第一个函数中,我得到了零部分,但这对np.where部分不起作用。 第一个函数的错误很长,但说明: [1]期间:解析被调用者类型:Function()
File "C:\Users\Knowhow\Anaconda3\lib\site-packages\numba\typing\npydecl.py", line 433, in _parse_nested_sequence
raise TypingError("%r not allowed in a homogenous sequence" % typ)
TypingError: array(float64, 1d, C) not allowed in a homogenous sequence
任何人都可以建议这些解决方案,即使这意味着在没有np.where的情况下重写函数。 非常感谢。
以下完整代码: #!/ usr / bin / env python # #一维循环域中的静电PIC代码
from numpy import arange, concatenate, zeros, linspace, floor, array, pi
from numpy import sin, cos, sqrt, random, histogram, where, sum
import numpy as np
import time
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt # Matplotlib plotting library
import matplotlib.gridspec as gridspec # For plot layout grid
got_gridspec = True
got_gridspec = False
# Need an FFT routine, either from SciPy or NumPy
from scipy.fftpack import fft, ifft
# No SciPy FFT routine. Import NumPy routine instead
from numpy.fft import fft, ifft
from numba import jit, int64
def rk4step(f, y0, dt, args=()):
""" Takes a single step using RK4 method """
k1 = f(y0, *args)
k2 = f(y0 + 0.5*dt*k1, *args)
k3 = f(y0 + 0.5*dt*k2, *args)
k4 = f(y0 + dt*k3, *args)
return y0 + (k1 + 2.*k2 + 2.*k3 + k4)*dt / 6.
#@jit (nopython =True)
def calc_density(pos, ncells, L):
dx = L/ncells
pos = pos/dx
#plower = pos.astype(np.int)
plower = np.int_(pos)
offset = pos - plower
opp_offset = 1- offset
density = zeros((ncells),dtype=np.float64)
for i in range(0,ncells):
ind = np.where((plower == i))
density[(i+1)%ncells] += sum(offset[ind])
density[i] += sum(opp_offset[ind])
density *= float(ncells) / float(len(pos))
return (density)
#@jit (nopython =True)
#jit("f8[:](f8[:], f8[:])")
def periodic_interp(y, x):
ny = len(y)
if len(x) > 1:
y = array(y) # Make sure it's a NumPy array for array indexing
#xl = floor(x).astype(int) # Left index
xl = np.int_(floor(x))
dx = x - xl
xl = ((xl % ny) + ny) % ny # Ensures between 0 and ny-1 inclusive
return y[xl]*(1. - dx) + y[(xl+1)%ny]*dx
def fft_integrate(y):
""" Integrate a periodic function using FFTs
n = len(y) # Get the length of y
f = fft(y) # Take FFT
# Result is in standard layout with positive frequencies first then negative
# n even: [ f(0), f(1), ... f(n/2), f(1-n/2) ... f(-1) ]
# n odd: [ f(0), f(1), ... f((n-1)/2), f(-(n-1)/2) ... f(-1) ]
if n % 2 == 0: # If an even number of points
k = concatenate( (arange(0, n/2+1), arange(1-n/2, 0)) )
k = concatenate( (arange(0, (n-1)/2+1), arange( -(n-1)/2, 0)) )
k = 2.*pi*k/n
# Modify frequencies by dividing by ik
f[1:] /= (1j * k[1:])
f[0] = 0. # Set the arbitrary zero-frequency term to zero
return ifft(f).real # Reverse Fourier Transform
def pic(f, ncells, L):
""" f contains the position and velocity of all particles
nparticles = len(f)//2 # Two values for each particle
pos = f[0:nparticles] # Position of each particle
vel = f[nparticles:] # Velocity of each particle
dx = L / float(ncells) # Cell spacing
# Ensure that pos is between 0 and L
pos = ((pos % L) + L) % L
# Calculate number density, normalised so 1 when uniform
density = calc_density(pos, ncells, L)
# Subtract ion density to get total charge density
rho = density - 1.
# Calculate electric field
E = -fft_integrate(rho)*dx
# Interpolate E field at particle locations
accel = -periodic_interp(E, pos/dx)
# Put back into a single array
return concatenate( (vel, accel) )
#@jit("f8[:],f8[:](f8[:], f8[:],f8,u1,f8[:], f8[:], f4)")
def run(pos, vel, L, ncells=None, out=[], output_times=linspace(0,20,100), cfl=0.5):
if ncells == None:
ncells = int(sqrt(len(pos))) # A sensible default
dx = L / float(ncells)
f = concatenate( (pos, vel) ) # Starting state
nparticles = len(pos)
time = 0.0
for tnext in output_times:
# Advance to tnext
stepping = True
dt = cfl * dx / max(abs(vel))
while stepping:
# Maximum distance a particle can move is one cell
if time + dt >= tnext:
# Next time will hit or exceed required output time
stepping = False
dt = tnext - time
#print "Time: ", time, dt
f = rk4step(pic, f, dt, args=(ncells, L))
time += dt
# Extract position and velocities
pos = ((f[0:nparticles] % L) + L) % L
vel = f[nparticles:]
# Send to output functions
for func in out:
func(pos, vel, ncells, L, time)
return pos, vel
# Output functions and classes
class Plot:
Displays three plots: phase space, charge density, and velocity distribution
def __init__(self, pos, vel, ncells, L):
d = calc_density(pos, ncells, L)
vhist, bins = histogram(vel, int(sqrt(len(vel))))
vbins = 0.5*(bins[1:]+bins[:-1])
# Plot initial positions
if got_gridspec:
self.fig = plt.figure()
self.gs = gridspec.GridSpec(4, 4)
ax = self.fig.add_subplot(self.gs[0:3,0:3])
self.phase_plot = ax.plot(pos, vel, '.')[0]
ax.set_title("Phase space")
ax = self.fig.add_subplot(self.gs[3,0:3])
self.density_plot = ax.plot(linspace(0, L, ncells), d)[0]
ax = self.fig.add_subplot(self.gs[0:3,3])
self.vel_plot = ax.plot(vhist, vbins)[0]
self.fig = plt.figure()
self.phase_plot = plt.plot(pos, vel, '.')[0]
self.fig = plt.figure()
self.density_plot = plt.plot(linspace(0, L, ncells), d)[0]
self.fig = plt.figure()
self.vel_plot = plt.plot(vhist, vbins)[0]
def __call__(self, pos, vel, ncells, L, t):
d = calc_density(pos, ncells, L)
vhist, bins = histogram(vel, int(sqrt(len(vel))))
vbins = 0.5*(bins[1:]+bins[:-1])
self.phase_plot.set_data(pos, vel) # Update the plot
self.density_plot.set_data(linspace(0, L, ncells), d)
self.vel_plot.set_data(vhist, vbins)
class Summary:
def __init__(self):
self.t = []
self.firstharmonic = []
def __call__(self, pos, vel, ncells, L, t):
# Calculate the charge density
d = calc_density(pos, ncells, L)
# Amplitude of the first harmonic
fh = 2.*abs(fft(d)[1]) / float(ncells)
#print ("Time:", t, "First:", fh)
# Functions to create the initial conditions
def landau(npart, L, alpha=0.2):
Creates the initial conditions for Landau damping
# Start with a uniform distribution of positions
pos = random.uniform(0., L, npart)
pos0 = pos.copy()
k = 2.*pi / L
for i in range(10): # Adjust distribution using Newton iterations
pos -= ( pos + alpha*sin(k*pos)/k - pos0 ) / ( 1. + alpha*cos(k*pos) )
# Normal velocity distribution
vel = random.normal(0.0, 1.0, npart)
return pos, vel
def twostream(npart, L, vbeam=2):
# Start with a uniform distribution of positions
pos = random.uniform(0., L, npart)
# Normal velocity distribution
vel = random.normal(0.0, 1.0, npart)
np2 = int(npart / 2)
vel[:np2] += vbeam # Half the particles moving one way
vel[np2:] -= vbeam # and half the other
return pos,vel
def main():
average_time = []
for i in range(1):
start_time = time.perf_counter()
L = 4.*pi
pos, vel = landau(10000, L)
s = Summary()
run(pos, vel, L, 10, [s], linspace(0.,30,75))
end_time = time.perf_counter()
time_difference = end_time - start_time
print ("Average time is", np.round(np.mean(average_time),2), "+/-", np.round(np.std(average_time),2))