# Π f(x | θs) for x ∈ xs
# Useful for things like multiplying iid likelihoods/pdfs
# fn - the PDF/likelihood/whatever function
# xs - known values
# thetas - the space to explore
`Πf(x|θs)` = function(fn, xs, thetas) {
# Matrix with columns as fn(x, θ) for each x in xs
xs_given_θs = sapply(xs, function(x) fn(x, thetas))
# Take sum of each row to find joint function
apply(xs_given_θs, 1, prod)
likelihood = partial(`Πf(x|θs)`,
fn = function(k, θ) θ^k * exp(-θ) / factorial(k),
xs = c(1, 2, 3, 4, 5)
# This above is a partial application of arguments.
# likelihood(thetas) will now compute the likelihood for thetas
# given the above xs and supplied function.
optimize(likelihood, c(0, 10), maximum = T)
Error in apply(sapply(xs, function(x) fn(x, thetas)), 1, prod) :
dim(X) must have a positive length
# Σ loglikelihood(x | θs) for x ∈ xs
# Useful for things like summing iid log likelihoods/pdfs
# fn - the log(PDF/likelihood/whatever) function
# xs - known values
# thetas - the space to explore
`Σloglik(x|θs)` = function(fn, xs, thetas) {
# Matrix with columns as fn(x, θ) for each x in xs
xs_given_θs = sapply(xs, function(x) fn(x, thetas))
# Take product of each row to find joint function
apply(xs_given_θs, 1, sum)