以下是创建两个RabbitMQ的代码,并尝试首先在一个队列中添加3个列表项,然后将数据从一个队列中删除到另一个队列但不起作用。我在这里失踪的地方。 我参考了以下网址 https://medium.com/@kiennguyen88/rabbitmq-delay-retry-schedule-with-dead-letter-exchange-31fb25a440fc
private const string WORK_QUEUE = "LoanBeamQueue";
private const string WORK_EXCHANGE = "LoanBeamExchange"; // dead letter exchange
private const string RETRY_EXCHANGE = "DeadLetterExchange";
private const string WAIT_QUEUE = "DeadLetterQueue";
private const int RETRY_DELAY = 300000; // in ms
static void Main(string[] args)
// Declare the queue name
// Create a new connection factory for the queue
var factory = new ConnectionFactory();
// Because Rabbit is installed locally, we can run it on localhost
factory.HostName = ConnectionConstants.HostName;
using (var connection = factory.CreateConnection())
using (var channel = connection.CreateModel())
// When reading from a persistent queue, you need to tell that to your consumer
var queueArgs = new Dictionary<string, object> {
{ "x-dead-letter-exchange", WORK_EXCHANGE },
{ "x-message-ttl", RETRY_DELAY }
const bool durable = true;
//channel.QueueDeclare(WORK_QUEUE, durable, false, false, null);
//channel.QueueDeclare(WAIT_QUEUE, durable, false, false, queueArgs);
#region Seperate
channel.ExchangeDeclare(WORK_EXCHANGE, "direct");
channel.QueueDeclare(WORK_QUEUE, true, false, false, null);
channel.QueueBind(WORK_QUEUE, WORK_EXCHANGE, string.Empty, null);
channel.ExchangeDeclare(RETRY_EXCHANGE, "direct");
channel.QueueDeclare(WAIT_QUEUE, true, false, false, queueArgs);
channel.QueueBind(WAIT_QUEUE, RETRY_EXCHANGE, string.Empty, null);
#region NewAdded
List<string> lstDemoID2 = new List<string>();
foreach (var message in lstDemoID2)
var body = Encoding.UTF8.GetBytes(message);
//using default exchange
channel.BasicPublish(exchange: "", routingKey: "LoanBeamQueue", basicProperties: null, body: body);
Console.WriteLine("Sent ApplicationID {0}", message);
// turn auto acknowledge off so we can do it manually. This is so we don't remove items from the queue until we're perfectly happy
//var consumer = new QueueingBasicConsumer(channel);
//const bool autoAck = false;
//channel.BasicConsume(WORK_QUEUE, true, consumer);
QueueingBasicConsumer consumer = new QueueingBasicConsumer(channel);
channel.BasicConsume(WORK_QUEUE, true, consumer);