I have been scratching my head trying to come up with a way to reduce a dataframe in spark to a frame which records gaps in the dataframe, preferably without completely killing parallelism. Here is a much-simplified example (It's a bit lengthy because I wanted it to be able to run):
import org.apache.spark.sql.SparkSession
case class Record(typ: String, start: Int, end: Int);
object Sample {
def main(argv: Array[String]): Unit = {
val sparkSession = SparkSession.builder()
val df = sparkSession.createDataFrame(
Record("One", 0, 5),
Record("One", 10, 15),
Record("One", 5, 8),
Record("Two", 10, 25),
Record("Two", 40, 45),
Record("Three", 30, 35)
When I get done I would like to be able to output a dataframe like this:
typ start end
--- ----- ---
One 0 8
One 10 15
Two 10 25
Two 40 45
Three 30 35
I guessed that partitioning by the 'typ' value would give me partitions with each distinct data value, 1-1, E.G. in the sample I would end up with three partions, one each for 'One', 'Two' and 'Three'. Furthermore, the sortWithinPartitions call is intended to give me each partition in sorted order on 'start' so that I can iterate from the beginning to the end and record gaps. That last part is where I am stuck. Is this possible? If not, is there another approach that is?
答案 0 :(得分:0)
type Gap = (Int, Int)
def mergeIntervals(as: List[Gap], bs: List[Gap]): List[Gap] = {
require(!as.isEmpty, "as must be non-empty")
require(!bs.isEmpty, "bs must be non-empty")
def mergeRec(
gaps: List[Gap],
gapStart: Int,
gapEndAccum: Int,
as: List[Gap],
bs: List[Gap]
): List[Gap] = {
as match {
case Nil => {
bs match {
case Nil => (gapStart, gapEndAccum) :: gaps
case notEmpty => mergeRec(gaps, gapStart, gapEndAccum, bs, Nil)
case (a0, a1) :: at => {
if (a0 <= gapEndAccum) {
mergeRec(gaps, gapStart, gapEndAccum max a1, at, bs)
} else {
bs match {
case Nil => mergeRec((gapStart, gapEndAccum) :: gaps, a0, gapEndAccum max a1, at, bs)
case (b0, b1) :: bt => if (b0 <= gapEndAccum) {
mergeRec(gaps, gapStart, gapEndAccum max b1, as, bt)
} else {
if (a0 < b0) {
mergeRec((gapStart, gapEndAccum) :: gaps, a0, a1, at, bs)
} else {
mergeRec((gapStart, gapEndAccum) :: gaps, b0, b1, as, bt)
val (a0, a1) :: at = as
val (b0, b1) :: bt = bs
val reverseRes =
if (a0 < b0)
mergeRec(Nil, a0, a1, at, bs)
mergeRec(Nil, b0, b1, as, bt)
List((0, 3), (4, 7), (9, 11), (15, 16), (18, 22)),
List((1, 2), (4, 5), (6, 10), (12, 13), (15, 17))
// Outputs:
// List((0,3), (4,11), (12,13), (15,17), (18,22))
val mergedIntervals = df.
as[(String, Int, Int)].
map{case (t, s, e) => (t, List((s, e)))}. // Convert start end to list with one interval
reduceByKey(mergeIntervals). // perform parallel compressed merge-sort
flatMap{ case (k, vs) => vs.map(v => (k, v._1, v._2))}.// explode resulting lists of merged intervals
toDF("typ", "start", "end") // convert back to DF
| typ|start|end|
| Two| 10| 25|
| Two| 40| 45|
| One| 0| 8|
| One| 10| 15|
|Three| 30| 35|
val df = Seq(
("One", 0, 5),
("One", 10, 15),
("One", 5, 8),
("Two", 10, 25),
("Two", 40, 45),
("Three", 30, 35)
).toDF("typ", "start", "end")
type Gap = (Int, Int)
/** The `merge`-step of a variant of merge-sort
* that works directly on compressed sequences of integers,
* where instead of individual integers, the sequence is
* represented by sorted, non-overlapping ranges of integers.
def mergeIntervals(as: List[Gap], bs: List[Gap]): List[Gap] = {
require(!as.isEmpty, "as must be non-empty")
require(!bs.isEmpty, "bs must be non-empty")
// assuming that `as` and `bs` both are either lists with a single
// interval, or sorted lists that arise as output of
// this method, recursively merges them into a single list of
// gaps, merging all overlapping gaps.
def mergeRec(
gaps: List[Gap],
gapStart: Int,
gapEndAccum: Int,
as: List[Gap],
bs: List[Gap]
): List[Gap] = {
as match {
case Nil => {
bs match {
case Nil => (gapStart, gapEndAccum) :: gaps
case notEmpty => mergeRec(gaps, gapStart, gapEndAccum, bs, Nil)
case (a0, a1) :: at => {
if (a0 <= gapEndAccum) {
mergeRec(gaps, gapStart, gapEndAccum max a1, at, bs)
} else {
bs match {
case Nil => mergeRec((gapStart, gapEndAccum) :: gaps, a0, gapEndAccum max a1, at, bs)
case (b0, b1) :: bt => if (b0 <= gapEndAccum) {
mergeRec(gaps, gapStart, gapEndAccum max b1, as, bt)
} else {
if (a0 < b0) {
mergeRec((gapStart, gapEndAccum) :: gaps, a0, a1, at, bs)
} else {
mergeRec((gapStart, gapEndAccum) :: gaps, b0, b1, as, bt)
val (a0, a1) :: at = as
val (b0, b1) :: bt = bs
val reverseRes =
if (a0 < b0)
mergeRec(Nil, a0, a1, at, bs)
mergeRec(Nil, b0, b1, as, bt)
val mergedIntervals = df.
as[(String, Int, Int)].
map{case (t, s, e) => (t, List((s, e)))}. // Convert start end to list with one interval
reduceByKey(mergeIntervals). // perform parallel compressed merge-sort
flatMap{ case (k, vs) => vs.map(v => (k, v._1, v._2))}.// explode resulting lists of merged intervals
toDF("typ", "start", "end") // convert back to DF
def randomIntervalSequence(): List[Gap] = {
def recHelper(acc: List[Gap], open: Option[Int], currIdx: Int): List[Gap] = {
if (math.random > 0.999) acc.reverse
else {
if (math.random > 0.90) {
if (open.isEmpty) {
recHelper(acc, Some(currIdx), currIdx + 1)
} else {
recHelper((open.get, currIdx) :: acc, None, currIdx + 1)
} else {
recHelper(acc, open, currIdx + 1)
recHelper(Nil, None, 0)
def intervalsToInts(is: List[Gap]): List[Int] = is.flatMap{ case (a, b) => a to b }
var numNonTrivialTests = 0
while(numNonTrivialTests < 1000) {
val as = randomIntervalSequence()
val bs = randomIntervalSequence()
if (!as.isEmpty && !bs.isEmpty) {
numNonTrivialTests += 1
val merged = mergeIntervals(as, bs)
assert((intervalsToInts(as).toSet ++ intervalsToInts(bs)) == intervalsToInts(merged).toSet)