import theano
import tensorflow as tf
from theano import tensor as T
from theano.tensor.nnet import conv2d
import numpy as np
wt_th = np.random.uniform(low=-0.5, high=0.5, size=(16,3,5,5)).astype(np.float32)
inp = np.random.rand(128,3,128,128).astype(np.float32)
bias = np.random.uniform(low=0, high=10, size=(16)).astype(np.float32)
# instantiate 4D tensor for input
input = T.tensor4(name='input')
# initialize shared variable for weights.
w_shp = (16, 3, 5, 5)
W = theano.shared(wt_th , name ='W')
b_shp = (16,)
b = theano.shared(bias, name ='b')
# build symbolic expression that computes the convolution of input with filters in w
conv_out = conv2d(input, W)
output = T.nnet.relu(conv_out + b.dimshuffle('x', 0, 'x', 'x'))
# create theano function to compute filtered images
f = theano.function([input], output)
res = f(inp)
print res[0][0][0]
[2.8236432 2.094213 1.4916432 3.525494 2.3700824 1.8851945 2.2574215 3.3974087 1.9719648 1.3346338 0.7322583 1.4527869 2.9211016 2.4242344 2.6613848 3.1885512 2.8935843 3.7721367 1.0875871 1.8844371 3.6890957 2.1210446 3.4621592 2.2298138 2.1788187 3.1571674 2.080009 1.4983883 3.3549118 1.8853223 2.0242834 2.8072758 4.2562714 3.6012995 2.2535224 3.87668 3.3886926 3.697033 3.3373523 2.2016246 3.5874677 3.0154514 2.434566 3.6492867 2.2965183 2.6377907 2.2562 2.8330164 2.1103406 2.9778543 2.3738375 3.1129453 1.277472 1.1789091 2.4199317 2.619667 2.5976152 1.0020001 2.562955 1.6254797 1.9258347 1.5564928 3.5225492 3.1682463 2.179951 3.2768161 2.2703805 2.0199404 2.4948874 2.9022932 3.0263028 2.264034 1.9042997 1.6110027 3.6300693 1.899374 2.9140353 2.8552768 2.7125297 2.7972744 2.0619967 3.8458047 3.140479 1.6845248 3.844461 3.8562043 2.5270283 2.4488764 2.7029114 1.8886952 3.034019 3.1078124 1.9806297 4.573 2.769538 2.6645966 3.501518 2.2144883 1.8297508 3.3294327 2.7242799 2.187298 2.5060043 1.9938259 3.914175 3.7276266 2.6536622 2.896241 2.821738 1.592206 1.8782039 2.648998 2.284129 3.4120197 2.6911411 3.2339904 2.5738459 2.8637185 1.8006318 3.1124763 2.1838622 2.6475391 1.7801914 2.5641136]
现在我编写了一个函数来将权重从theano格式转换为tensorflow格式,并将输入形状更改为tf格式 但是下面的代码产生的输出不同于上面的代码
def convert_filter(wts):
wts = np.moveaxis(wts, 0, 3)
wts = np.moveaxis(wts, 0, 2)
return wts
def convert_input(inp):
inp = np.moveaxis(inp,1,3)
return inp
input_shape = [128,128, 3]
X = tf.placeholder(shape = [None] + input_shape, dtype=tf.float32, name='X')
wt_tf = convert_filter(wt_th).astype(np.float32)
conv_kernel_1 = tf.nn.conv2d(X, wt_tf, [1, 1, 1, 1], padding='VALID',use_cudnn_on_gpu=False)
bias_layer_1 = tf.nn.bias_add(conv_kernel_1, bias)
act_out = tf.nn.relu(bias_layer_1)
inp_tf = convert_input(inp)
with tf.Session() as sess:
out = sess.run(act_out, feed_dict={X:inp_tf})
out = np.moveaxis(out, 3, 1)
print out[0][0][0]
[2.67197418 2.15853548 2.06719136 3.01160574 3.22447252 3.077492 2.52125549 3.08207083 2.29633474 1.86849833 2.03281307 2.28387547 2.67936897 2.48002243 2.31078005 3.56169009 3.12560081 2.61774731 1.82814527 3.23375154 3.25905514 2.39252329 3.13444471 2.00132608 2.41169739 1.86714172 3.01640558 2.51328039 2.07797813 1.77424145 1.8954494 2.98585939 2.98480368 2.57455826 2.36318088 3.88532543 2.38877392 2.86067486 2.78855133 2.63732243 2.63163185 2.79659152 1.98354578 2.77975321 2.12787509 2.71589994 3.44908381 2.02305984 3.04079533 2.60647154 2.14657426 2.74537277 3.07799053 2.49051762 4.77739191 3.12529612 2.30980444 2.31344223 2.02293968 3.04298592 3.4453795 3.58379078 3.32912683 3.26278138 1.48381591 2.32841253 1.97166562 3.04377413 3.12559581 2.27840328 2.93908429 0.96808767 3.17380023 1.60673594 2.59704685 3.98458505 1.25713849 1.90271974 1.82997131 2.93574715 2.14195251 3.26882362 2.09072447 2.07539392 3.77434778 1.82215333 3.30864692 1.52123737 2.29328823 1.36722493 3.34969425 2.55285358 3.15811181 4.44630671 2.7549541 2.83824682 2.50485158 2.45610046 1.5423398 3.12460995 2.38987827 0.983325 2.64392757 3.11031628 1.41283321 2.58364391 2.17403984 3.19049454 2.83069992 1.04926252 2.93791962 2.37773943 3.51300693 3.02249169 2.59249544 1.81437802 3.34520817 3.04475498 4.02190208 3.84745455 2.45946741 2.06334138 2.11823249 2.95765638]