# load DEM and create polygon to build example
dem <- raster(system.file("external/maungawhau.grd", package="gdistance"))
e <- extent(dem); crs <- projection(dem)
poly <- as(e, 'SpatialPolygons')
crs(poly) <- crs
# points of interest
poi <- spsample(poly, 10, type="random")
# GPS locations of "ending" points
ends <- spsample(poly, 50, type="random")
#confirm creation of sample points
points(poi, col="red")
points(ends, col="blue")
# create slope friction layer from DEM
altDiff <- function(x) {x[2]-x[1]}
hd <- transition(dem, altDiff, 8, symm=FALSE)
slope <- geoCorrection(hd)
# create landcover friction layer
lc <- raster(replicate(61,sample(1:5,87,rep=TRUE))) #landcover layer categorized by class
wlk <- data.frame(class = c(1,2,3,4,5), wlkspeed = c(0.66,0.25,0.25,2.7,3.4)) #walking speed (m/s) on flat ground for each landcover class
lc_friction <- subs(lc, wlk, by=1, which=2) #create resistance raster of speeds
lc_T <- transition(lc_friction, function(x) 1/mean(x), 8, symm=FALSE)
#calculate Tobler's hiking function for each cell and its neighboring 8 cells then build cumulative cost surface and extract value at each "end"
adj <- adjacent(dem, cells=1:ncell(dem), pairs=TRUE, directions=8)
speed <- slope
speed[adj] <- lc_T[adj]*exp(-3.5*abs(slope[adj] + 0.05)) #Tobler's function with corrected walking speed as coefficient
conductance <- geoCorrection(speed)
access <- accCost(conductance, poi)
access[!is.finite(access)] <- NA
access_ends <- extract(access, ends)
seconds <- access_ends
minutes <- access_ends/60
#plot result
points(poi, col="red")
points(ends, col="blue")