
时间:2018-02-15 16:40:28

标签: java xml powershell sorting graph-algorithm



  • 有数百条记录,可以拆分成对
  • 每个人都有 FROM TO
  • 每对的 TO 值表示有一对新的 {{ 1}}
  • 因此,这些对将链接并创建连续的 FROM 值。





    <TASK FROM ="B" TO ="C"/>
    <TASK FROM ="C" TO ="E1"/>
    <TASK FROM ="C" TO ="F1"/>
    <TASK FROM ="A1" TO ="A2"/>
    <TASK FROM ="A2" TO ="A3"/>
    <TASK FROM ="A3" TO ="C"/>
    <TASK FROM ="C" TO ="D1"/>
    <TASK FROM ="D2" TO ="D3"/>
    <TASK FROM ="D1" TO ="D2"/>
    <TASK FROM ="E1" TO ="E2"/>
    <TASK FROM ="Start" TO ="B"/>
    <TASK FROM ="E2" TO ="E3"/>
    <TASK FROM ="F1" TO ="F2"/>
    <TASK FROM ="F2" TO ="F3"/>
    <TASK FROM ="F3" TO ="G"/>
    <TASK FROM ="Start" TO ="A1"/>
    <TASK FROM ="G" TO ="Finish"/>
    <TASK FROM ="E3" TO ="G"/>
    <TASK FROM ="D3" TO ="G"/>






  /        \  
 [A1]       |
  |         |
 [A2]      [B]
  |         |
 [A3]       |
   \       /
   /   |    \ 
[D1]  [E1]  [F1]      
 |     |     |
[D2]  [E2]  [F2]
 |     |     |
[D3]  [E3]  [F3]
 \     |    /

3 个答案:

答案 0 :(得分:1)




# Use a hashtable for O(1) lookup for a node by name
$Script:NodeTracker = @{}
class TaskNode {
    [System.Collections.ArrayList]$then = @()
    [String] $Val
    [Bool]$Visited = $false
    [Collections.ArrayList]$Parent = @()
    TaskNode([String]$Val) {$this.constructor($Val, $null)}
    TaskNode([String]$Val, [TaskNode]$Parent) {$this.constructor($Val, $Parent)}
    hidden constructor([String]$Val, [TaskNode]$Parent) {
        $This.Val = $Val
        if ($Parent) {$This.Parents.Add($Parent)}
        $Script:NodeTracker.$Val = $This

    [TaskNode] To([String]$Val) {
        $Node = $Script:NodeTracker.$Val

        # If node doesn't exist, create and track
        if (!$Node) {$Node = New-Object TaskNode $Val}
        return $Node
    [String] ToString() {return "$($this.val)-$(if($this.Visited){'✓'}else{'✘'})"}
    static [String] ReverseModdedBFS([Collections.Queue]$Queue) {
        $Output = ""
        [Collections.Queue]$NextQueue = @()
        do {
            while ($Queue.Count) {
                $Root = $Queue.Dequeue()
                # Write-Host "Root: $Root | Queue: [$Queue] | Next-Queue [$NextQueue] | Non-Visited [$($Root.then | {!$_.Visited})]"
                if ($Root.Visited) {continue}
                if ($Root.Then.Count -gt 1 -and ($Root.then | {!$_.Visited})) {$NextQueue.Enqueue($Root);continue}
                $Root.Visited = $true
                $Output += ','+$Root.Val
                $Root.Parent | % {
                    # Write-Host "    Enqueuing $_"
            If ($Queue.Count -eq 1 -and !$Queue.Peek().Parent.count) {break}
            $Queue = $NextQueue
            $NextQueue = @()
        } while($Queue.Count)
        $Out = $Output.Substring(1).split(',')
        return $Out -join ','
    static [TaskNode] Fetch([String]$Val) {
        $Node = $Script:NodeTracker.$Val
        # If node doesn't exist, create and track
        if (!$Node) {return (New-Object TaskNode $Val)}
        return $Node
    static [TaskNode[]] GetAll() {
        return @($Script:NodeTracker.Values)
    static [TaskNode] GetStart() {
        $Nodes = [TaskNode]::GetAll() | {$_.Parent.count -eq 0}
        if ($Nodes.Count -gt 1) {throw 'There is more than one starting node!'}
        if (!$Nodes.Count) {throw 'There is no starting node!'}
        return @($Nodes)[0]
    static [TaskNode[]] GetEnds() {
        $Nodes = [TaskNode]::GetAll() | {$_.Then.count -eq 0}
        if (!$Nodes.Count) {throw 'There is no ending node!'}
        return @($Nodes)

function Parse-Edge($From, $To) {
    # Use the safe static accessor so that it will fetch the singleton instance of the node, or create and return one!

function XML-Main([xml]$XML) {
    @($XML.Flow.Task) | % {Parse-Edge $_.From $_.To}



#Create or Find root node 'O'
$Root = [TaskNode]::Fetch('O')

# Set up Chains! Please draw to test

# Run BFS!


Root: M-✘ | Queue: [] | Next-Queue [] | Non-Visited []
    Enqueuing Z-✘
    Enqueuing I-✘
    Enqueuing J-✘
    Enqueuing L-✘
Root: Z-✘ | Queue: [I-✘ J-✘ L-✘] | Next-Queue [] | Non-Visited []
    Enqueuing H-✘
Root: I-✘ | Queue: [J-✘ L-✘ H-✘] | Next-Queue [] | Non-Visited []
    Enqueuing H-✘
Root: J-✘ | Queue: [L-✘ H-✘ H-✘] | Next-Queue [] | Non-Visited []
    Enqueuing H-✘
Root: L-✘ | Queue: [H-✘ H-✘ H-✘] | Next-Queue [] | Non-Visited []
    Enqueuing K-✘
Root: H-✘ | Queue: [H-✘ H-✘ K-✘] | Next-Queue [] | Non-Visited []
    Enqueuing C-✘
    Enqueuing C-✘
    Enqueuing C-✘
Root: H-✓ | Queue: [H-✓ K-✘ C-✘ C-✘ C-✘] | Next-Queue [] | Non-Visited []
Root: H-✓ | Queue: [K-✘ C-✘ C-✘ C-✘] | Next-Queue [] | Non-Visited []
Root: K-✘ | Queue: [C-✘ C-✘ C-✘] | Next-Queue [] | Non-Visited []
    Enqueuing C-✘
Root: C-✘ | Queue: [C-✘ C-✘ C-✘] | Next-Queue [] | Non-Visited []
    Enqueuing B-✘
    Enqueuing E-✘
    Enqueuing G-✘
Root: C-✓ | Queue: [C-✓ C-✓ B-✘ E-✘ G-✘] | Next-Queue [] | Non-Visited []
Root: C-✓ | Queue: [C-✓ B-✘ E-✘ G-✘] | Next-Queue [] | Non-Visited []
Root: C-✓ | Queue: [B-✘ E-✘ G-✘] | Next-Queue [] | Non-Visited []
Root: B-✘ | Queue: [E-✘ G-✘] | Next-Queue [] | Non-Visited []
    Enqueuing A-✘
Root: E-✘ | Queue: [G-✘ A-✘] | Next-Queue [] | Non-Visited []
    Enqueuing D-✘
Root: G-✘ | Queue: [A-✘ D-✘] | Next-Queue [] | Non-Visited []
    Enqueuing F-✘
Root: A-✘ | Queue: [D-✘ F-✘] | Next-Queue [] | Non-Visited []
    Enqueuing O-✘
Root: D-✘ | Queue: [F-✘ O-✘] | Next-Queue [] | Non-Visited []
    Enqueuing O-✘
Root: F-✘ | Queue: [O-✘ O-✘] | Next-Queue [] | Non-Visited []
    Enqueuing O-✘
Root: O-✘ | Queue: [O-✘ O-✘] | Next-Queue [] | Non-Visited []
Root: O-✓ | Queue: [O-✓] | Next-Queue [] | Non-Visited []
Root: O-✓ | Queue: [] | Next-Queue [] | Non-Visited []


我们使用graph使用一些漂亮的OOP技巧来绘制彼此的所有边。然后我们从所有汇聚节点反向遍历图形(无子项 的节点)。我们一直在做BFS,直到我们遇到一个节点:

  • 有一个以上的孩子
  • AND ,有超过0个未访问的后代
  • 如果是这样,请将其添加到下一轮BFS!


  • 以逗号分割
  • 反向数组(,因为我们进行了反向遍历
  • 打印输出!

答案 1 :(得分:0)



 |     |       |
 |     |       |
[D3]  [E3]   [F3]
 \     | \    /
  \    | [H] /              - spit from C is not resolved, F1, F2 and F3 not handled
   \   | /  /  
$script:xml = [xml] @"
    <TASK FROM ="B" TO ="C"/>
    <TASK FROM ="C" TO ="E1"/>
    <TASK FROM ="C" TO ="F1"/>
    <TASK FROM ="A1" TO ="A2"/>
    <TASK FROM ="A2" TO ="A3"/>
    <TASK FROM ="A3" TO ="C"/>
    <TASK FROM ="C" TO ="D1"/>
    <TASK FROM ="D2" TO ="D3"/>
    <TASK FROM ="D1" TO ="D2"/>
    <TASK FROM ="E1" TO ="E2"/>
    <TASK FROM ="Start" TO ="B"/>
    <TASK FROM ="E2" TO ="E3"/>
    <TASK FROM ="F1" TO ="F2"/>
    <TASK FROM ="F2" TO ="F3"/>
    <TASK FROM ="F3" TO ="G"/>
    <TASK FROM ="Start" TO ="A1"/>
    <TASK FROM ="G" TO ="Finish"/>
    <TASK FROM ="E3" TO ="G"/>
    <TASK FROM ="D3" TO ="G"/>

Function GetNextNode {

    $nextNode = $xml.FLOW.TASK |
                    Where-Object {$_.FROM -eq $node.TO} |
                    Sort-Object TO
    return $nextNode


Function GetPrevNode {

    $nextNode = $xml.FLOW.TASK |
                    Where-Object {$_.TO -eq $node.FROM} |
                    Sort-Object TO
    return $nextNode


$startNode   = $xml.FLOW.TASK | Where-Object {$_.FROM -eq "Start"} | Sort-Object TO

    # deal with the start node as it's a special case
    if(-not [string]::IsNullOrEmpty($startNode)){

        # start node is the start of the chain
        [array]$mainChain = $startNode[0]

        # if you have two or more nodes, store them for now. They will be referenced later
        if($startNode.Count -gt 1){
            [array]$splitterNode  = $startNode

        # take the first start node and find out which node it leads to
        [array]$nextNode = GetNextNode -node $startNode[0]

        # add one of the nodes. set $oldNode for next iteration
        [array]$mainChain += $nextNode[0]
        [array]$oldNode  = $nextNode[0]

        # this is only for the first node, don't run through again
        $startNode = $null


    # get the next node AND previus nodes for that next node
    [array]$nextNode   = GetNextNode -node $oldNode[0]
    [array]$prevNode   = GetPrevNode -node $nextNode[0]

    if($prevNode.Count -ne 1){

        # if there are multiple previous nodes, go back and deal with them
        # to do this, go back to the $splitterNode
        if(-not [string]::IsNullOrEmpty($splitterNode)){

            # exclude anything already added
            [array]$remainingNodes = $splitterNode | Where-Object {$_ -notin $mainChain}

            # if that leaves only one node, others have been dealt with
            # there is no longer a split
            if($remainingNodes.Count -eq 1){               
                $splitterNode = $null

            [array]$oldNode = $remainingNodes[0]
            $mainChain += $remainingNodes[0]


            # if there is no $splitterNode, all previous nodes should already be in the chain
            # check
            foreach($node in $prevNode){
                if($node -notin $mainChain){
                    Write-Host "Broken chain"


    # if this node is a splitter, set it so it can be referenced later
    if($nextNode.Count -gt 1){
        $splitterNode = $nextNode

    # add this node to the chain. 
    [array]$mainChain += $nextNode[0]
    [array]$oldNode = $nextNode[0]

}while($oldNode.To -ne "Finish")

($mainChain.FROM | Select-Object -Unique) + "Finish" | Out-Host

答案 2 :(得分:0)

您的数据似乎受partial order约束,并且具有最大和最少的元素。您需要的是topological sort

下面是一种方法(使用C ++)。与接受答案中的广度优先搜索相比,这是深度优先搜索。这可能更容易阅读。

struct Node
    Node(string name)
        this->name = name;
        visited = false;
    string name;
    deque<Node*> next;
    bool visited;

void visit(Node* node, deque<Node*>& sorted_nodes)
    if (node->visited)
    for (auto n : node->next)
        visit(n, sorted_nodes);
    node->visited = true;

deque<Node*> serialize_dag(Node* root)
    deque<Node*> sorted_nodes;    
    visit(root, sorted_nodes);
    return sorted_nodes;