private fun callSelfParser(origObj: Any, destClazz: KClass<*>): Any {
val methodName = when (destClazz) {
Int::class -> "toInt"
Char::class -> "toChar"
Long::class -> "toLong"
Byte::class -> "toByte"
Float::class -> "toFloat"
Short::class -> "toShort"
Double::class -> "toDouble"
Boolean::class -> "toBoolean"
else -> ""
val parsingMethod: KFunction<*>
try {
parsingMethod = origObj::class.functions.toList().first { it ->
it.name == methodName
} catch (e: NoSuchElementException) {
throw ObjectMapperEx("Element $origObj doesn't have a method for parsing to $destClazz")
return parsingMethod.call(origObj)!!
Exception in thread "main" kotlin.reflect.jvm.internal.KotlinReflectionInternalError: Reflection on built-in Kotlin types is not yet fully supported. No metadata found for public open val length: kotlin.Int defined in kotlin.String[DeserializedPropertyDescriptor@1cbb87f3]