
时间:2018-02-08 16:19:04

标签: javascript node.js documentation jsdoc




 * @class g3.hybrid
 * @classdesc
 * A supplementary object used as parent for the class construction helper class 
 * (see {@link g3.Class}).
 * bla-bla-bla
g3.hybrid = function(myClass){ //<-No, this is NOT constructor!
  return {
     * @lends g3.hybrid.
    STATIC: { //<-It's members WILL become static props!
        * @static
        * @prop {Object} defaults Accessed as: g3[myClass].defaults
        * @prop {string} defaults.name Name of stored object, should provide your own names
       defaults: {
          name: 'g3hybrid'
     * @lends g3.hybrid.prototype
    prototype: { //<- It's members WILL become prototype members!
        * @public
        * @function g3.hybrid.prototype.addLibrary
        * It is called always implicitly from a library plugin of "g3[myClass]".
        * bla-bla-bla
        * @param {String} name A name of the library that each object stores in 
        * instance property libraries.
        * @param {String} lib A reference of an object from a library.
        * @return {} Undefined.
       addLibrary: function(name, lib){

       * @public
       * @constructs g3.hybrid
       * @function g3.hybrid.constructor
       * The constructor function of "g3[myClass]".
       * You should pass an object argument or it throws an error.
       * bla-bla-bla
       * @param {Object} options Object that contains as members "name" for the 
       * instance's name and default values that will overwrite static default 
       * members.
       * @return {Object} An object of class g3[myClass].
      constructor: function(options){ //<- This IS the constructor!


然后在项目的根目录中输入cent@cent:~/plugins$ jsdoc -c ~/node/jsdoc/conf-1.json ./js/g3hybrid-1.js -d out-plugins,其中conf-1.json是我在本地为此用户安装的node文件夹中的conf文件。


    "plugins": [],
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        "excludePattern": "(^|\\/|\\\\)_"
    "sourceType": "module",
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    "tags": {
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结果如下: enter image description here

整个方法描述成为右侧面板上的链接 enter image description here


cent@cent:~/plugins$ jsdoc -v
JSDoc 3.5.5 (Thu, 14 Sep 2017 02:51:54 GMT)
cent@cent:~/plugins$ node -v


1 个答案:

答案 0 :(得分:0)

好的,我找到了答案,但如果有人有更好的想法,我真的很想听。 我决定从机器的角度对它进行评论,或者实际上是什么,而不是在将它送到工厂后会发生什么。


因为,类工厂使用像mixins这样的对象(几乎)我决定将根页面声明为@mixin,我本可以使用@object - 如果有人测试过,请在这里给出一些反馈。



 * @desc 
 * A supplementary object used as parent for the class construction helper class 
 * (see {@link g3.Class}).
 * bla-bla-bla
 * @mixin g3.hybrid
g3.hybrid = function(myClass){ //<-No, this is NOT constructor!
    * Avoid to give jsdoc comments here as it will create a new page!
   return {
       * Avoid to give jsdoc comments here as it will create a new page!
      STATIC: { //<-It's members WILL become static props!
          * @summary g3.hybrid.STATIC.defaults
          * ----------------------------------
          * @desc 
          * Accessed as: g3[myClass].defaults.
          * @var {object} defaults
          * @memberof g3.hybrid
          * @prop {string} name Name of stored object, should provide your own names
         defaults: {
            name: 'g3hybrid'

       * Avoid to give jsdoc comments here as it will create a new page!
      prototype: { //<- It's members WILL become prototype members!
          * @summary 
          * g3.hybrid.prototype.addLibrary
          * ------------------------------
          * @desc 
          * It is called always implicitly from a library plugin of "g3[myClass]".
          * bla-bla-bla
          * @function g3.hybrid~addLibrary
          * @param {String} name A name of the library that each object stores in 
          * instance property libraries.
          * @param {String} lib A reference of an object from a library.
          * @return undefined
         addLibrary: function(name, lib){

       * @summary 
       * g3.hybrid.constructor
       * ---------------------
       * @desc 
       * The constructor function of "g3[myClass]".
       * You should pass an object argument or it throws an error.
       * bla-bla-bla
       * @function g3.hybrid.constructor
       * @param {object} options Object that contains as members "name" for the 
       * instance's name and default values that will overwrite static default 
       * members.
       * @return {object} An object of class g3[myClass].
      constructor: function(options){ //<- This IS the constructor!




enter image description here


enter image description here

我使用过的代码:@mixin@var@memberof@prop@function@param@return,{ {1}}和@summary

我还避免使用更多标签来混淆我的代码,并使用@desc等不同标识符的命名空间替换g3.hybrid.constructor@static重新定位g3.hybrid~addLibrary。< / p>
