
时间:2017-01-11 09:09:08

标签: javascript angularjs jsdoc

我们应该使用什么标签来记录带有JSDoc的Angular JS组件?我在考虑使用@module,我是对的吗?


* @module helloWorld
* @description AngularJS component to display a message with a name.
angular.component('helloWorld', {
  bindings: {
    name: '@'
  controller : function helloWorldCtrl () {
    this.logName = logName;

     * @function logName
     * @param {string} msg - message to display with the name.
     * @memberof helloWorld
     * @description Log in the console the message with the name.
    function logName(msg) {
      console.log(msg + this.name);
  template : '<div><span ng-click="$ctrl.logName('Hi ')">{{$ctrl.name}}!</span></div>'


2 个答案:

答案 0 :(得分:2)






因此,在查找如何记录此内容时,我会在Angular externsimport pandas as pd import numpy as np import matplotlib.pyplot as plt import datetime import matplotlib.dates class Sampler(): def __init__(self,df): self.df = df def resample(self, limits): print limits dt = limits[1] - limits[0] if (type(dt) != pd.tslib.Timedelta) and (type(dt) != datetime.timedelta): dt = datetime.timedelta(days=dt) print dt #see #http://pandas.pydata.org/pandas-docs/stable/timeseries.html#offset-aliases if dt > datetime.timedelta(hours=5): t = "H"; width=1./24 elif dt > datetime.timedelta(minutes=60): t = "15T"; width=15./(24.*60) elif dt > datetime.timedelta(minutes=5): t = "T"; width=1./(24.*60) elif dt > datetime.timedelta(seconds=60): t = "15S"; width=15./(24.*60*60) else: #dt < datetime.timedelta(seconds=60): t = "S"; width=1./(24.*60*60) self.resampled = pd.DataFrame() self.resampled['data'] = self.df.data.resample(t, how="mean") print t, len(self.resampled['data']) print "indextype", type(self.resampled.index[0]) print "limitstype", type(limits[1]) if type(limits[1]) == float or type(limits[1]) == np.float64 : dlowlimit = matplotlib.dates.num2date(limits[0]) duplimit = matplotlib.dates.num2date(limits[1]) print type(duplimit), duplimit self.resampled = self.resampled.loc[self.resampled.index <= duplimit] self.resampled = self.resampled.loc[self.resampled.index >= dlowlimit] else: self.resampled = self.resampled.loc[self.resampled.index <= limits[1]] self.resampled = self.resampled.loc[self.resampled.index >= limits[0]] return self.resampled.index,self.resampled['data'],width def update(self, ax): print "update" lims = ax.viewLim start, stop = lims.intervalx ax.clear() x,y,width = self.resample([start, stop]) ax.bar(x,y, width=width) ax.set_xlim([start, stop]) ax.callbacks.connect('xlim_changed', self.update) ax.figure.canvas.draw() times = pd.date_range(start='2017-01-11',periods=86400, freq='1S') df = pd.DataFrame(index = times) df['data'] = np.sort(np.random.randint(low=1300, high=1600, size=len(df.index)) )[::-1] + \ np.random.rand(len(df.index))*500 sampler = Sampler(df) x,y,width = sampler.resample( [df.index[0],df.index[-1] ] ) fig, ax = plt.subplots() ax.bar(x,y, width=width) ax.xaxis_date() # connect to limits changes ax.callbacks.connect('xlim_changed', sampler.update) plt.show() / @return / @type中查找部分以匹配;



答案 1 :(得分:1)


 * @namespace solution_name

对于模块,可以使用此注释使每个模块在其seprarate html页面中定义

 * @class solution_name.MyModule
 * @memberOf solution_name 


 * @function myService
 * @memberOf solution_name.MyModule
 * @description This is an my service.


 * @class solution_name.MyModule.MyController


 * @namespace MyApp.Controllers