
时间:2018-02-08 15:02:21

标签: python algorithm data-science gradient-descent

我正在关注机器学习的Andrew Ng Coursera课程,并尝试在Python中实现梯度下降算法。我遇到了y截距参数的问题,因为它看起来并没有达到最佳值。这是我的代码:

import pandas as pd
import seaborn as sns
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
%matplotlib inline

# Acquiring Data
# Source: https://github.com/mattnedrich/GradientDescentExample
data = pd.read_csv('data.csv')

def cost_function(a, b, x_values, y_values):
    Calculates the square mean error for a given dataset
    with (x,y) pairs and the model y' = a + bx

    a: y-intercept for the model
    b: slope of the curve
    x_values, y_values: points (x,y) of the dataset
    data_len = len(x_values)
    total_error = sum([((a + b * x_values[i]) - y_values[i])**2
                       for i in range(data_len)])
    return total_error / (2 * float(data_len))

def a_gradient(a, b, x_values, y_values):
    Partial derivative of the cost_function with respect to 'a'

    a, b: values for 'a' and 'b'
    x_values, y_values: points (x,y) of the dataset
    data_len = len(x_values)
    a_gradient = sum([((a + b * x_values[i]) - y_values[i])
                      for i in range(data_len)])
    return a_gradient / float(data_len)

def b_gradient(a, b, x_values, y_values):
    Partial derivative of the cost_function with respect to 'b'

    a, b: values for 'a' and 'b'
    x_values, y_values: points (x,y) of the dataset
    data_len = len(x_values)
    b_gradient = sum([(((a + b * x_values[i]) - y_values[i]) * x_values[i])
                      for i in range(data_len)])
    return b_gradient / float(data_len)

def gradient_descent_step(a_current, b_current, x_values, y_values, alpha):
    Give a step in direction of the minimum of the cost_function using
    the 'a' and 'b' gradiants. Return new values for 'a' and 'b'.

    a_current, b_current: the current values for 'a' and 'b'
    x_values, y_values: points (x,y) of the dataset

    new_a = a_current - alpha * a_gradient(a_current, b_current, x_values, y_values)
    new_b = b_current - alpha * b_gradient(a_current, b_current, x_values, y_values)
    return (new_a, new_b)

def run_gradient_descent(a, b, x_values, y_values, alpha, precision, plot=False, verbose=False):
    Runs the gradient_descent_step function and updates (a,b) until
    the value of the cost function varies less than 'precision'.

    a, b: initial values for the point a and b in the cost_function
    x_values, y_values: points (x,y) of the dataset
    alpha: learning rate for the algorithm
    precision: value for the algorithm to stop calculation
    iterations = 0
    delta_cost = cost_function(a, b, x_values, y_values)

    error_list = [delta_cost]
    iteration_list = [0]

    # The loop runs until the delta_cost reaches the precision defined
    # When the variation in cost_function is small it means that the
    # the function is near its minimum and the parameters 'a' and 'b'
    # are a good guess for modeling the dataset.
    while delta_cost > precision:
        iterations += 1

        # Calculates the initial error with current a,b values
        prev_cost = cost_function(a, b, x_values, y_values)

        # Calculates new values for a and b
        a, b = gradient_descent_step(a, b, x_values, y_values, alpha)

        # Updates the value of the error
        actual_cost = cost_function(a, b, x_values, y_values)

        # Calculates the difference between previous and actual error values.
        delta_cost = prev_cost - actual_cost

    # Plot the error in each iteration to see how it decreases
    # and some information about our final results
    if plot:
        plt.plot(iteration_list, error_list, '-')
        plt.title('Error Minimization')
    if verbose:
        print('Iterations = ' + str(iterations))
        print('Cost Function Value = '+ str(cost_function(a, b, x_values, y_values)))
        print('a = ' + str(a) + ' and b = ' + str(b))

    return (actual_cost, a, b)


run_gradient_descent(0, 0, data['x'], data['y'], 0.0001, 0.01)

我得到(a = 0.0496688656535和b = 1.47825808018)

但是' a'约为7.9(尝试了另一种线性回归资源)。

另外,如果我更改参数的初始猜测' a'该算法只是尝试调整参数' b'。

例如,如果我设置a = 200且b = 0

run_gradient_descent(200, 0, data['x'], data['y'], 0.0001, 0.01)

我得到(a = 199.933763331和b = -2.44824996193)


2 个答案:

答案 0 :(得分:1)


data = pd.read_csv('data.csv',header=-1)

x,y = data[0],data[1]

from scipy.stats import linregress



LinregressResult(slope=1.32243102275536, intercept=7.9910209822703848, rvalue=0.77372849988782377, pvalue=3.855655536990139e-21, stderr=0.109377979589804)

因此b = 1.32243102275536a = 7.9910209822703848。鉴于此,使用您的代码我使用随机起始值ab解决了几次问题:

a,b = np.random.rand()*10,np.random.rand()*10

print("Initial values of parameters: ")

print("a=%f\tb=%f" % (a,b))

run_gradient_descent(a, b,x,y,1e-4,1e-2)


Initial values of parameters: 
a=6.100305  b=2.606448

Iterations = 21
Cost Function Value = 55.2093808263
a = 6.07601889437 and b = 1.36310312751


不知何故,在某些时候delta_cost > precisionTrue并且它在那里停止,认为它是局部最优。如果你减少precision,如果你运行得足够长,那么你就可以找到全局最优值。

答案 1 :(得分:0)

我的Gradient Descent实现的完整代码可以在我的Github存储库中找到: Gradient Descent for Linear Regression

考虑到什么@relay说Gradient Descent算法不能保证找到全局最小值我试图提出一个辅助函数来限制某个搜索范围内参数a的猜测,如下所示:

def search_range(x, y, plot=False):
    Given a dataset with points (x, y) searches for a best guess for 
    initial values of 'a'.
    data_lenght = len(x)             # Total size of of the dataset
    q_lenght = int(data_lenght / 4)  # Size of a quartile of the dataset

    # Finding the max and min value for y in the first quartile
    min_Q1 = (x[0], y[0])
    max_Q1 = (x[0], y[0])

    for i in range(q_lenght):
        temp_point = (x[i], y[i])
        if temp_point[1] < min_Q1[1]:
            min_Q1 = temp_point
        if temp_point[1] > max_Q1[1]:
            max_Q1 = temp_point

    # Finding the max and min value for y in the 4th quartile
    min_Q4 = (x[data_lenght - 1], y[data_lenght - 1])
    max_Q4 = (x[data_lenght - 1], y[data_lenght - 1])

    for i in range(data_lenght - 1, data_lenght - q_lenght, -1):
        temp_point = (x[i], y[i])
        if temp_point[1] < min_Q4[1]:
            min_Q4 = temp_point
        if temp_point[1] > max_Q4[1]:
            max_Q4 = temp_point

    mean_Q4 = (((min_Q4[0] + max_Q4[0]) / 2), ((min_Q4[1] + max_Q4[1]) / 2))

    # Finding max_y and min_y given the points found above
    # Two lines need to be defined, L1 and L2.
    # L1 will pass through min_Q1 and mean_Q4
    # L2 will pass through max_Q1 and mean_Q4

    # Calculatin slope for L1 and L2 given m = Delta(y) / Delta (x)
    slope_L1 = (min_Q1[1] - mean_Q4[1]) / (min_Q1[0] - mean_Q4[0])
    slope_L2 = (max_Q1[1] - mean_Q4[1]) / (max_Q1[0] -mean_Q4[0])

    # Calculating y-intercepts for L1 and L2 given line equation in the form y = mx + b
    # Float numbers are converted to int because they will be used as range for itaration
    y_L1 = int(min_Q1[1] - min_Q1[0] * slope_L1)
    y_L2 = int(max_Q1[1] - max_Q1[0] * slope_L2)

    # Ploting L1 and L2
    if plot:
        L1 = [(y_L1 + slope_L1 * x) for x in data['x']]
        L2 = [(y_L2 + slope_L2 * x) for x in data['x']]

        plt.plot(data['x'], data['y'], '.')
        plt.plot(data['x'], L1, '-', color='r') 
        plt.plot(data['x'], L2, '-', color='r') 
        plt.title('Scatterplot of Sample Data')

    return y_L1, y_L2


def run_search_gradient_descent(x_values, y_values, alpha, precision, verbose=False):
    Runs the gradient_descent_step function and updates (a,b) until
    the value of the cost function varies less than 'precision'.

    x_values, y_values: points (x,y) of the dataset
    alpha: learning rate for the algorithm
    precision: value for the algorithm to stop calculation
    from math import inf

    a1, a2 = search_range(x_values, y_values)

    best_guess = [inf, 0, 0]

    for a in range(a1, a2):

        cost, linear_coef, slope = run_gradient_descent(a, 0, x_values, y_values, alpha, precision)

        # Saving value for cost_function and parameters (a,b)        
        if cost < best_guess[0]:
            best_guess = [cost, linear_coef, slope]
    if verbose:        
        print('Cost Function = ' + str(best_guess[0]))
        print('a = ' + str(best_guess[1]) + ' and b = ' + str(best_guess[2]))

    return (best_guess[0], best_guess[1], best_guess[2])


run_search_gradient_descent(data['x'], data['y'], 0.0001, 0.001, verbose=True)


Cost Function = 55.1294483959 a = 8.02595996606 and b = 1.3209768383


a = 7.99102098227and b = 1.32243102276