我的代码中有一堆复杂的数据构造函数,我希望借助新的Pattern Synonyms
这是我专门针对这个问题编写的示例代码,与我实际编写的代码非常相似。我尽力简明扼要。我还到处都提出了评论和例子 - 我希望它能让读者感到更加恼火。您也可以立即在ghci
, ViewPatterns
module PatternSynonym where
-- ### Type definitions.
-- | This wrapper may have been introduced to harden type safety, or define a
-- typeclass instance. Its actual purpose does not matter for us here.
newtype Wrapped a = Wrap { unWrap :: a } deriving (Eq, Show)
-- | This data type exemplifies a non-trivial collection of things.
data MaybeThings a = Some [a] | None deriving (Eq, Show)
-- | This type synonym exemplifies a non-trivial collection of things that are
-- additionally wrapped.
type MaybeWrappedThings a = MaybeThings (Wrapped a)
-- ### An example of what we may want to do with our types:
-- | This is a function that does useful work on plain (not Wrapped!) Ints.
doSomething :: [Int] -> [Int]
doSomething = filter even
-- ^
-- λ doSomething [2, 3, 5]
-- [2]
-- | This is the example data we may have.
example :: MaybeWrappedThings Int
example = Some [Wrap 2, Wrap 3, Wrap 5]
-- | This is a function that must only accept a collection of wrapped things,
-- but it has to unwrap them in order to do something useful.
getThings :: MaybeWrappedThings Int -> [Int]
getThings (Some wxs) = doSomething xs
where xs = unWrap <$> wxs
getThings None = [ ]
-- ^
-- λ getThings example
-- [2]
-- ### An example of how we may simplify the same logic with the help of
-- pattern synonyms.
-- | This helper function is necessary (?) in order for it to be possible to
-- define the pattern synonym.
unWrapAll :: MaybeWrappedThings a -> Maybe [a]
unWrapAll (Some wxs) = Just (unWrap <$> wxs)
unWrapAll None = Nothing
-- | This is the pattern synonym that allows us to somewhat simplify getThings.
pattern Some' :: [a] -> MaybeWrappedThings a
pattern Some' xs <- (unWrapAll -> Just xs)
where Some' = Some . fmap Wrap
-- | This is how we may define our data with the pattern synonym.
-- It's got linearly less lexemes!
example' :: MaybeWrappedThings Int
example' = Some' [2, 3, 5]
-- ^
-- λ example == example'
-- True
-- | This is how our function may look with the pattern synonym.
getThings' :: MaybeWrappedThings Int -> [Int]
getThings' (Some' xs) = doSomething xs
getThings' None = [ ]
-- ^
-- λ getThings' example'
-- [2]
-- λ getThings' example' == getThings example
-- True
答案 0 :(得分:2)
Haskell 有什么不能吗?
pattern Some' xs <- Some (coerce -> xs)
- 完美。
和@ li-yao-xia,感谢代码在与Some