NextGeneration <- function(agent, N, S, A) {
# N is number of agents.
# S is probability that an agent with traditional fertility will have 2 sons surviving to the age of inheritance.
# A is probability that an heir experiencing division of estate changes his fertility preference from traditional to planned.
# find number of surviving heirs for each agent
excess <- runif(N) # get random numbers
heir <- rep(1, N) # everyone has at least 1 surviving heir
# if agent has traditional fertility 2 heirs may survive to inherit
heir[agent$fertility == "Trad" & excess < S] <- 2
# next generation more numerous if spare heirs survive
# new agents have vertical inheritance but also guided variation.
# first append to build a vector, then combine into new agent dataframe
nextgen.fertility <- NULL
nextgen.lineage <- NULL
for (i in 1:N) {
if (heir[i]==2) {
# two agents inherit from one parent.
for (j in 1:2) {
# A is probability of inheritance division event affecting fertility preference in new generation.
if (A > runif(1)) {
nextgen.fertility <- c(nextgen.fertility, "Plan")
} else {
nextgen.fertility <- c(nextgen.fertility, agent$fertility[i])
nextgen.lineage <- c(nextgen.lineage, agent$lineage[i])
} else {
nextgen.fertility <- c(nextgen.fertility, agent$fertility[i])
nextgen.lineage <- c(nextgen.lineage, agent$lineage[i])
# assemble new agent frame
nextgen.agent <- data.frame(nextgen.fertility, nextgen.lineage, stringsAsFactors = FALSE)
names(nextgen.agent) <- c("fertility", "lineage")
所以代理人就这样开始(Trad =传统):
ID fertility lineage,
1 Trad 1
2 Trad 2
3 Trad 3
4 Trad 4
5 Trad 5
ID fertility lineage
1 Plan 1
2 Plan 1
3 Trad 2
4 Plan 3
5 Trad 3
6 Trad 4
7 Plan 4
8 Plan 4
9 Plan 4
10 Plan 5
11 Trad 5
答案 0 :(得分:0)
无论如何,现有的代码可以简化很多 - 所以这里是一个矢量化的解决方案,仍在使用你的data.frame
NextGen <- function(agent, N, S, A) {
excess <- runif(N)
v1 <- which(agent$fertility == "Trad" & excess < S)
nextgen.agent <- agent[c(1:N, v1), ]
nextgen.agent[c(v1, seq.int(N+1, nrow(nextgen.agent))), "fertility"] <- ifelse(A > runif(length(v1)*2), "Plan", "Trad")
agentDF <- data.frame(fertility = "Trad", lineage = 1:50, stringsAsFactors = FALSE)
# use microbenchmark library to compare performance
base = {
res1 <- NextGeneration(agentDF, 50, 0.8, 0.8) # note I fixed the two variable typos in your function
new = {
res2 <- NextGen(agentDF, 50, 0.8, 0.8)
times = 100
## Unit: microseconds
## expr min lq mean median uq max neval
## base 1998.533 2163.8605 2446.561 2222.8200 2286.844 14413.173 100
## new 282.032 304.1165 329.552 320.3255 348.488 467.217 100