
时间:2018-01-26 13:13:47

标签: php special-characters

我有这段代码(在Php 7上运行),它会打印出单词的频率。但是,该功能有效,可能不会打印特殊字符,可能是因为str_word_count()

// Random words
$freqData = array();
$keywords = "Başka, Başka, küskün küskün otomobil kaçtı buraya küskün otomobil neden kaçtı
          kaçtı buraya, oraya KISMEN @here #there J.J.Johanson hep.
          Danny:Where is mom? I don't know! Café est weiß for 2 €uros.
          My 2nd nickname is mike18.";

// Set letter count to exclude words like 'and'/'or', etc.
$letterCount = 5;

// Get individual words and build a frequency table
foreach (str_word_count($keywords, 1) as $word) {
    // If the word has more than x letters
    if (mb_strlen($word, 'UTF-8') >= $letterCount) {
        // For each word found in the frequency table, increment its value by one
        array_key_exists($word, $freqData) ? $freqData[$word]++ : $freqData[$word] = 0;
echo $freqData;

我在<meta charset="UTF-8">部分有<head>。 我该如何解决这个问题?

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