这个问题:splitting a continuous variable into groups of equal number of elements - return numeric vector from bin values解释了如何将变量拆分成箱子,但是在这里我想根据另一个变量中的汇总频率拆分变量。是否有可能在r?
300 46
400 1817
500 2409
600 1667
700 4282
800 2301
900 608
1000 335
1100 235
1200 90
1300 180
1400 590
1500 1013
1600 80
1700 646
1800 1001
1900 1982
2000 965
2100 1066
2200 803
2300 25
2400 10
2500 8
2600 5
2700 5
2800 2
2900 1
3000 0
1 [0-500] 4272
2 [600-700] 5949
3 [800-1400] 4339
4 [1500-1900] 4722
5 [>2000] 2890
# Define the ranges manually
levels <- c(-Inf, 300, 500, 800, 1000, 1500, 2000, 2500, 3000, 3500, 4000, 4500, 5000, 6000, Inf)
# Define labels for the groups
labels <- c("<300", "300-500", "500-800", "800-1000", "1000-1500", "1500-2000", "2000-2500", "2500-3000", "3000-3500", "3500-4000", "4000-4500", "4500-5000", "5000-6000", ">6000")
# Add a column with the GROUP
table$GROUP <- cut(table$PRICE, levels, labels, right=FALSE)
# Use dplyr to summarise the UNITS
x <- table %>% group_by(GROUP) %>% summarise (UNITS = sum(UNITS))