
时间:2018-01-22 06:48:16

标签: opencv image-processing opencv3.0



  inRange(imgHSV, Scalar(redLowH,redLowS,redLowV), Scalar(redHighH, redHighS, redHighV), imgThresred); //Threshold the image
  inRange(imgHSV, Scalar(blueLowH,blueLowS,blueLowV), Scalar(blueHighH, blueHighS, blueHighV), imgThresblue); //Threshold the image
  inRange(imgHSV, Scalar(yellowLowH,yellowLowS,yellowLowV), Scalar(yellowHighH, yellowHighS, yellowHighV), imgThresyellow); //Threshold the image

  Moments rMoments = moments(imgThresred);    
  double dM01_r = rMoments.m01;
  double dM10_r = rMoments.m10;
  double dArea_r = rMoments.m00;

 //Calculate area of Red Object
      if (dArea_r > 10000)
       //calculate the position of the ball
        posX_r = dM10_r / dArea_r;
        posY_r = dM01_r / dArea_r;        

       //cout<<"The red object : X coodinate is "<< posX_r <<", Y coodinate is "<< posY_r <<endl;
       if (iLastX_r >= 0 && iLastY_r >= 0 && posX_r >= 0 && posY_r >= 0)
        //Draw a red line from the previous point to the current point
        line(imgLines_r, Point(posX_r, posY_r), Point(iLastX_r, iLastY_r), Scalar(0,0,255), 10);

       iLastX_r = posX_r;
       iLastY_r = posY_r;
         imgOriginal = imgOriginal + imgLines_r + imgLines_b + imgLines_y;      

      //Check Object region in the image
      if (posX_r < 100)
        cout<<"left side"<<endl;

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