递归struct realloc失败

时间:2018-01-21 15:19:33

标签: c recursion memory struct realloc


struct ai_config{
    float followup_mul;
    float aggro_ratio;
    int wisdom;

extern struct ai_config global_AI;

struct ai_move {
    int pngn;
    int coords[2];
    float aggro;
    float safety;
    int order;
    struct ai_move* followup;
    int followup_size;


int assess_moves(struct Gmdt* gmdt, struct ai_move** ai_arr, int count, int xpos, int ypos, int order, int pg){
    if (order >= global_AI.wisdom) return 0;

    int dir, dist;
    struct ai_move* temp;

    for (dir = 1; dir <= 6; dir++)
        for (dist = 1; dist < estimate_mvmnt_adv(gmdt, xpos, ypos, dir); dist++)
            if(check_move_ai(gmdt, xpos, ypos, dist, dir)){
                temp = (struct ai_move*)realloc(*ai_arr, count * sizeof(struct ai_move));
                if (temp == NULL){
                    printf("[AI]\tMemory reallocation error! (Order #%d)", order);
                    return -1;
                else {
                    (*ai_arr) = temp;
                    (*ai_arr)[count-1].pngn = pg;
                    (*ai_arr)[count-1].coords[0] = polar_to_x(xpos, ypos, dir, dist);
                    (*ai_arr)[count-1].coords[1] = polar_to_y(xpos, dir, dist);
                    (*ai_arr)[count-1].order = order;
                    (*ai_arr)[count-1].aggro = assess_aggro(gmdt, &((*ai_arr)[count-1]));
                    (*ai_arr)[count-1].safety = assess_safety(gmdt, &((*ai_arr)[count-1]));
                    (*ai_arr)[count-1].followup_size = assess_moves(gmdt, &((*ai_arr)[count-1].followup), 0, (*ai_arr)[count-1].coords[0], (*ai_arr)[count-1].coords[1], order+1, pg);
    return count;


struct ai_move* moves;
if(gmdt.phase == 1)
     int x, y, n = 0, c;
     for (y = 0; y < gmdt.rows; y++)
        for (x = 0; x < gmdt.columns; x++)
            if (gmdt.map[x][y] == '1'){
                c = n;
                n = assess_moves(&gmdt, &moves, n, x, y, 0, -1);
                printf("\n[AI]\t%d moves would be possible from the (%d, %d) position.\n", n-c, x, y);


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