<div class="alert alert-success">
{{ session()->get('alert-success') }}
arr = WriteIntoArray(arr, arArr, targetcell)
Public Sub ProcessIngoingSheetdata(MonthPeriod As Integer, SourceImage As Variant, wsDestination As Worksheet)
' not declared yet - 2018-01-08
Dim rngDestination As Range
Dim arrDestination As Variant
Dim StartAdress(1) As Variant, EndAdress(2) As Variant
Debug.Print "In Sub 'ProcessIngoingSheetdata(MonthPeriod = " & MonthPeriod & "', ...)"
Set rngDestination = SetTargetRange(wsDestination, True) ' die Range für den Zielarray setzen
arrDestination = getMultiplerangeAsArray(rngDestination) ' MultipleRangeToArray(rngDestination)
Debug.Print "Boundaries(1) of array Destination: " & LBound(arrDestination, 1) & " to " & UBound(arrDestination, 1)
StartAdress(0) = LBound(arrDestination, 1)
StartAdress(1) = UBound(arrDestination, 1)
Debug.Print "Boundaries(2) of array Destination: " & LBound(arrDestination, 2) & " to " & UBound(arrDestination, 2)
EndAdress(0) = LBound(arrDestination, 2)
EndAdress(1) = UBound(arrDestination, 2)
Debug.Print "arrDestination: " & arrDestination(1, 2) & ", " & arrDestination(28, 2)
End Sub
Function getMultiplerangeAsArray(rngDestination) As Variant()
Dim arr() As Variant, arrExt As Variant, arArr As Variant, arrStart As Variant, r As Long, nr As Long, nc As Long, mar As Long, mac As Long
Dim ar As Range, C As Range, lu As Range, br As Range, cnum As Long, rnum As Long
Dim AbsoluteRowLU As Long, AbsoluteColLU As Long
Dim LastAbsoluteRowLU As Long, LastAbsoluteColLU As Long
Dim RelativeRowLU As Long, RelativeColLU As Long, RelativeRowBR As Long, RelativeColBR As Long
Dim LastRelativeRowLU As Long, LastRelativeColLU As Long, LastRelativeRowBR As Long, LastRelativeColBR As Long
Dim RelativeRowLevelStart As Long, RelativeColLevelStart As Long, RelativeRowLevelEnd As Long, RelativeColLevelEnd As Long
Dim RowHeight As Long, ColWidth As Long, NewRowHeight As Long, NewColWidth As Long
Dim cellDistance As Long
Dim PointerRow As Long
Dim col As Range
' set count of rows to maximum rows of a range-segment
nr = 1
nc = 1
LastRelativeRowBR = 1
LastRelativeColBR = 1
' setting on result-array
arrExt = getExtensionOfMultipleRange(rngDestination)
ReDim arr(arrExt(0), arrExt(1))
For Each ar In rngDestination.Areas
With ar
Set lu = .Cells(1)
Set br = .Cells(.Cells.count)
If ((Not lu Is Nothing) And (Not br Is Nothing)) Then
RelativeRowLU = lu.row
RelativeColLU = lu.column
RelativeRowBR = br.row
RelativeColBR = br.column
AbsoluteRowLU = Range(.Cells(1).Address(0, 0)).row ' Range(.Cells(.Cells.count).Address(0, 0)).row
AbsoluteColLU = Range(.Cells(1).Address(0, 0)).column
Debug.Print "Current LU-Cell: '" & AbsoluteRowLU & " / " & AbsoluteColLU & "'."
cellDistance = ((RelativeRowBR - RelativeRowLU) + 1)
RowHeight = RowHeight + cellDistance
cellDistance = ((RelativeColBR - RelativeColLU) + 1)
ColWidth = ColWidth + cellDistance
End If
End With
'Debug.Print "Left-Upper Cell: " & .Cells(1).Address(0, 0) & " with absolute row " & RelativeRowLU & " / col " & RelativeColLU
' check the new absolute-"position" of the current area / array and redim target-array
If (AbsoluteRowLU > LastAbsoluteRowLU) Then
RelativeRowLevelStart = AbsoluteRowLU
End If
If (AbsoluteColLU > LastAbsoluteColLU) Then
RelativeColLevelStart = AbsoluteColLU
End If
' to avoid errors also check if the new array is higher or more left (normaly impossible)
If ((AbsoluteRowLU < AbsoluteRowLU) Or (AbsoluteColLU < LastAbsoluteColLU)) Then
Debug.Print "getMultiplerangeAsArray(): Substantial error! New array-position is unclear? " & RelativeRowLU & " < " & LastRelativeRowBR & "? " & LastRelativeRowBR & " < " & LastRelativeColBR & " "
MsgBox "getMultiplerangeAsArray(): Substantial error!", vbCritical
End If
arArr = ar.Value
Debug.Print "#" & nr & ": Größe arArr: (" & LBound(arArr, 1) & " to " & UBound(arArr, 1) & " / " & LBound(arArr, 2) & " to " & UBound(arArr, 2) & ")"
' getting now the requested size of the result-array to include the current range-array
RelativeRowLevelEnd = ((RelativeRowLevelStart + UBound(arArr, 1)) - 1)
RelativeColLevelEnd = ((RelativeColLevelStart + UBound(arArr, 2)) - 1)
Debug.Print "The evaluated Row-Range of the result-array is now: " & RelativeRowLevelStart & " to " & RelativeRowLevelEnd
Debug.Print "The evaluated Col-Range of the result-array is now: " & RelativeColLevelStart & " to " & RelativeColLevelEnd
' COMBINE now range-array and result-array
Debug.Print "TypeName(arr): " & TypeName(arr)
Debug.Print "TypeName(arArr): " & TypeName(arArr)
If (IsEmpty(arArr)) Then
Debug.Print "arArr is empty!"
End If
arrStart = Array(RelativeRowLevelStart, RelativeColLevelStart)
Debug.Print "TypeName(arrStart): " & TypeName(arrStart)
arr = WriteIntoArray(arr, arArr, arrStart)
Debug.Print "Fertig combined...."
' saving the last relative positions of array for the next loop
LastRelativeRowLU = RelativeRowLU
LastRelativeColLU = RelativeColLU
LastRelativeRowBR = RelativeRowBR
LastRelativeColBR = RelativeColBR
' saving the last absolute positions of array for the next loop
LastAbsoluteRowLU = AbsoluteRowLU
LastAbsoluteColLU = AbsoluteColLU
' saving the dimensions of the result-array
RowHeight = NewRowHeight
ColWidth = NewColWidth
' increasing counters
nr = nr + 1
Next ar
End Function