我是初学者,这是我在C中的第一个程序。它运作良好,但我想知道是否有更短的方法可以做到这一点?它假设制作二次表达式并要求用户对其进行分解。如果用户正确地考虑它/他进入下一级别,这是一个稍微难的问题。如果他/她无法正确解决,他/他会保持同一水平,除非他/她想要退出。 感谢
# include <stdio.h>
# include <stdlib.h>
# include <ctype.h>
# include <string.h>
# include <math.h>
# include <time.h>
int main() {
int a, b, c, level=1, randMax=level*5;
char ch;
// generate the problem to ask
int ask(){
// generate non-zero random number for first coefficient
// that is less than the level of the game, but not zero
int nonZeroCoefficient(){
int n = (rand()%(level+2) - (level));
if ( n == 0 ){
return n;
// generate non-zero random number
int nonZeroRand(){
int n=(rand()%randMax - (randMax));
if (n == 0){
return n;
int f = nonZeroCoefficient();
int h = nonZeroCoefficient();
int k = nonZeroRand();
int g = nonZeroRand();
a = f*h;
b = (f*k + g*h);
c = g*k;
// shows the Level
printf("\n\n\n\n --- Level %d ---", level);
// generate the question
printf("\nfactor the following expression\n%dx^2 %+dx %+d",a ,b, c);
puts("\n\nEnter your answer in the form of (fX+g)(hX+k)");
int inputF, inputG, inputH, inputK;
printf("\nEnter f:");
scanf("%d", &inputF);
printf("Enter g:");
scanf("%d", &inputG);
printf("Enter h:");
scanf("%d", &inputH);
printf("Enter k:");
scanf("%d", &inputK);
if (inputF*inputH == a && ((inputF*inputK+inputG*inputH== b) && (inputG*inputK == c))){
printf("\nRight on!\n");
printf("\nSorry! your answer is not currect!\nthe currect answer is:\nf:%d\ng:%d\nh:%d\nk:%d\n \ntry again",f, g, h, k);
printf("\nDo you want to continue? (Y/N)");
scanf (" %c", &ch);
} while(ch == 'y'|| ch == 'Y');