R Shiny - 根据用户选择的输入将两个或多个列相互交叉

时间:2018-01-08 17:51:48

标签: r shiny



Project.ID      Author.ID    Author.Name    Fav.Color   Bob_GreenvRed   Tom_GreenvRed
Test_Project1    1234            Bob        Green       Green            NA
Test_Project1    2345            Jane       Blue        NA               NA   
Test_Project1    2687            Bob        Blue        NA               NA
Test_Project1    8765            Tom        Red         NA           Red              

我修改了我的代码(如下所示),允许选择多个列和值,但似乎无法用列生成来解决“set”问题。我尽力从@Bertil Baron友好提供的答案中应用我的理解,但我还没有到那里。我认为这个问题存在于finalTable被动的某个地方。

    server <- function(input, output, session) {

      # update datatable
      project <- reactive({
        if(input$viewType == "Projects"){
          projectDT <- read.table(header = TRUE,
      text = "Project.ID,Author.ID,Author.Name,Fav.Color
                                  sep = ",")

          #replace spaces with dots in headers
          names(projectDT) <- gsub(" ", ".", names(projectDT))

      selector = "#addCol", 
      where = "afterEnd", 
      ui = div(               
    lapply(1:input$addCol, function(idx){ #apply for as many columns as you want
      output[[paste0("showMeta",idx)]] <- renderUI({
        selectInput(inputId =  paste0("metalab",idx),
                    label =  "Metadata Label:",
                    choices =  c(" ", unique(as.vector(colnames(project())))),
                    selected = input[[paste0("metalab",idx)]], 
                    multiple = TRUE, 
                    selectize = TRUE
    lapply(1:input$addCol, function(idx){
      output[[paste0("showVal",idx)]] <- renderUI({
        req(input$addCol >= idx) 
        labelList <- input[[paste0("metalab",idx)]] 
        choiceList <- NULL               
        for(aLabel in labelList){
          choiceList <- cbind(choiceList, as.vector(unlist(project()[aLabel])))  
                           "Metadata Value:",
                           choices = unique(as.vector(choiceList)),    #flatten frame to vector and grab only unique values
                           selected = input[[paste0("metaval",idx)]]

  #Update the table with comparison columns
  finalTable <- reactive({
    projectDT <- project()
    dta <- NULL           
    if(input$addCol > 0) {      
      dta <- lapply(seq(input$addCol), function(idx){ 
        if(!is.null(input[[paste0("metalab", idx)]]) &&    
           input[[paste0("metalab",idx)]] != " "){      
          labelList <- input[[paste0("metalab",idx)]] 
          choiceList <- input[[paste0("metaval", idx)]]
          for(aLabel in labelList){
            ifelse(projectDT[[aLabel]] %in% input[[paste0("metaval", idx)]], as.character(projectDT[[aLabel]]),"NA")
      names(dta) <- sapply(seq(input$addCol),function(idx){   #add names to column
        paste0("Compare",idx,"_",paste0(input[[paste0("metaval",idx)]],collapse = "vs"))
      dta <- as.data.frame(dta[!sapply(dta,is.null)]) 
    if(!is.null(dta) && 
       !is.null(projectDT) &&
       nrow(dta) == nrow(projectDT)){
      projectDT <- cbind(projectDT,dta)

  #Display the updated table
  output$mytable <- DT::renderDataTable({DT::datatable(finalTable(), extensions = c('FixedColumns', 'Buttons'),
             options = list(
             dom = 'Bfrtip',
             scrollX = TRUE, buttons = c('csv', I('colvis'))

  #Download file
  output$downloadData <- downloadHandler(
    filename = function() {
      paste(input$lab, ".csv", sep = "")
    content = function(file) {
      write.csv(as.matrix(finalTable()), file, row.names = FALSE)



1 个答案:

答案 0 :(得分:0)



      selector = "#addCol", #some string to determine the element(s) relative to which you want to insert your UI object.
      where = "afterEnd", #where UI object should go relative to the selector
      ui = div(               #object you want to insert, if multiple, wrap in div
        uiOutput(paste0("subsetCheckbox", input$addCol)), #subset box
        uiOutput(paste0("showSubmeta", input$addCol)),
        uiOutput(paste0("showSubval", input$addCol)),
        uiOutput(paste0("showMeta",input$addCol)),  #showMeta selector
        uiOutput(paste0("showVal",input$addCol))    #showVal selector
    lapply(1:input$addCol, function(idx){
      output[[paste0("subsetCheckbox", idx)]] <- renderUI({
        checkboxInput('subset', strong("Subset"), value = FALSE)
      lapply(1:input$addCol, function(idx){ #apply for as many columns as you want
      output[[paste0("showSubmeta",idx)]] <- renderUI({
        selectInput(inputId =  paste0("submeta",idx),
                    label =  "Subset Label:",
                    choices =  c(" ", unique(as.vector(colnames(project())))),
                    selected = input[[paste0("submeta",idx)]]
      lapply(1:input$addCol, function(idx){
        output[[paste0("showSubval",idx)]] <- renderUI({
          req(input$addCol >= idx) 
                             "Subset Value:",
                             choices = unique(as.vector(unlist(project()[[input[[paste0("submeta",idx)]]]]))),
                             selected = input[[paste0("subval",idx)]]
    #insert metadata selection menus
    lapply(1:input$addCol, function(idx){ 
      output[[paste0("showMeta",idx)]] <- renderUI({
        selectInput(inputId =  paste0("metalab",idx),
                    label =  "Metadata Label:",
                    choices =  c(" ", unique(as.vector(colnames(project())))),
                    selected = input[[paste0("metalab",idx)]]
    lapply(1:input$addCol, function(idx){
      output[[paste0("showVal",idx)]] <- renderUI({
        req(input$addCol >= idx) 
                           "Metadata Value:",
                           choices = unique(as.vector(unlist(project()[[input[[paste0("metalab",idx)]]]]))),
                           selected = input[[paste0("metaval",idx)]]

  #Update the table with comparison columns
  finalTable <- reactive({
    projectDT <- project()
    dta <- NULL             #initiate an empty dataframe
    if(input$addCol > 0) {       #if button has been clicked
      dta <- lapply(seq(input$addCol), function(idx){ 
        #subset logic
        if(input$subset == TRUE && !is.null(input[[paste0("submeta", idx)]]) &&    
           input[[paste0("submeta",idx)]] != " " && !is.null(input[[paste0("metalab", idx)]]) &&    
           input[[paste0("metalab",idx)]] != " " ){
          ifelse(projectDT[[input[[paste0("submeta", idx)]]]] %in% input[[paste0("subval", idx)]], 
                 ifelse(projectDT[[input[[paste0("metalab", idx)]]]] %in% input[[paste0("metaval", idx)]], 
                        as.character(projectDT[[input[[paste0("metalab", idx)]]]]),"NA"), "NA")
        #no subset logic
        else if(!is.null(input[[paste0("metalab", idx)]]) &&    #if metalab isn't null
           input[[paste0("metalab",idx)]] != " "){      #if metalab isn't " ", add values into column by magic
          ifelse(projectDT[[input[[paste0("metalab", idx)]]]] %in% input[[paste0("metaval", idx)]], as.character(projectDT[[input[[paste0("metalab", idx)]]]]),"NA")
      #sapply - apply function to each element of a list in turn and return a VECTOR
      names(dta) <- sapply(seq(input$addCol),function(idx){   #add names to column
        paste0("Compare",idx,"_",paste0(input[[paste0("metaval",idx)]],collapse = "vs"))
      dta <- as.data.frame(dta[!sapply(dta,is.null)]) 
    if(!is.null(dta) && 
       !is.null(projectDT) &&
       nrow(dta) == nrow(projectDT)){
      projectDT <- cbind(projectDT,dta)