
时间:2018-01-08 05:09:24

标签: string loops indexing ats


val example = "1234567"

fn digit(c: char): int =
  case- c of
  | '0' => 0 | '1' => 1 | '2' => 2 | '3' => 3 | '4' => 4
  | '5' => 5 | '6' => 6 | '7' => 7 | '8' => 8 | '9' => 9

fn f(): int = loop(0, 0) where {
  fun loop(i: int, acc: int): int =
    if example[i] = '\000' then acc else
    loop(i + 1, acc + digit(example[i]))

implement main0() = () where {
  val () = println!("f: ", f())

这(尝试)遍历字符串的索引,将字符串的字符作为数字相加。我已经使用.foldleftstreamize_string_char解决了几个类似的问题,但实际任务需要数学上的索引本身(即,而不是使用每个字符,它如果i + 10处的字符为偶数数字,则只应使用char。


fn day2(): uint = loop(input, 0, 0) where {
  val len = $UNSAFE.cast2int(strlen(input))
  fn nextindex(i: int): int = (i + len/2) mod len
  fn get(i: int): char = input[i]  // <-- also broken at this point
  // this next line is just me slowly going mad
  fun loop{n:int}{i:nat | i <= n}(s: string(n), i: size_t(i), acc: uint): uint =
    if i >= len then acc else
    if s[i] = s[nextindex(i)] then loop(i+1, acc + digit(s[i])) else
    loop(i+1, acc)


typedef charint = (char, int)
fn day1(): int = sum where {
  val lastchar = input[strlen(input)-1]
  val res = input.foldleft(TYPE{charint})((lastchar, 0), (lam((last, sum): charint, c: char) =>
                if last = c then (c, sum + digit(c)) else (c, sum)))
  val sum = res.1




#include "share/atspre_staload.hats"

val example = "1234567"

fn digit(c: char): int =
  case- c of
  | '0' => 0 | '1' => 1 | '2' => 2 | '3' => 3 | '4' => 4
  | '5' => 5 | '6' => 6 | '7' => 7 | '8' => 8 | '9' => 9

fn f(): int = loop(0, 0) where {
  fn get(i: int): char = loop(i, string2ptr(example)) where {
    fun loop(i: int, s: ptr): char =
      if i > 0 then loop(i-1, ptr0_succ<char>(s)) else
  fun loop(i: int, acc: int): int =
    if get(i) = '\000' then acc else
    loop(i + 1, acc + digit(get(i)))

implement main0() = () where {
  val () = println!("f: ", f())


f: 28



  val p = string2ptr(example)
  fn get(i: int): char = $UNSAFE.ptr0_get<char>(add_ptr_bsz(p, g0int2uint(i) * sizeof<char>))



overload + with add_ptr_bsz
fn string_get_at(str, i) = $UNSAFE.ptr0_get<charNZ>(string2ptr(str)+g0int2uint(i))
overload [] with string_get_at

这几乎与我在prelude / DATS / string.dats中看到的相同......问题是什么?

4 个答案:

答案 0 :(得分:1)


fn digit2int(c: char): int = (c - '0')
fn f(): int = loop(example, 0, 0) where
  {i:nat|i <= n}
  (cs: string(n), i: int(i), acc: int): int =
  string_is_atend(cs, i)
  then acc else loop(cs, i+1, acc+digit2int(cs[i]))


答案 1 :(得分:1)


fn digit2int(c: char): int = (c - '0')

day2(input: string): int =
  loop(0, 0) where
  val n0 = strlen(input)
  val n0 =
  val p0 = string2ptr(input)
  fn nextindex(i: int): int = (i + n0/2) mod n0
  fun get(i: int): char = $UNSAFE.ptr0_get_at<char>(p0, i)
  fun loop(i: int, acc: int): int =
    if i >= n0 then acc else
      if get(i) = get(nextindex(i))
        then loop(i+1, acc + digit2int(get(i))) else loop(i+1, acc)


答案 2 :(得分:1)

好的,<OFX> <SIGNONMSGSRQV1> <SONRQ> <DTCLIENT>20180108012004 <USERID>{Insert user id} <USERPASS>{Insert password} <LANGUAGE>ENG <FI> <ORG>B1 # Comes from ofxhome.com <FID>10898 </FI> <APPID>QWIN <APPVER>1800 <CLIENTUID>{Insert random alphanumeric string} </SONRQ> </SIGNONMSGSRQV1> <CREDITCARDMSGSRQV1> <CCSTMTTRNRQ> <TRNUID>{Insert random alphanumeric string} <CLTCOOKIE>4 <CCSTMTRQ> <CCACCTFROM> <ACCTID>{Insert account id here} </CCACCTFROM> <INCTRAN> <DTSTART>20171208 <INCLUDE>Y </INCTRAN> </CCSTMTRQ> </CCSTMTTRNRQ> </CREDITCARDMSGSRQV1> </OFX> 的以下实现是安全的:


答案 3 :(得分:0)

我能够在提供的帮助下完成这项工作,但只是为了有一个完整的功能示例,这是Day 1, 2017 Advent of Code的解决方案:

/* compile with: patscc -O2 -D_GNU_SOURCE -DATS_MEMALLOC_LIBC day1.dats -o day1 */
#include "share/atspre_staload.hats"
#include "share/atspre_staload_libats_ML.hats"

val input: string = "12341234" /* actual value provided by contest */

fn digit(c: char): uint =
  case- c of
  | '0' => 0u | '1' => 1u | '2' => 2u | '3' => 3u | '4' => 4u
  | '5' => 5u | '6' => 6u | '7' => 7u | '8' => 8u | '9' => 9u

typedef charint = (char, uint)

fn part1(): uint = sum where {
  val lastchar = input[strlen(input)-1]
  val res = input.foldleft(TYPE{charint})((lastchar, 0u), (lam((last, sum): charint, c: char) =>
                if last = c then (c, sum + digit(c)) else (c, sum)))
  val sum = res.1

typedef natLT(n:int) = [i:nat | i < n] int(i)
typedef natLTe(n:int) = [i:nat | i <= n] int(i)

fn part2(): uint = loop(0, 0u) where {
  val [n:int] input = g1ofg0(input)
  val len = sz2i(strlen(input))
  fn nextindex(i: natLT(n)): natLT(n) = nmod(i + len/2, len)
  fun loop(i: natLTe(n), acc: uint): uint =
    if i >= len then acc else
    if input[i] = input[nextindex(i)] then loop(i+1, acc + digit(input[i])) else
    loop(i+1, acc)

extern fun reset_timer(): void = "ext#reset_timer"
extern fun elapsed_time(): double = "ext#elapsed_time"
#include <sys/time.h>
#include <time.h>
struct timeval timer_timeval;
void reset_timer() { gettimeofday(&timer_timeval, NULL); }
double elapsed_time() {
  struct timeval now;
  gettimeofday(&now, NULL);
  int secs = now.tv_sec - timer_timeval.tv_sec;
  double ms = (now.tv_usec - timer_timeval.tv_usec) / ((double)1000000);
  return(secs + ms);

fn bench(f: () -> void) = () where {
  val () = reset_timer()
  val () = f()
  val c = elapsed_time()
  val () = println!(" (timing: ", c, ")")

implement main0() =
    bench(lam() => print!("part1: ", part1()));
    bench(lam() => print!("part2: ", part2()));

输出(假冒&#34; 12341234&#34;输入):

part1: 0 (timing: 0.000137)
part2: 20 (timing: 0.000001)