有人可以解释一下Pandas bin的精度吗?

时间:2018-01-03 17:03:42

标签: python python-2.7 pandas floating-point



import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
import numpy as np
import pandas as pd
import time


n_samples = 37000
n_bins    = 91000

data = pd.Series(np.random.gamma(1, 1, n_samples))

t1 = time.time()
binned_df = pd.cut(data, bins = n_bins, precision = 100).value_counts()
t2 = time.time()
print("pd.cut speed: {}".format(t2-t1))

summed = np.sum(binned_df)
print("sum: {:.4f}".format(summed))
print("len: {}".format(len(binned_df)))

plt.hist(data, bins = 100)

如果我将pd.cut()的精度设置为100,那么我的计算机上的脚本大约需要1.5秒,而且我会得到非常精确的分档,例如(0.209274211931, 0.209375434515]。但是,如果我将精度设置为1,则相同的动作大约需要9.2秒,因此速度要慢得多,现在这些动作仅被定义为例如(0.2093, 0.2094]


1 个答案:

答案 0 :(得分:1)

查看源代码,看起来给pandas一个高于19的精度可以让你跳过一个原本会运行的循环(前提是你的dtype不是datetime64timedelta64;请参阅Line 326)。相关代码开始on Line 393 and goes to Line 415。双重评论是我的:

## This function figures out how far to round the bins after decimal place
def _round_frac(x, precision):
    Round the fractional part of the given number
    if not np.isfinite(x) or x == 0:
        return x
        frac, whole = np.modf(x)
        if whole == 0:
            digits = -int(np.floor(np.log10(abs(frac)))) - 1 + precision
            digits = precision
        return np.around(x, digits)

## This function loops through and makes the cuts more and more precise
## sequentially and only stops if either the number of unique levels created
## by the precision are equal to the number of bins or, if that doesn't
## work, just returns the precision you gave it. 

## However, range(100, 20) cannot loop so you jump to the end
def _infer_precision(base_precision, bins):
    """Infer an appropriate precision for _round_frac
    for precision in range(base_precision, 20):
        levels = [_round_frac(b, precision) for b in bins]
        if algos.unique(levels).size == bins.size:
            return precision
    return base_precision # default



test = [1.121, 1.123, 1.131, 1.133, 1.141, 1.143]

显然,您希望在1.1231.133之后进行拆分,但是说您没有直接提供pandas垃圾箱,而是放置垃圾箱数量(n_bins = 3)。假装pandas开始猜测,将数据均匀分割为3(注意:我不知道这是pandas选择初始削减的方式 - 这只是为了示例目的):

# To calculate where the bin cuts start
x = (1.143 - 1.121)/3
cut1 = 1.121 + x  # 1.1283
cut2 = 1.121 + (2*x) # 1.1356
bins = [cut1, cut2]

但除此之外,假设您建议pandas使用精度为1.将此精度应用于上述切割会给您1.1 - 这对于分隔my_list没用,因为每个条目看起来都是比如1.1。所以包需要经过并在估计的切割值上使用越来越多的十进制数,直到得到的水平数匹配n_bins

# Adapted from infer_precision
for precision in range(1, 4):     
    levels = [_round_frac(b, precision) for b in bins]
    print levels
