private async void Page_Loaded(object sender, RoutedEventArgs e)
DTO dto = new DTO { text = "My text" };
MyContentDialog dialog = new MyContentDialog(dto);
await dialog.ShowAsync();
await new MessageDialog("My text, after being edited by the user in MyContentDialog: " + dto.text).ShowAsync();
library ieee;
use ieee.std_logic_1164.all;
package types is
type BYTE is array (7 downto 0) of std_logic;
end types;
-- Have to use one file because of Electric's compiler
library ieee;
use ieee.std_logic_1164.all; use work.types.all;
entity reg8 is
port (
clock : in std_logic;
inc : in std_logic;
dec : in std_logic;
store : in std_logic;
input : in BYTE;
output : out BYTE
end reg8;
architecture rtl of reg8 is
signal state : BYTE;
tick : process(clock) is
if(rising_edge(clock)) then
if inc = '1' then
state(0) <= not state(0);
state(1) <= state(0) xor state(1);
state(2) <= (state(0) and state(1)) xor state(2);
state(3) <= (state(0) and state(1) and state(2)) xor state(3);
state(4) <= (state(0) and state(1) and state(2) and state(3)) xor state(4);
state(5) <= (state(0) and state(1) and state(2) and state(3) and state(4)) xor state(5);
state(6) <= (state(0) and state(1) and state(2) and state(3) and state(4) and state(5)) xor state(6);
state(7) <= (state(0) and state(1) and state(2) and state(3) and state(4) and state(5) and state(6)) xor state(7);
elsif dec = '1' then
state(0) <= not state(0);
state(1) <= state(0) xnor state(1);
state(2) <= (state(0) or state(1)) xnor state(2);
state(3) <= (state(0) or state(1) or state(2)) xnor state(3);
state(4) <= (state(0) or state(1) or state(2) or state(3)) xnor state(4);
state(5) <= (state(0) or state(1) or state(2) or state(3) or state(4)) xnor state(5);
state(6) <= (state(0) or state(1) or state(2) or state(3) or state(4) or state(5)) xnor state(6);
state(7) <= (state(0) or state(1) or state(2) or state(3) or state(4) or state(5) or state(6)) xnor state(7);
elsif store = '1' then
state <= input;
end if;
end if;
output <= state;
end process tick;
end architecture rtl;
答案 0 :(得分:0)
这似乎是&#34; Electric&#34;不是通用的VHDL编译器。它只支持某个子集和结构。即你想要做的事可能不会奏效。您需要切换到更好的&#34;(和付费)ASIC综合工具,如Synopsys工具。