我正在学习ExtJS框架,用于前端端ExtJS和后端端JavaEE Spring框架(它配置为REST服务)的实验。
我如何向ExtJS.Store说请求需要发送给 localhost:8080 / **而不是localhost:1841 / **?
答案 0 :(得分:1)
在ExtJS中有 singleton
Singleton 模式是一种设计模式,它将类的实例化限制为仅一个对象。当整个系统只需要一个对象时,这很有用。 Singleton模式提供对特定实例的单点访问。单例模式的实现必须满足单实例和全局访问原则。
对于这个“我怎么能对ExtJS.Store说请求需要发送到localhost:8080 / **而不是localhost:1841 / **?”
* Create singletone class in your application
* This class you can access in your application anywhere you want within the app.
* Usage:
* commonUtility.getServerUrl();// whatever property you have defined inside of config you can access like this
Ext.define('APPNAME.utils.SingleToneClassName', {
alternateClassName: 'commonUtility',
singleton: true,
config: {
* you can put local or live also or whatever you want.
* for local it will be ip address like this {''}
* for live is will be live tomcate host url {http://example.com/}
serverURL: ''
constructor: function(config) {
var me = this;
//Your store
Ext.define('APPNAME.store.StoreName', {
extend: 'Ext.data.Store',
fields: ['your fields here'],
storeId: 'storeIdHere',
alias: "store.storeAliasHere",
proxy: {
type: 'ajax',
url: commonUtility.getServerUrl() + 'your Server Method name here', //Based on your server URL acceptance
withCredentials: true,
reader: {
type: 'json',
rootProperty: 'data',
keepRawData: true
autoLoad: true, //If you need auto load then put true otherwise false
listeners: {
beforeload: function(store, operation, options) {
//If you have token based authenthication then you need to put like below
"x-auth-token": 'your token here'
//If you have need to pass some parameter in API method then you can pass like below
store.getProxy().extraParams.your_parameter_name = 'value';
//If you want to load your store on some event or any other functions
url: commonUtility.getServerUrl() + 'your Server Method name here', //Based on your server URL acceptance
params: {
//If you have need to pass some params in server side then
//you put here like
name: 'value'
我希望这会对你有所帮助。有关详细信息,请参阅 ExtJS6.x 文档