如何使用Cordova / PhoneGap构建sencha应用程序

时间:2012-05-30 08:46:50

标签: extjs build cordova

对于客户端,我需要使用Sencha Touch和Cordova构建本机应用程序。

为了提高性能,我使用SDK Tools中的命令“sencha app build package”来缩小javascript源代码。


问题在于,当我使用“sencha app build package”时,我遇到了[ERROR] ReferenceError: Can't find variable: fileSystem等错误。

我阅读了许多关于Sencha + Cordova的帖子,但没有人谈论Cordova + Sencha的构建/缩小源代码。




我为每个需要访问cordova变量的方法使用一个名为CordovaFunctions.js的文件,我的app.js和其他View / Controller调用CordovaFunctions.js中的方法......


 * The application's namespace, used by Sencha Command to generate classes
"name": "ImageDownloader",

 * The file path to this application's front HTML document, relative to this app.json file
"indexHtmlPath": "index.html",

 * The absolute URL to this application in development environment, i.e: the URL to run this application
 * on your web browser during development, e.g: "http://localhost/myapp/index.html".
 * This value is needed when build to resolve your application's dependencies if it requires server-side resources
 * that are not accessible via file system protocol.
"url": null,

 * List of all JavaScript assets in the right execution order.
 * Each item is an object with the following format:
 *      {
 *          "path": "path/to/script.js" // Relative path to this app.json file
 *          "update": "delta"           // (Optional)
 *                                      //  - If not specified, this file will only be loaded once, and
 *                                      //    cached inside localStorage until this value is changed.
 *                                      //  - "delta" to enable over-the-air delta update for this file
 *                                      //  - "full" means full update will be made when this file changes
 *      }
"js": [

       "path": "cordova-1.7.0.js"
       "path": "CordovaFunctions.js"
        "path": "sdk/sencha-touch.js"
        "path": "app.js",
        "bundle": true,  // Indicates that all class dependencies are concatenated into this file when build 
        "update": "delta"

 * List of all CSS assets in the right inclusion order.
 * Each item is an object with the following format:
 *      {
 *          "path": "path/to/item.css" // Relative path to this app.json file
 *          "update": "delta"          // (Optional)
 *                                     //  - If not specified, this file will only be loaded once, and
 *                                     //    cached inside localStorage until this value is changed to either one below
 *                                     //  - "delta" to enable over-the-air delta update for this file
 *                                     //  - "full" means full update will be made when this file changes
 *      }
"css": [
        "path": "resources/css/app.css",
        "update": "delta"

 * Used to automatically generate cache.manifest (HTML 5 application cache manifest) file when you build
"appCache": {
     * List of items in the CACHE MANIFEST section
    "cache": [
     * List of items in the NETWORK section
    "network": [
     * List of items in the FALLBACK section
    "fallback": []

 * Extra resources to be copied along when build
"resources": [

 * File / directory name matchers to ignore when copying to the builds, must be valid regular expressions
"ignore": [

 * Directory path to store all previous production builds. Note that the content generated inside this directory
 * must be kept intact for proper generation of deltas between updates
"archivePath": "archive",

 * Default paths to build this application to for each environment
"buildPaths": {
    "testing": "build/testing",
    "production": "build/production",
    "package": "build/package",
    "native": "build/native"

 * Build options
"buildOptions": {
    "product": "touch",
    "minVersion": 3,
    "debug": false,
    "logger": "no"

 * Uniquely generated id for this application, used as prefix for localStorage keys.
 * Normally you should never change this value.
"id": "dfbad430-a63b-11e1-a218-a1757e9a8324"

1 个答案:

答案 0 :(得分:0)


 * List of all JavaScript assets in the right execution order.
 * Each item is an object with the following format:
 *      {
 *          "path": "path/to/script.js" // Relative path to this app.json file
 *          "update": "delta"           // (Optional)
 *                                      //  - If not specified, this file will only be loaded once, and
 *                                      //    cached inside localStorage until this value is changed.
 *                                      //  - "delta" to enable over-the-air delta update for this file
 *                                      //  - "full" means full update will be made when this file changes
 *      }
"js": [
        "path": "sdk/sencha-touch.js"
        "path": "cordova-1.5.0.js"
        "path": "app.js",
        "bundle": true,  /* Indicates that all class dependencies are concatenated into this file when build */
        "update": "delta"