我有4个覆盆子pi相机,可以拍摄来自不同位置的相同场景的照片。我想让它们在颜色方面尽可能相似。我尝试了一些直方图均衡而没有太大的成功。在互联网上搜索,颜色校正矩阵(CCM)出现了很多,所以我想在Opencv,C ++中尝试一下。我知道有关于色彩校正和色彩校准的整个理论,但是我想只尝试CCM并在Opencv中看到它的结果,而不仅仅是Matlab或其他软件。
我拍了2张MacBeth颜色图表的照片并手动获取样品颜色。 (我知道我可以自动执行此操作,但在此之前我想确保值得付出努力)。
//input images
CameraInfo c1, c2;
cv::Mat inputImgCam1 = cv::imread("color_c1.jpeg");
cv::Mat inputImgCam2 = cv::imread("color_c3.jpeg");
//convert them to float for multiplication
cv::Mat3f cam1F, cam2F;
inputImgCam1.convertTo(cam1F, CV_32FC3, 1 / 255.0);
inputImgCam2.convertTo(cam2F, CV_32FC3, 1 / 255.0);
//take manually the source and target colours
c1.Initialize(inputImgCam1, cv::Size(14, 8), false);
c2.Initialize(inputImgCam2, cv::Size(14, 8), false);
std::vector<cv::Vec3b> colors1 = c1.GetColors();
std::vector<cv::Vec3b> colors2 = c2.GetColors();
//convert them to Mat - 3 ch, 1 col, 4 rows
cv::Mat source(colors1);// = Convert(colors1);
cv::Mat target(colors2);// = Convert(colors2);
//reshape them - 1 ch, 3 cols, 4 rows
cv::Mat src = source.reshape(1, source.size().height);
cv::Mat trg = target.reshape(1, target.size().height);
//convert them to float
cv::Mat srcFloat, trgFloat;
src.convertTo(srcFloat, CV_32FC1, 1 / 255.0);
trg.convertTo(trgFloat, CV_32FC1, 1 / 255.0);
std::cout << srcFloat.size() << " " << srcFloat.t().size() << " " << trgFloat.size() << " " << trgFloat.t().size();
//compute the colour correction matrix: A*M = B => M = (A' * A).inv() * A' * B
cv::Mat ccm = (trgFloat.t() * trgFloat).inv() * trgFloat.t() * srcFloat;
//reshape the source image to 1 ch, width * height cols, 3 rows
cv::Mat cam1Reshaped = cam1F.reshape(1, 3);
//perform correction
cv::Mat result = cam1Reshaped.t() * ccm;
//reshape back, 3 ch, width cols, height rows
cv::Mat resultR = result.reshape(3, inputImgCam1.size().height);
//convert to uchar for saving
cv::Mat out;
resultR.convertTo(out, CV_8UC3, 255);
cv::imwrite("ccm_c1.jpg", out);
以下是MacBeth颜色图表的图像:source image; target image; result
我的CCM看起来像这样:ccm values
显然有些不对劲!结果图像看起来与输入图像不同。我从here中获取灵感,但是当涉及到矩阵乘法时,opencv会使事情变得更加困难(图像必须是浮点数,顺序是cols x行,而不是行x cols ..)。我希望得到一个至少与上面链接中的结果相同的结果。至少输入和输出显示相同的东西。
我希望你能帮助我。使用opencv我没有找到太多支持。 谢谢!
答案 0 :(得分:1)
$('.container').on('click', 'img', function() {
cv::Mat ccm = trgFloat.t() * srcFloat * (trgFloat.t() * trgFloat).inv();
答案 1 :(得分:0)
//input images
CameraInfo c1, c2;
cv::Mat inputImgCam1 = cv::imread("color_c1.jpeg");
cv::Mat inputImgCam2 = cv::imread("color_c3.jpeg");
//convert them to float for multiplication
cv::Mat3f cam1F, cam2F;
inputImgCam1.convertTo(cam1F, CV_32FC3, 1 / 255.0);
inputImgCam2.convertTo(cam2F, CV_32FC3, 1 / 255.0);
//take manually the source and target colours
c1.Initialize(inputImgCam1, cv::Size(14, 8), false);
c2.Initialize(inputImgCam2, cv::Size(14, 8), false);
std::vector<cv::Vec3b> colors1 = c1.GetColors();
std::vector<cv::Vec3b> colors2 = c2.GetColors();
//convert them to Mat - 3 ch, 4 rows, 1 col
cv::Mat source(colors1);// = Convert(colors1);
cv::Mat target(colors2);// = Convert(colors2);
//reshape them - 1 ch, 4 rows, 3 cols
cv::Mat src = source.reshape(1, source.size().height);
cv::Mat trg = target.reshape(1, target.size().height);
//convert them to float
cv::Mat srcFloat, trgFloat;
src.convertTo(srcFloat, CV_32FC1, 1 / 255.0);
trg.convertTo(trgFloat, CV_32FC1, 1 / 255.0);
std::cout << srcFloat.size() << " " << srcFloat.t().size() << " " << trgFloat.size() << " " << trgFloat.t().size();
//compute the colour correction matrix: A*M = B => M = (A' * A).inv() * A' * B
cv::Mat ccm = trgFloat.t() * srcFloat * (trgFloat.t() * trgFloat).inv();
//reshape the source image to 1 ch, width * height rows, 3 cols
cv::Mat cam1Reshaped = cam1F.reshape(1, cam1F.size().height * cam1F.size().width);
//perform correction
cv::Mat result = cam1Reshaped * ccm;
//reshape back, 3 ch, height rows, width cols
cv::Mat resultR = result.reshape(3, inputImgCam1.size().height);
//convert to uchar for saving
cv::Mat out;
resultR.convertTo(out, CV_8UC3, 255);
cv::imwrite("ccm_c1.jpg", out);
答案 2 :(得分:-1)
“ CameraInfo”是什么类型-请问?
当我调查这个例子时,我得到: matrixcorrection.cpp:17:2:错误:未知类型名称'CameraInfo' CameraInfo c1,c2;