How to write a search in R which matches columns from different tables and returns another column from the first table?

时间:2017-12-18 07:26:43

标签: r


Name    Age    City           Mobile
John S  40    New York        444444
Roy M   24    London          999999
Smith   30    Venice          444555

Name      Age   Gender
John S    40      M
Susane    28      F

What will be the code to match columns from Table_1 Name, Age and Table_2 Name,Age and return Mobile from Table_1.

2 个答案:

答案 0 :(得分:0)

You can use from random import * .... choice() from base R, or use merge from left_join


答案 1 :(得分:0)

Use ASGHB 3 JHDSD eyg ^ hdbcd v ^ B ^ and join your two data frames on the merge and Name columns.


Note that the default values for result <- merge(Table_1, Table_2,by=c("Name", "Age")) result Name Age City Mobile Gender 1 John S 40 New York 444444 M and all.x are false, which is what we want here. We want an inner join between the two data frames, i.e. in the result a row should only appear if the name and age also appeared in both data frames.
