An example of my dataset would be:
ZoneA: 0-100
ZoneB: 100-200
Name SubName startValueA endValueA startValueB endValueB
A X 0 25 0 100
A X 25 35 0 100
A X 35 80 0 100
A X 80 95 0 100
A X 95 120 0 100
A Y 120 145 100 200
A Y 145 160 100 200
A Y 160 175 100 200
A Y 175 190 100 200
A Y 190 200 100 200
Essentially what I'm desiring is this:
Name SubName startValueA endValueA startValueB endValueB Percent
A X 0 25 0 100 1
A X 25 35 0 100 1
A X 35 80 0 100 1
A X 80 95 0 100 1
A X 95 100 0 100 .2 <--- (100-95)/(120-95)
A X 100 120 100 200 .8 <--- (120-100)/(120-95)
A Y 120 145 100 200 1
A Y 145 160 100 200 1
A Y 160 175 100 200 1
A Y 175 190 100 200 1
A Y 190 200 100 200 1
So a row is added where ValueA crosses over ValueB, and then the resulting percent of each is calculated. Basically I'm trying to figure out how much of valueA belongs in each Zone as defined by valueB. I have the first row done pretty simply with something along the lines of:
when endValueA <= endValueB then 1
else ((endValueB - startValueA)/(endValueA - startValueA))
I'm just not sure how to get the additional row added in with the inverse percent.
Thanks in advance for the help!