职位1: 50.123248,8.847602
职位2: 50.120132,8.841926
距离(根据谷歌地图): 531,34米
public double distanceTo(Location location) {
final int EARTH_RADIUS_KM = 6371;
double lng1 = this.longitude;
double lng2 = location.getLongitude();
double lat1 = this.latitude;
double lat2 = location.getLatitude();
double theta = lng1 - lng2;
double dist = Math.sin(deg2rad(lat1)) * Math.sin(deg2rad(lat2)) + Math.cos(deg2rad(lat1)) * Math.cos(deg2rad(lat2)) * Math.cos(deg2rad(theta));
dist = Math.acos(dist);
dist = rad2deg(dist);
dist = dist * 60 * 1.1515;
dist = dist * 1.609344; //for Kilometers
return (dist);
* decimal degrees to radians
* @param deg
* @return
private double deg2rad(double deg) {
return (deg * Math.PI / 180.0);
* radians to decimal degrees
* @param rad
* @return
private double rad2deg(double rad) {
return (rad * 180.0 / Math.PI);
public void setup() {
location1 = new Location(50.123248, 8.847602);
location2 = new Location(50.120132, 8.841926);
public void testDistanceTo() {
//TODO No real assertion yet
// Expecting 531,34 m - 0.531 KM