Python - 在CSV列中搜索值并返回字符串

时间:2017-12-11 18:54:00

标签: python windows



import csv #CSV File Handling

#Define variables for customer file reading and appending
custData = open('custData.csv', 'a+')
custFields = ['ContactLast','ContactFirst','Company','Credit','Phone','Address','City','State','Zip']
reader = csv.DictReader(custData, delimiter=',')
writer = csv.DictWriter(custData, fieldnames=custFields)
search = ''

#Open the file
with custData:

#Display the Welcome Message and Main Menu
    mainmenugo = 'Y'
    while (mainmenugo.upper() == 'Y'):

        print ('-------------------- What would you like to do? ------------------\n'
        '--- (1) Lookup Account     (2) New Account     (quit) Shutdown ---\n'
        mainmenugo = 'n' #Stop the loop from itirating forever on start
        mainmenuselect = input('Type your selection and press return : ')

        if mainmenuselect == '1':  ## Account Options Mode
            search = input('Enter the contact last name to search : ')
            for row in reader:
                if search == row['ContactLast']:
                    print (row['Company'], 'has a balance of $', row['Credit'], '. What would you like to do?')


1 个答案:

答案 0 :(得分:0)

我认为您遇到了以下问题。 Python 3中的input()评估用户输入,有效地将用户输入1转换为整数1,然后您尝试与字符串'1'进行比较。


In [1]: search = input('Enter the contact last name to search : ')
Enter the contact last name to search : 1

In [2]: type(search)
Out[2]: int

In [3]: search == '1'
Out[3]: False

在您的情况下,如果用户输入1,则if mainmenuselect == '1':比较将是假的。