我在Visual Studios 2015中的0x00E33743处抛出一个错误,我目前正在使用x86汇编语言。我的目标是将此过程从提供的输入BYTE数组复制到目标BYTE数组。问题是,当我开始使用mov eax时,[esi]会在eax中加载目标的值,即抛出错误时。我想知道是否有人知道我为什么会收到这个错误并且可以帮助我。
; copies bytes from a supplied input BYTE array to a target BYTE array
; receives:
; [ebp-4] = pointer to buffer array
; [ebp-8] = pointer to the output byte array
; [ebp-12] = max size buffer
; returns:
; eax = the pointer to the next character in the input array after the carriage return and line feed characters
bufferCopy PROC
push ebp ; save the base pointer
mov ebp,esp ; base of the stack frame
push OFFSET buffer ; points to the beginning of buffer
push OFFSET olympian ; pointer to the output array
push BSIZE ; buffer size
sub esp,16 ; create temp variable "tmp"
push esi ; save esi
push eax ; save eax
; store the input byte into the max size
mov esi,[ebp-4] ; load pointer to byte in esi
mov ecx,[ebp-12] ; max size of the buffer
mov eax,[esi] ; load the value of byte in eax
mov [ebp-16],eax ; store in tmp
; move target byte to the input byte
mov esi,[ebp-8] ; load pointer to target in esi
mov eax,[esi] ; load the value of target in eax
mov esi,[ebp-4] ; load pointer to input byte in esi
mov [esi],eax ; move eax (target) to input location
; move tmp/input to target
mov eax,[ebp-16] ; move value stored in max (input) to eax
mov esi,[ebp-8] ; load pointer to target in esi
mov [esi],eax ; move eax (input) to target location
push [esi]+1 ; moving the target's pointer over
push [esi]+2 ; moving the target's pointer over
pop eax ; restore eax
pop esi ; restore esi
pop ebp ; remove base pointer
ret ; clean up stack!
bufferCopy ENDP