我想估计过去5个月或更长时间内我的数据库的大小。数据库中的每个表都是插入每条记录的日期的创建字段。 我尝试使用表中的顶级平均记录,并根据我在网上找到的这个例子将其乘以计数。 (is there a way to calculate row size between two dates in sql and oracle?) 当我对某些桌子进行计算时,桌子的大小偏离了30 mb,或者在某些情况下为300 mb。你能帮我估算一下大小吗?
DECLARE @numbrows int;
DECLARE @byteNumber int;
set @numbRows = (select count(*) from YOURTABLE
where DATEPARAMETER >= Convert(datetime, '2016-01-01' )
AND DATEPARAMETER <= Convert(datetime, '2016-12-31' ));
select @numbRows as ThisManyRowsBetweenDates
-- leverage sys.dm_db_index_physical_stats to get average number of bytes for a row in your target table
set @byteNumber = (select TOP 1 avg_record_size_in_bytes FROM
select @byteNumber AS ThisManyBytesOnAveragePerRow
-- rows * average size or rows = estimation of how many bytes you are using
select @numbRows * @byteNumber AS EstimationOfTotalBytesUsed
DECLARE @numbrowsJ int;
DECLARE @byteNumberJ decimal (18,5);
Declare @tableName varchar(100); --
DECLARE @Dbname varchar(100);
Declare @year int;
set @Dbname = 'DataAdmin';
SET @year = 1970;
set @tableName = 'Customer'
set @byteNumberJ = (select TOP 1 avg_record_size_in_bytes FROM
(DB_ID(N'DataAdmin'), OBJECT_ID('dbo.Customer'), NULL, NULL , 'DETAILED'));
Insert SizingCalcul.dbo.Sizing( month, SizeinMb, RowCounts, year,TableName,DatabaseName)
--set to insert into table then from there
SELECT DATENAME(mm,DOB) MONTH, COUNT(*) * @byteNumberJ /1024 /1024 As
SizeinMB, count (*) RowCounts, DATENAME (yyyy,DOB) As 'Year', @tableName as
FROM dbo.Customer
where YEAR(DOB) = @year
--insert growth
--use SizingCalcul
Declare @JanTotal Decimal (18,5);
Declare @FebTotal Decimal (18,5);
Declare @MarTotal Decimal (18,5);
Declare @aprilTotal DECIMAL (18,5);
Declare @mayTotal Decimal (18,5);
Declare @JunTotal Decimal (18,5);
Declare @JulTotal Decimal (18,5);
Declare @AugTotal Decimal (18,5);
Declare @SeptTotal Decimal (18,5);
Declare @OctTotal Decimal(18,5);
Declare @NovTotal Decimal (18,5);
Declare @DecTotal Decimal(18,5);
set @JanTotal = (Select SizeinMb from SizingCalcul.dbo.Sizing where month =
'January'and year = @year)
set @FebTotal = (Select SizeinMb from SizingCalcul.dbo.Sizing where month =
'February'and year = @year)-@JanTotal;
set @MarTotal = (Select SizeinMb from SizingCalcul.dbo.Sizing where month =
'March'and year = @year) -@FebTotal;
set @aprilTotal = (Select SizeinMb from SizingCalcul.dbo.Sizing where month =
'April'and year = @year)-@MarTotal;
set @mayTotal = (Select SizeinMb from SizingCalcul.dbo.Sizing where month =
'May'and year = @year)-@aprilTotal;
set @JunTotal = (Select SizeinMb from SizingCalcul.dbo.Sizing where month =
'June'and year = @year)-@mayTotal;
set @JulTotal = (Select SizeinMb from SizingCalcul.dbo.Sizing where month =
'July'and year = @year)-@JunTotal;
set @AugTotal = (Select SizeinMb from SizingCalcul.dbo.Sizing where month =
'August'and year = @year)-@JulTotal;
set @SeptTotal = (Select SizeinMb from SizingCalcul.dbo.Sizing where month =
'September'and year = @year)-@AugTotal;
set @OctTotal = (Select SizeinMb from SizingCalcul.dbo.Sizing where month =
'October'and year = @year)-@SeptTotal;
set @NovTotal = (Select SizeinMb from SizingCalcul.dbo.Sizing where month =
'November'and year = @year)-@OctTotal;
set @DecTotal = (Select SizeinMb from SizingCalcul.dbo.Sizing where month =
'Decimal'and year = @year)-@NovTotal;
select @JanTotal
update SizingCalcul.dbo.Sizing
set Growth = @JanTotal
where month ='January' and year = @year
update SizingCalcul.dbo.Sizing
set Growth = @FebTotal
where month ='February' and year = @year
update SizingCalcul.dbo.Sizing
set Growth = @MarTotal
where month ='March' and year = @year
update SizingCalcul.dbo.Sizing
set Growth = @aprilTotal
where month ='April' and year = @year
update SizingCalcul.dbo.Sizing
set Growth = @mayTotal
where month ='May' and year = @year
update SizingCalcul.dbo.Sizing
set Growth = @JunTotal
where month ='June' and year = @year
update SizingCalcul.dbo.Sizing
set Growth = @JulTotal
where month ='July' and year = @year
update SizingCalcul.dbo.Sizing
set Growth = @AugTotal
where month ='August' and year = @year
update SizingCalcul.dbo.Sizing
set Growth = @SeptTotal
where month ='September' and year = @year
update SizingCalcul.dbo.Sizing
set Growth = @OctTotal
where month ='October' and year = @year
update SizingCalcul.dbo.Sizing
set Growth = @NovTotal
where month ='November'and year = @year
update SizingCalcul.dbo.Sizing
set Growth = @DecTotal
where month ='December' and year = @year
-- Average Grwthper Month
-- Insert this point part
SELECT SUM(Growth) As TotalYearlyGrowth, AVG(Growth) As AverageGrowthPerMonth
FROM SizingCalcul.dbo.Sizing
WHERE year = @year;
SELECT SUM(Growth) As TotalYearlyDbGrowth, AVG(Growth) As AverageGrowthPerYear
FROM SizingCalcul.dbo.Sizing
WHERE year = @year and DatabaseName = @Dbname;