
时间:2017-12-03 01:51:45

标签: perl


Pascal's Triangle


这没什么不寻常的 当你是一名计算机科学家。


C(n,k)= n! / [k! *(n - k)!],其中" n"是行和" k"是从0到n的任何整数。


Pascal's triangle combinations



(H + T)^ n#你翻转一个双面硬币" n"时间和它落在"头"或者"尾巴"并且你在一组系数中收集每个系数的频率,对于n = 3,我们得到扩展:

(H + T)^ 3 = 1(H ^ 3)+ 3(H ^ 2)(T)+ 3(H)(T ^ 2)+ 1(T ^ 3),其中那些系数: 1,3,3,1是帕斯卡三角形的第3行。

我定义了一个阶乘(!)和一个组合,并且能够获得 Pascal三角形的任何一行上的系数数字,带有一些循环Perl代码:

use strict;
use warnings;

# Note the first row is row 0.
print("\nWhich row of Pascal's triangle to display: ");
my $row = <STDIN>; # The row that you want to display # This is also n. 
my $terms = $row + 1; # The number of terms is one more than the row number. 

Pascal_Row($row); # Print the Pascal numbers for that row. 

# Function displays the numbers for a row of Pascal's triangle. 
sub Pascal_Row
    my $row = shift; # Row is passed in. 

    for(my $k = 0; $k < $row + 1; $k++) # k alternates, but not the row which is n. 
        print(combination($row, $k), "\t") # Print each row. 
    print("\n"); # Print a newline after each time this function is called.

# This computes the factorial of a number.
sub factorial
    my $number = shift; # argument. 
    my $factorial_number = 1; # initalize the factorial. 

    for(my $i = 1; $i <= $number; $i++)
        $factorial_number *= $i; # compute the factorial, by multiplying all terms up to and including number.

    return $factorial_number; # Return the factorial number. 

# Computes a matehmatical combination usually denoted as C(n, k)
# where n is the row number, and k is each item in a row of Pascal's traingle 
sub combination
    my($n, $k) = @_; # from input. 

    # This is the mathematical formula for a combination. 
    my $combination_number = factorial($n) / (factorial($k) * factorial($n - $k));

    return $combination_number # And returning it. 


Which row of Pascal's triangle to display: 8
1       8       28      56      70      56      28      8       1



4 个答案:

答案 0 :(得分:3)




my $MAX_VAL_SIZE = 5;

for my $n (0...$N) {
   my @row;
   for my $k (0..$n) {
      push @row, C($n, $k);

   say join "  ", map sprintf("%*d", $MAX_VAL_SIZE, $_), @row;

答案 1 :(得分:2)


每行需要缩进行中数字间隔的一半,适当地相乘(最后一行为零,第一行为-1) - 也就是说,如果数字本身的宽度相等。



use warnings;
use strict;
use feature 'say';
use List::Util qw(max);

my $max_row = (shift || 8); 

my @rows = map { pascal_row($_) } 0..$max_row-1;

my $max_num_wd = max map { length } @{$rows[-1]};
my $pad = 1;  # choice (must be non-zero)
my $sep     = ' ' x ($max_num_wd + 2*$pad);
my $lead_sp = ' ' x ($max_num_wd +   $pad);

for my $n (0..$#rows) {
    say $lead_sp x ($max_row-1-$n),
        join $sep, map { sprintf "%${max_num_wd}d", $_ } @{$rows[$n]};

sub pascal_row {
    my ($row) = @_;
    return [ map { n_over_k($row, $_) } 0..$row ];

sub n_over_k {
    my ($n, $k) = @_; 
    return factorial($n) / (factorial($k) * factorial($n - $k));

sub factorial {
    my ($n) = @_;        
    my $fact = 1;
    $fact *= $_ for 2..$n;
    return $fact;

这将打印正确的布局。 $pad是一个任意整数,用于超过最大数字宽度的额外空间,用于缩进和分离;它必须> 0才能协调它们。 (分离需要上面一行中心数左右两侧的空间,因此系数为2.)


# (includes and subs same as above except for List::Util)    
my $max_row = (shift || 8); 

my $max_num_wd = 4; # maximum width of numbers
my $pad        = 1; # choice (non-zero)
my $sep     = ' ' x ($max_num_wd + 2*$pad);
my $lead_sp = ' ' x ($max_num_wd +   $pad);

for my $n (0..$max_row-1) {
    my @row = @{ pascal_row($n) };
    say $lead_sp x ($max_row-1-$n),
        join $sep, map { sprintf "%${max_num_wd}d", $_ } @row;


答案 2 :(得分:2)


use strict;
use warnings;

sub fact {
  my $n = shift;
  return 1 if $n < 1;
  return $n * fact($n - 1);

sub n_over_k {
  my $n = shift;
  my $k = shift;
  return fact($n) / ( fact($k) * fact($n - $k) );

sub pascal_row {
  my $n = shift;
  return map { n_over_k($n - 1, $_) } (0 .. $n - 1);

my $n = shift || 8;

# $maxw is the first odd width where the biggest number will fit
my $max = 0;
map { $max = $_ if $_ > $max } pascal_row($n);
my $maxw = length('' . $max);
$maxw += ($maxw + 1) % 2;

# Print the Pascal´s triangle
foreach my $i (1..$n) {
  print ' ' x ( ( $maxw + 1 ) * ($n - $i) / 2 );
  foreach my $j ( pascal_row($i) ) {
    printf "%${maxw}d ", $j;
  print "\n";

怎么做?将每个数字设置在第一个奇数宽度内,其中要打印的数字的最大值将适合。这是因为数字用空格分隔,这将使每个宽度均匀(对于奇值三角形行,可以将其整除。)然后使用printf格式化数字。例如,%5d会将数字对齐在5个字符以内。使用' ' x N生成一个N个空格字符串,前面包含必要空格的除最后一行之外的每一行。


# pascal.pl 8
              1   1
            1   2   1
          1   3   3   1
        1   4   6   4   1
      1   5  10  10   5   1
    1   6  15  20  15   6   1
  1   7  21  35  35  21   7   1


# pascal.pl 13
                        1   1
                      1   2   1
                    1   3   3   1
                  1   4   6   4   1
                1   5  10  10   5   1
              1   6  15  20  15   6   1
            1   7  21  35  35  21   7   1
          1   8  28  56  70  56  28   8   1
        1   9  36  84 126 126  84  36   9   1
      1  10  45 120 210 252 210 120  45  10   1
    1  11  55 165 330 462 462 330 165  55  11   1
  1  12  66 220 495 792 924 792 495 220  66  12   1

答案 3 :(得分:1)



基本思想是采用观察,即下一个值 row是上面2个元素的总和。

此解决方案也是如何使用数组的一个很好的示例 (参考)数组。

一个有趣的特征是缩进是从 最后一行中的元素(具有最大值)。

为了提供三角形的漂亮外观,单元格大小必须是偶数。 &#34;基本&#34;缩进是这个大小的一半。 每行的实际缩进是这个基本大小,乘以相应的 number,从行索引和行总数派生。


use strict;
use warnings;
use feature qw(say);
use POSIX qw(ceil);

my $rowCnt = 14;        # How many rows
say "Pascal Triangle with $rowCnt rows:";
# Rows container, filled with a single row (containing single 1)
my @rows = ([ 1 ]);
my ($lastRow, $row, $ind);
# Generate / add further rows
for ($ind = 1; $ind < $rowCnt; $ind++) {
  $lastRow = $rows[$#rows]; # Last row gathered so far
  push(@rows, getNextRow($lastRow));
$lastRow = $rows[$#rows];
# Middle elem. of the last row
my $midElem = $$lastRow[($rowCnt - 1) / 2];
# No of digits + separator, rounded up to even
my $elemSize = ceil((length($midElem) + 1) / 2) * 2;
my $shf = $elemSize / 2;    # Shift size for a sigle step
# Print rows
for ($ind = 0; $ind < $rowCnt; $ind++) {
  my $row = $rows[$ind];
  my $spc = $shf * ($rowCnt - $ind - 1);
  printRow($spc, $row, $elemSize);

sub getNextRow {    # Create the next row and return the reference to it
  my $lastRow = $_[0];  # Read param
  my @row = (1);    # Start the new row from a single 1
  for (my $i = 0; $i < $#$lastRow; $i++) {
    push(@row, $$lastRow[$i] + $$lastRow[$i + 1]);
  push(@row, 1);    # Add terminating 1
  return \@row;     # Result - reference to the created row

sub printRow {      # Print a row of the triangle
  my ($leadSpc, $row, $elemSize) = @_;  # Read params
  # Leading spaces and the initial element (always 1)
  printf("%s1", ' ' x $leadSpc);
  # Print the rest of the row
  for (my $i = 1; $i <= $#$row; $i++) {
    printf("%*d", $elemSize, $$row[$i]);