
时间:2017-12-02 20:55:18

标签: c++ algorithm vector comparator stdmap

我有一个名为ItemType的班级。它有两个成员 - 都是double,名为m_tm_f。如果这两个成员在相应的容忍水平内彼此不同,则认为两个类型ItemType是相等的。通过这种逻辑,比较器功能也是如此定义的。但是,当我将此类型的对象作为键插入到地图中时,地图中只生成一个键,即使至少应存在三个这样的键:

#include <iostream>
#include <string>
#include <map>
#include <cmath>  
#include <vector>

using namespace std;

        class ItemKey
            ItemKey(double t, double f)
                m_t = t;
                m_f = f;           

            double m_t;
            double m_f;
            double m_tEpsilon = 3;
            double m_fEpsilon = 0.1;

            bool operator<(const ItemKey& itemKey) const
                int s_cmp = (abs(itemKey.m_f - m_f) > m_fEpsilon);
                if (s_cmp == 0)
                    return (abs(itemKey.m_t - m_t) > m_tEpsilon);
                return s_cmp < 0;

int main()
    // The pairs are the respective values of m_t and m_f.
    vector<pair<double, double>> pairs;

    // These two should belong in one bucket -> (109.9, 9.0), because m_f differs by 0.09 and m_t differs by just 1
    pairs.emplace_back(109.9, 9.0);
    pairs.emplace_back(110.9, 9.09);

    // This one is separate from above two beause even though m_t is in range, m_f is beyong tolerance level
    pairs.emplace_back(109.5, 10.0);

    // Same for this as well, here both m_t and m_f are beyong tolerance of any of the two categories found above
    pairs.emplace_back(119.9, 19.0);

    // This one matches the second bucket - (109.5, 10.0)
    pairs.emplace_back(109.9, 10.05);

    // And this one too.
    pairs.emplace_back(111.9, 9.87);

    map<ItemKey, size_t> itemMap;

    for (const auto& item: pairs)
        ItemKey key(item.first, item.second);
        auto iter = itemMap.find(key);
        if (iter  == itemMap.end())
            itemMap[key] = 1;
            itemMap[iter->first] = itemMap[iter->first] + 1;

    // The map should have three keys - (109.9, 9.0) -> count 2, (109.5, 10.0) -> count 3 and (119.9, 19.0) -> count 1
    cout << itemMap.size();



1 个答案:

答案 0 :(得分:4)



int s_cmp = (abs(itemKey.m_f - m_f) > m_fEpsilon);


if (s_cmp == 0)
    return (abs(itemKey.m_t - m_t) > m_tEpsilon);

如果s_cmptrue,那么它的值为10的值为false(意味着他们在彼此的容忍范围内)。如果m_t值在容差范围内,则返回true。到目前为止,如果true 相等(根据容差)并且m_f 相等,则返回m_t根据宽容)。然后你的最后一行代码

return s_cmp < 0;



#include <iostream>
#include <string>
#include <map>
#include <cmath>  
#include <vector>

struct ItemKey
    double m_t;
    double m_f;
    static constexpr double t_eps = 3;
    static constexpr double f_eps = 0.1;

    ItemKey(double t, double f) : m_t(t), m_f(f) {}

    bool operator<(const ItemKey& other) const
        // Here it is assumed that f_eps and t_eps are positive
        // We also ignore overflow, underflow, and NaN
        // This is written for readability, and assumed the compiler will be
        // able to optimize it.
        auto fuzzy_less_than = [] (double a, double b, double eps) {
          return a < b - eps;
        bool f_is_less_than    = fuzzy_less_than(this->m_f, other.m_f, f_eps);
        bool f_is_greater_than = fuzzy_less_than(other.m_f, this->m_f, f_eps);
        bool f_is_equal        = !f_is_less_than && !f_is_greater_than;
        bool t_is_less_than    = fuzzy_less_than(this->m_t, other.m_t, t_eps);

        return f_is_less_than || (f_is_equal && t_is_less_than);

int main()
    using namespace std;

    // The pairs are the respective values of m_t and m_f.
    vector<pair<double, double>> pairs;

    // These two should belong in one bucket
    // -> (109.9, 9.0), because m_f differs by 0.09 and m_t differs by just 1
    pairs.emplace_back(109.9, 9.0);
    pairs.emplace_back(110.9, 9.09);

    // This one is separate from above two beause even though m_t is in range,
    // m_f is beyong tolerance level
    pairs.emplace_back(109.5, 10.0);

    // Same for this as well, here both m_t and m_f are beyong tolerance of any
    // of the two categories found above
    pairs.emplace_back(119.9, 19.0);

    // This one matches the second bucket - (109.5, 10.0)
    pairs.emplace_back(109.9, 10.05);

    // And this one too.
    pairs.emplace_back(111.9, 9.87);

    map<ItemKey, size_t> itemMap;

    for (const auto& item: pairs)
        ItemKey key(item.first, item.second);
        auto iter = itemMap.find(key);
        if (iter  == itemMap.end())
            itemMap[key] = 1;
            itemMap[iter->first] = itemMap[iter->first] + 1;

    // The map should have three keys
    // - (109.9, 9.0) -> count 2
    // - (109.5, 10.0) -> count 3
    // - (119.9, 19.0) -> count 1
    cout << itemMap.size();

    cout << "itemMap contents:" << endl;
    for (auto& item : itemMap) {
        cout << "  (" << item.first << ", " << ")" << endl;

    return 0;


  1. 不要将布尔值存储到整数变量中。 这就是C ++引入bool类型的原因。
  2. 以编译器的方式将代码编写为可读 可以轻松优化。您可能会注意到我使用了lambda表达式 和多个布尔。智能编译器将内联调用 lambda表达式,因为它仅在本地范围内使用。 智能编译器也可以简化布尔逻辑并实现它 对我来说很有意义。
  3. m_tEpsilonm_fEpsilon可能并不好 类的可变变量。事实上,如果一个人可能会很糟糕 对象与另一个对象有不同的epsilon。如果那是 case,当你使用<运算符时使用哪种情况?为了这 原因,我在课堂上将它们设置为static const变量。
  4. 对于构造函数,最好初始化变量 初始化列表而不是构造函数的主体。那 除非你正在进行动态资源分配,否则你会这样做 想在构造函数中执行它,并确保如果清理它 你最终会抛出异常(最好使用RAII 图案)。我开始离主题太远了:))
  5. 即使classstruct基本相同,但除外 默认保护级别(class默认为私有 默认情况下,struct是公开的)。将它作为一种惯例是惯例 struct是否要直接访问成员变量。虽然, 在这种情况下,我可能会将您的类设置为不可变。去做 那样,将m_tm_f设置为私有变量并拥有一个getter m()f()。修改ItemKey可能是个坏主意 插入后的地图中的实例。
  6. 此方法的潜在问题

    您在此处遇到的问题之一是它将取决于您添加元素的顺序。考虑添加以下对:(3.0, 10.0) (5.0, 10.0) (7.0, 10.0)。如果我们按此顺序添加它们,我们将获得(3.0, 10.0) (7.0, 10.0),因为(5.0, 10.0)被视为等于(3.0, 10.0)。但是,如果我们先插入(5.0, 10.0),然后插入其他两个,该怎么办?那么列表只有一个元素(5.0, 10.0),因为其他元素的麻烦将被视为等于此元素。


    void simple_test_map() {
        std::map<ItemKey, size_t> counter1;
        counter1[{3.0, 10.0}] += 1;
        counter1[{5.0, 10.0}] += 1;
        counter1[{7.0, 10.0}] += 1;
        for (auto &itempair : counter1) {
           std::cout << "simple_test_map()::counter1: ("
                     << itempair.first.m_t << ", "
                     << itempair.first.m_f << ") - "
                     << itempair.second << "\n";
        std::cout << std::endl;
        std::map<ItemKey, size_t> counter2;
        counter2[{5.0, 10.0}] += 1;
        counter2[{3.0, 10.0}] += 1;
        counter2[{7.0, 10.0}] += 1;
        for (auto &itempair : counter2) {
           std::cout << "simple_test_map()::counter2: ("
                     << itempair.first.m_t << ", "
                     << itempair.first.m_f << ") - "
                     << itempair.second << "\n";
        std::cout << std::endl;


    simple_test_map()::counter1: (3, 10) - 2
    simple_test_map()::counter1: (7, 10) - 1
    simple_test_map()::counter2: (5, 10) - 3


    void simple_test_multiset() {
        std::multiset<ItemKey> counter1 {{3.0, 10.0}, {5.0, 10.0}, {7.0, 10.0}};
        for (auto &item : counter1) {
           std::cout << "simple_test_multiset()::counter1: ("
                     << item.m_t << ", "
                     << item.m_f << ")\n";
        std::cout << std::endl;
        std::multiset<ItemKey> counter2 {{5.0, 10.0}, {3.0, 10.0}, {7.0, 10.0}};
        for (auto &item : counter2) {
           std::cout << "simple_test_multiset()::counter2: ("
                     << item.m_t << ", "
                     << item.m_f << ")\n";
        std::cout << std::endl;
        std::cout << "simple_test_multiset()::counter2.size() = "
                  << counter2.size() << std::endl;
        for (auto &item : counter1) {
           std::cout << "simple_test_multiset()::counter2.count({"
                     << item.m_t << ", "
                     << item.m_f << "}) = "
                     << counter1.count(item) << std::endl;
        std::cout << std::endl;


    simple_test_multiset()::counter1: (3, 10)
    simple_test_multiset()::counter1: (5, 10)
    simple_test_multiset()::counter1: (7, 10)
    simple_test_multiset()::counter2: (5, 10)
    simple_test_multiset()::counter2: (3, 10)
    simple_test_multiset()::counter2: (7, 10)
    simple_test_multiset()::counter2.count({3, 10}) = 2
    simple_test_multiset()::counter2.count({5, 10}) = 3
    simple_test_multiset()::counter2.count({7, 10}) = 2
    simple_test_multiset()::counter2.size() = 3

