从output.txt快照中可以看到。常规数据透视快速排序正常工作,但是当生成随机数据透视索引时,它不再正常工作。任何想法为什么?当调用quicksort方法时,如果我们想要选择随机数据条索引,则rand值为true,否则如果我们要选择最后一个 - 1作为数据透视索引,则为rand值。
public static <T extends Comparable<? super T>>
void quickSort(T[] array, int n, int basecase, boolean rand)
quickSort(array, 0, n-1, basecase, rand);
} // end quickSort
/** Sorts an array into ascending order. Uses quick sort with
* median-of-three pivot selection for arrays of at least
* MIN_SIZE elements, and uses insertion sort for other arrays. */
public static <T extends Comparable<? super T>>
void quickSort(T[] a, int first, int last, int basecase, boolean rand)
if (last - first + 1 < basecase)
insertionSort(a, first, last);
// create the partition: Smaller | Pivot | Larger
int pivotIndex = partition(a, first, last, rand);
// sort subarrays Smaller and Larger
quickSort(a, first, pivotIndex - 1, basecase, rand);
quickSort(a, pivotIndex + 1, last, basecase, rand);
} // end if
} // end quickSort
// 12.17
/** Task: Partitions an array as part of quick sort into two subarrays
* called Smaller and Larger that are separated by a single
* element called the pivot.
* Elements in Smaller are <= pivot and appear before the
* pivot in the array.
* Elements in Larger are >= pivot and appear after the
* pivot in the array.
* @param a an array of Comparable objects
* @param first the integer index of the first array element;
* first >= 0 and < a.length
* @param last the integer index of the last array element;
* last - first >= 3; last < a.length
* @return the index of the pivot */
private static <T extends Comparable<? super T>>
int partition(T[] a, int first, int last, boolean rand)
int mid = (first + last)/2;
sortFirstMiddleLast(a, first, mid, last);
// Assertion: The pivot is a[mid]; a[first] <= pivot and
// a[last] >= pivot, so do not compare these two array elements
// with pivot.
// move pivot to next-to-last position in array
swap(a, mid, last - 1);
Random r = new Random();
int pivotIndex = (rand) ? (first + r.nextInt(last - first + 1)) : (last - 1);
T pivot = a[pivotIndex];
// determine subarrays Smaller = a[first..endSmaller]
// and Larger = a[endSmaller+1..last-1]
// such that elements in Smaller are <= pivot and
// elements in Larger are >= pivot; initially, these subarrays are empty
int indexFromLeft = first + 1;
int indexFromRight = last - 2;
boolean done = false;
while (!done)
// starting at beginning of array, leave elements that are < pivot;
// locate first element that is >= pivot; you will find one,
// since last element is >= pivot
while (a[indexFromLeft].compareTo(pivot) < 0)
// starting at end of array, leave elements that are > pivot;
// locate first element that is <= pivot; you will find one,
// since first element is <= pivot
while (a[indexFromRight].compareTo(pivot) > 0)
assert a[indexFromLeft].compareTo(pivot) >= 0 &&
a[indexFromRight].compareTo(pivot) <= 0;
if (indexFromLeft < indexFromRight)
swap(a, indexFromLeft, indexFromRight);
done = true;
} // end while
// place pivot between Smaller and Larger subarrays
swap(a, pivotIndex, indexFromLeft);
pivotIndex = indexFromLeft;
// Assertion:
// Smaller = a[first..pivotIndex-1]
// Pivot = a[pivotIndex]
// Larger = a[pivotIndex+1..last]
return pivotIndex;
} // end partition