public RedGreenFilter(int k1, int k2, int k3) {
this.k1 = k1;
this.k2 = k2;
this.k3 = k3;
public BufferedImage filter(final BufferedImage src, BufferedImage dst) {
if (dst == null) {
dst = this.createCompatibleDestImage(src, null);
// make sure the two images have the same size, color space, etc.
// MISSING !!! ???
DataBufferInt inBuffer = (DataBufferInt) src.getRaster().getDataBuffer();
DataBufferInt outBuffer = (DataBufferInt) dst.getRaster().getDataBuffer();
int[] inData = inBuffer.getData();
int[] outData = outBuffer.getData();
int simR = 0, simG = 0, simB = 0, mild = 10, moderate = 20, strong = 40;
float cIndex = MyDeficiency.cIndex;
float angle = MyDeficiency.angle;
float x = 0, y = 0, z = 0;
int prevIn = 0;
int prevOut = 0;
final int length = inData.length;
int corrG;
int corrR;
int corrB;
int SizeOfScreen = src.getHeight() * src.getWidth();
final int[] redArray = new int[SizeOfScreen];
final int[] blueArray = new int[SizeOfScreen];
final int[] greenArray = new int[SizeOfScreen];
for (int i = 0; i < SizeOfScreen; i++) {
final int in = inData[i];
if (in == prevIn) {
outData[i] = prevOut;
} else {
final int r = (0xff0000 & in) >> 16;
final int g = (0xff00 & in) >> 8;
final int b = 0xff & in;
// get linear rgb values in the range 0..2^15-1
final int r_lin = rgb2lin_red_LUT[r];
final int g_lin = rgb2lin_red_LUT[g];
final int b_lin = rgb2lin_red_LUT[b];
float L = (17.8824f * r + 43.5161f * g + 4.11935f * b);
float M = (3.4565f * r + 27.1554f * g + 3.86714f * b);
float S = (0.02996f * r + 0.18431f * g + 1.46709f * b);
float dL = ( 0 * L + 2.02344f * M - 2.52581f * S);
float dM = ( 0 * L + 1 * M + 0 * S);
float dS = ( 0 * L + 0 * M + 1 * S);
float pL = ( 1 * L + 0 * M + 0 * S);
float pM = ( 0.494207f * L + 0 * M + 1.24827f * S);
float pS = ( 0 * L + 0 * M + 1 * S);
// simulated red and green are identical
// scale the matrix values to 0..2^15 for integer computations
// of the simulated protan values.
// divide after the computation by 2^15 to rescale.
// also divide by 2^15 asnd multiply by 2^8 to scale the linear rgb to 0..255
// total division is by 2^15 * 2^15 / 2^8 = 2^22
// shift the bits by 22 places instead of dividing
int r_blind = (int) (k1 * r_lin + k2 * g_lin) >> 22;
int b_blind = (int) (k3 * r_lin - k3 * g_lin + 32768 * b_lin) >> 22;
if (r_blind < 0) {
r_blind = 0;
} else if (r_blind > 255) {
r_blind = 255;
if (b_blind < 0) {
b_blind = 0;
} else if (b_blind > 255) {
b_blind = 255;
// convert reduced linear rgb to gamma corrected rgb
int red = lin2rgb_LUT[r_blind];
red = red >= 0 ? red : 256 + red; // from unsigned to signed
int blue = lin2rgb_LUT[b_blind];
blue = blue >= 0 ? blue : 256 + blue; // from unsigned to signed
if(k1 == 9591 && k2 == 23173){
x = dL;
y = dM;
z = dS;
if(k1 == 3683 && k2 == 29084){
x = pL;
y = pM;
z = pS;
//normal to mild
if (angle > 0.70 && cIndex < 1.2){
simR = (int)(0.0809533970341018f * x -0.1305188419612954f * y + 0.11673398252989027f * z);
simG = (int)(-0.01025222049871863f * x + 0.054025275314902886f * y -0.11362003603724172f * z);
simB = (int)(-0.0003651971010795924f * x -0.004121801653701777f * y + 0.693511617368688f * z);
//mild to moderate
else if (angle > 0.70 && cIndex < 3 && cIndex > 1.20){
simR = (int)(0.0809533970341018f * x -0.1305188419612954f * y + 0.11673398252989027f * z) + mild;
simG = (int)(-0.01025222049871863f * x + 0.054025275314902886f * y -0.11362003603724172f * z);
simB = (int)(-0.0003651971010795924f * x -0.004121801653701777f * y + 0.693511617368688f * z);
//moderate to strong
else if (angle > 0.70 && cIndex < 4 && cIndex > 3){
simR = (int)(0.0809533970341018f * x -0.1305188419612954f * y + 0.11673398252989027f * z) + moderate;
simG = (int)(-0.01025222049871863f * x + 0.054025275314902886f * y -0.11362003603724172f * z);
simB = (int)(-0.0003651971010795924f * x -0.004121801653701777f * y + 0.693511617368688f * z);
//strong to super strong
else if (angle > 0.70 && cIndex > 4){
simR = (int)(0.0809533970341018f * x -0.1305188419612954f * y + 0.11673398252989027f * z) + strong;
simG = (int)(-0.01025222049871863f * x + 0.054025275314902886f * y -0.11362003603724172f * z);
simB = (int)(-0.0003651971010795924f * x -0.004121801653701777f * y + 0.693511617368688f * z);
//normal to mild
if (angle < 0.70 && angle > -65.00 && cIndex < 1.2){
simR = (int)(0.0809533970341018f * x -0.1305188419612954f * y + 0.11673398252989027f * z);
simG = (int)(-0.01025222049871863f * x + 0.054025275314902886f * y -0.11362003603724172f * z);
simB = (int)(-0.0003651971010795924f * x -0.004121801653701777f * y + 0.693511617368688f * z);
//mild to moderate
else if (angle < 0.70 && angle > -65.00 && cIndex < 3 && cIndex > 1.20){
simR = (int)(0.0809533970341018f * x -0.1305188419612954f * y + 0.11673398252989027f * z);
simG = (int)(-0.01025222049871863f * x + 0.054025275314902886f * y -0.11362003603724172f * z) + mild;
simB = (int)(-0.0003651971010795924f * x -0.004121801653701777f * y + 0.693511617368688f * z);
//moderate to strong
else if (angle < 0.70 && angle > -65 && cIndex < 4 && cIndex > 3){
simR = (int)(0.0809533970341018f * x -0.1305188419612954f * y + 0.11673398252989027f * z);
simG = (int)(-0.01025222049871863f * x + 0.054025275314902886f * y -0.11362003603724172f * z) + moderate;
simB = (int)(-0.0003651971010795924f * x -0.004121801653701777f * y + 0.693511617368688f * z) ;
//strong to super strong
else if (angle < 0.7 && angle > -65 && cIndex > 4){
simR = (int)(0.0809533970341018f * x -0.1305188419612954f * y + 0.11673398252989027f * z);
simG = (int)(-0.01025222049871863f * x + 0.054025275314902886f * y -0.11362003603724172f * z) + strong;
simB = (int)(-0.0003651971010795924f * x -0.004121801653701777f * y + 0.693511617368688f * z) ;
int errR = r - simR;
int errG = g - simG;
int errB = b - simB;
float errModR = (0 * errR + 0 * errG + 0 * errB);
float errModG = (0.7f * errR + 1 * errG + 0 * errB);
float errModB = (0.7f * errR + 0 * errG + 1 * errB);
corrR = (int) errModR + r;
corrG = (int) errModG + g;
corrB = (int) errModB + b;
int corrR = 0;
int corrG = 0;
int corrB = 0;
//MyDeficiency my = new MyDeficiency();
if(r == 255 && g == 255 && b == 255){
corrR = corrG = corrB = 255;
if(r == 0 && g == 0 && b == 0){
corrR = corrG = corrB = 0;
final int out = 0xff000000 | (corrR << 16) | (corrG << 8) | corrB ;
redArray[i] = (out >> 16) & 0xFF;
greenArray[i] = (out >> 8) & 0xFF;
blueArray[i] = (out >> 0) & 0xFF;
//System.out.println("r: " +" " + redArray[i]+ " "+ " g:" +" " +greenArray[i] +" " +"b:"+" "+ blueArray[i] + " " +"i:"+ " "+i);
//System.out.println("sR: " + (red << 16) + "sG: " +(red <<8)+ " sB: " + blue);
//outData[i] = out;
//prevIn = in;
//prevOut = out;
Window w = new Window(null);
w.add(new JComponent() {
public void paintComponent(Graphics g) {
int alpha = 190; // 50% transparent
int pixelcounter = 0;
for(int i = 0; i < src.getHeight(); i++){
for(int j = 0; j < src.getWidth(); j++){
Color myColour = new Color(redArray[pixelcounter],greenArray[pixelcounter],blueArray[pixelcounter], alpha);
public Dimension getPreferredSize() {
return new Dimension(src.getWidth(), src.getHeight());
* This sets the background of the window to be transparent.
AWTUtilities.setWindowOpaque(w, false);
return dst;