Perk Tk内存泄漏

时间:2017-11-20 14:28:12

标签: linux perl memory-leaks tk

我有下面的perl Tk子例程,当我们的小型专用LAN上的某些Centos 6计算机上重复运行时会出现以下错误:

 0 0x95ac3b8 PVMG f=0008e507 {}(1)(3)
SV = PVMG(0x9471dc0) at 0x95ac3b8
  REFCNT = 3
  IV = 0
  NV = 0
  RV = 0x95c2060
  PV = 0x95c2060 ""
  CUR = 0
  LEN = 0
  MAGIC = 0x95dfa38
    MG_VIRTUAL = 0x28173c
    MG_TYPE = PERL_MAGIC_ext(~)
    MG_FLAGS = 0x02
    MG_OBJ = 0x95c239c
        SV = PV(0x95d26bc) at 0x95c239c
          REFCNT = 1
          FLAGS = ()
          PV = 0x95dfbf0 ""
          CUR = 0
          LEN = 16
Tk::Error: Usage $widget->destroy(...) at ./ line 89.
 Tk callback for .frame1.button
 Tk::__ANON__ at /usr/lib/perl5/site_perl/5.8.8/i386-linux-thread-multi/ line 250
 Tk::Button::butUp at /usr/lib/perl5/site_perl/5.8.8/i386-linux-thread-multi/Tk/ line 175
 (command bound to event)

我已经读过这是因为调用了destroy而我应该使用packForget()。但是,我无法理解如何用packForget()代替destroy。我已经尝试了各种方法,例如用'mt-&gt; packForget()在子程序中用'packForget',packForget(),pack-&gt;('forget')替换'destroy'但没有一种方法有效。有没有人知道如何在这种情况下用packForget替换destroy以查看它是否能解决我的内存泄漏问题?

要在linux机器上复制和粘贴这个。在第一个窗口对话框中执行选择“OCP Docs”时。然后它将拉出第二个复选框窗口。在第二个窗口中选择任意组合,然后按确定。继续这样做几次并发生内存泄漏。只需在debian机器上复制它。


sub choose_doc_type {

use strict;
use Tk;
use Tk::LabFrame;

my $mw = MainWindow->new;
# Mainwindow: sizex/y, positionx/y

# Default value
my $doc_type = "";

    my $frame = $mw->LabFrame(
        -label => "Fax/Doc Type",
        -labelside => 'acrosstop',
        -width => 180,
        -height => 200,

    # Put these values into the frame
        -variable => \$doc_type,
        -value => 'RC_SAVE',
        -text => 'Docs for RC',
        )->place( -x => 10, -y => 5 );
        -variable => \$doc_type,
        -value => 'OCP_SAVE',
        -text => 'OCP Docs',
        )->place( -x => 10, -y => 30 );
        -variable => \$doc_type,
        -value => 'NV_SAVE',
        -text => 'New Vendor Docs.',
        )->place( -x => 10, -y => 55 );
        -variable => \$doc_type,
        -value => 'DELETE',
        -text => 'Junk. Delete it',
        )->place( -x => 10, -y => 80 );
        -variable => \$doc_type,
        -value => 'NADA',
        -text => 'Leave it.',
        )->place( -x => 10, -y => 105 );
                -variable => \$doc_type,
                -value => 'SAVE_FAX',
                -text => 'Other - Save it',
        )->place( -x => 10, -y => 130 );
                -variable => \$doc_type,
                -value => 'AP_SAVE',
                -text => 'AP Docs',
                )->place( -x => 10, -y => 130 );

my $button_frame = $mw->Frame()->pack(-side => "bottom");
my $ok_button = $button_frame->Button(-text => 'OK',
        -command => [$mw=>'destroy']
                 )->pack(-side => "left");      

#print $doc_type . "\n";
#chomp (my $jj = <STDIN>);
return $doc_type;

} # end of sub choose doc type

sub carr_docs_box {

    my ($c_no) = @_;

use Tk;
use strict;

my $mw = MainWindow->new;
$mw->title("Check Button Select");

my @check;
my $doc_string;


my $check_frame = $mw->Frame()->pack(-side => "top");
$check_frame->Label(-text=>"Select Included Documents.")->pack(-side => "top")->pack();

my @chk;

$chk[1] = $check_frame->Checkbutton(-text => 'BC Agrm',
                                     -variable => \$check[1],
                                     -onvalue => '_BCA',
                                     -offvalue => '')->pack();

$chk[2] = $check_frame->Checkbutton(-text => 'Bond',
                                     -variable => \$check[2],
                                     -onvalue => '_ATH',
                                     -offvalue => '')->pack();

$chk[3] = $check_frame->Checkbutton(-text => 'Gen Liab. Insr.',
                                     -variable => \$check[3],
                                     -onvalue => '_INL',
                                     -offvalue => '')->pack();

$chk[4] = $check_frame->Checkbutton(-text => 'Auto Insr.',
                                     -variable => \$check[4],
                                     -onvalue => '_INC',
                                     -offvalue => '')->pack();

$chk[5] = $check_frame->Checkbutton(-text => 'Indp. Contractor',
                                     -variable => \$check[5],
                                     -onvalue => '_IND',
                                     -offvalue => '')->pack();

$chk[6] = $check_frame->Checkbutton(-text => 'Profile',
                                     -variable => \$check[6],
                                     -onvalue => '_PRF',
                                     -offvalue => '')->pack();

$chk[7] = $check_frame->Checkbutton(-text => 'W9 Form',
                                     -variable => \$check[7],
                                     -onvalue => '_W9',
                                     -offvalue => '')->pack();

$chk[8] = $check_frame->Checkbutton(-text => 'Rush Pay Agrm.',
                                     -variable => \$check[8],
                                     -onvalue => '_RP',
                                     -offvalue => '')->pack();

$chk[9] = $check_frame->Checkbutton(-text => 'Other',
                                     -variable => \$check[9],
                                     -onvalue => '_OTH',
                                     -offvalue => '')->pack();

my $button_frame = $mw->Frame()->pack(-side => "bottom");
my $ok_button = $button_frame->Button(-text => 'OK',
                                       -command => \&check_sub)->pack(-side => "left");

# summary sub
sub check_sub {

    # check to see if they selected quick Pay
    if ($check[8] eq '_RP') { # user says that recvd a Rush Pay agrm

    # verify rush pay agrm and set up rush pay


      $doc_string = join "", @check;
      #print "Doc " . $doc_string . "\n";
      #chomp (my $TT=<STDIN>);



return $doc_string;

} # end of sub

my $dt; # type of documents viewed
my $quit = 'n';
my $test_cno = 1111;

while ($quit ne 'q') {

    ($dt) = choose_doc_type();
     print "quit equals: $quit\n";
    if ($dt eq 'OCP_SAVE') { # Classify vendor docs.

    my $doc_string = carr_docs_box($test_cno);  
    print "Doc String would be: " . $doc_string . "\n";
    sub { exit; }
    print "Press (q) to quit Enter to continue any other key to quit.\n";
    chomp ($quit = <STDIN>);


1 个答案:

答案 0 :(得分:1)


sub check_sub {

    $mw->destroy;  # <-- closure over the `$mw` variable

命名的内部subs在编译时存储在全局命名空间中,请参阅Nested subroutines and Scoping in Perl。因此,当它们用作外部子中的词法变量的闭包时,可能不是您期望的变量。在您的情况下,内部子中的$mw在第二次调用中不引用外部子中的$mw。要解决此问题,您可以在$mw命令中明确传递正确的$ok_button。而不是

my $ok_button = $button_frame->Button(
    -text => 'OK',
    -command => \&check_sub)->pack(-side => "left");


my $ok_button = $button_frame->Button(
    -text => 'OK',
    -command => sub { check_sub( $mw ) })->pack(-side => "left");


另请注意,在Perl版本5.18之后,您可以声明词法子,请参阅perldoc perlsub以获取更多信息。然后,将check_sub定义为词法(使用my sub check_sub { ... }也可以解决闭包问题。