
时间:2017-11-17 10:50:35

标签: c# performance linq caching

我们有一个ASP.NET MVC Web应用程序,它通过Entity Framework连接到SQL Server DB。此应用程序的主要任务之一是允许用户快速搜索和过滤包含存档值的巨大数据库表。


所以我尝试了另一种方法:由于我们的服务器有很多RAM,我认为我们只需在Web应用启动时将整个存档表加载到List<ArchiveRow>,然后直接获取数据从此列表而不是往返数据库。这非常有效,将整个存档表(目前大约有1000万个条目)加载到List中大约需要9秒钟。 ArchiveRow是一个简单的对象,如下所示:

public class ArchiveResponse {
    public  int Length { get; set; }
    public int numShown { get; set; }
    public  int numFound { get; set; }
    public  int numTotal { get; set; }
    public  List<ArchiveRow> Rows { get; set; }


public class ArchiveRow {
    public  int s { get; set; }
    public  int d { get; set; }
    public  DateTime t { get; set; }
    public  double v { get; set; }



// Total number of entries in archive cache
var numTotal = ArchiveCache.Count();

// Initial Linq query
ParallelQuery<ArchiveCacheValue> query = ArchiveCache.AsParallel();

// The request may contain StationIds that the user is interested in,
// so here's the filtering by StationIds with a join:
if (request.StationIds.Count > 0)
    query = from a in ArchiveCache.AsParallel()
             join b in request.StationIds.AsParallel()
             on a.StationId equals b
             select a;

// The request may contain DatapointIds that the user is interested in,
// so here's the filtering by DatapointIds with a join:
if (request.DatapointIds.Count > 0)
    query = from a in query.AsParallel()
             join b in request.DatapointIds.AsParallel()
             on a.DataPointId equals b
             select a;

// Number of matching entries after filtering and before windowing
int numFound = query.Count();

// Pagination: Select only the current window that needs to be shown on the page
var result = query.Skip(request.Start == 0 ? 0 : request.Start - 1).Take(request.Length);

// Number of entries on the current page that will be shown
int numShown = result.Count();

// Build a response object, serialize it to Json and return to client
// Note: The projection with the Rows is not a bottleneck, it is only done to
// shorten 'StationId' to 's' etc. At this point there are only 25 to 50 rows,
// so that is no problem and happens in way less than 1 ms
ArchiveResponse myResponse = new ArchiveResponse();
myResponse.Length = request.Length;
myResponse.numShown = numShown;
myResponse.numFound = numFound;
myResponse.numTotal = numTotal;
myResponse.Rows = result.Select(x => new archRow() { s = x.StationId, d = x.DataPointId, t = x.DateValue, v = x.Value }).ToList();

return JsonSerializer.ToJsonString(myResponse);

更多细节:电台的数量通常在5到50之间,很少超过50.数据点的数量<7000。 Web应用程序设置为64位,并在web.config中设置<gcAllowVeryLargeObjects enabled="true" />

我真的很期待进一步的改进和建议。也许基于数组或类似的方法有一种完全不同的方法,它可以更好地执行而不用 linq?

4 个答案:

答案 0 :(得分:5)


ArchiveCacheByDatapoint = ArchiveCache.GroupBy(c => c.DataPointId)
            .ToDictionary(c => c.Key, c => c.ToList());
ArchiveCacheByStation = ArchiveCache.GroupBy(c => c.StationId)
            .ToDictionary(c => c.Key, c => c.ToList());


bool hasStations = request.StationIds.Length > 0;
bool hasDatapoints = request.DatapointIds.Length > 0;            
int numFound = 0;
List<ArchiveCacheValue> result;
if (hasDatapoints && hasStations) {
    // special case - filter by both
    result = new List<ArchiveCacheValue>();
    // store station filter in hash set
    var stationsFilter = new HashSet<int>(request.StationIds);
    // first filter by datapoints, because you have more different datapoints than stations
    foreach (var datapointId in request.DatapointIds.OrderBy(c => c)) {                    
        foreach (var item in ArchiveCacheByDatapoint[datapointId]) {                        
            if (stationsFilter.Contains(item.StationId)) {
                // both datapoint and station matches filter - found item
                if (numFound >= request.Start && result.Count < request.Length) {
                    // add to result list if matches paging criteria
else if (hasDatapoints) {                
    var query = Enumerable.Empty<ArchiveCacheValue>();                
    foreach (var datapoint in request.DatapointIds.OrderBy(c => c))
        var list = ArchiveCacheByDatapoint[datapoint];
        numFound += list.Count;
        query = query.Concat(list);
    // execute query just once
    result = query.Skip(request.Start).Take(request.Length).ToList();
else if (hasStations) {                
    var query = Enumerable.Empty<ArchiveCacheValue>();
    foreach (var station in request.StationIds.OrderBy(c => c))
        var list = ArchiveCacheByStation[station];
        numFound += list.Count;
        query = query.Concat(list);
    // execute query just once
    result = query.Skip(request.Start).Take(request.Length).ToList();
else {
    // no need to do Count()
    numFound = ArchiveCache.Count;
    // no need to Skip\Take here really, ArchiveCache is list\array
    // so you can use indexes which will be faster
    result = ArchiveCache.Skip(request.Start).Take(request.Length).ToList();

// Number of entries on the current page that will be shown
int numShown = result.Count;


答案 1 :(得分:3)

我至少会将这些值存储在arrayvector struct ArchiveRow中,以确保所有数据都在连续的内存中。这样,您将从locality of reference中受益匪浅(即有效地使用L1缓存)。而且你还避免了list(指针/引用)的开销。 (更新:我快速查找了C# List。看起来ListC++ vector相同(即数组),C# LinkedList与{{1}相同有点令人困惑 - 哇,这里没有C++ list的指针开销

尝试使结构尽可能小。尽可能使用C# List<>甚至uint32uint16可能为32位,甚至可能datetime代替float(取决于您的值)。还要在结构中放置最宽的值(以便更好地对齐)。







加载整个存档表大约需要9秒钟   目前大约有1000万条款进入名单。


答案 2 :(得分:1)

另一个优化。在内存中使用linq join效率不高。


if (request.StationIds.Count > 0)
    var stationIdSet = new HashSet<int>(request.StationIds);
    query =  (from a in ArchiveCache
             select a);
               // .AsParallel()
               // .MaxDegreeOfParallelism(...);

序列方式为9m记录和30个站点ID运行,以大约150 - 250毫秒执行连接

对于 MaxDegreeOfParallelism = 2 并行版本,两者(连接和哈希集)表现更差


答案 3 :(得分:0)



