I have this situation: I need to bring-up a table structure into a HTML page.One of the columns in this table has to be brought from a table stored in the database.This column value along with two check boxes values needs to be stored in a database and next time these stored values should be brought in ,next time we open that page
HTML code:
<label class="col-md-3" for="Documents">Test:</label>
<div class="col-md-8" ng-controller="checklistController" ng-init='populateChecklist()'>
<div class="table-responsive">
<table class="table table-bordered">
<th>Not Required</th>
<tr ng-repeat = "x in list">
<td><input type="checkbox" ng-model='notRequiredCheckList' ng-disabled="completedCheckList" ng-disabled="linkForCheckList"/></td>
<td><input type="checkbox" ng-disabled="notRequiredCheckList" ng-model="completedCheckList" /></td>
<td><input type="text" ng-model="linkForCheckList" size="30" ng-disabled="notRequiredCheckList"/></td>
<button ng-click="Save()">Save</button>
Javascript code:
$scope.populateChecklist = function(a){
$http.get("commonAppGet.jsp?sqlStr=select name from test where val="+a+").then(function(resp){
$scope.list = resp.data;
Here I am getting name from a table and populating the first column when the page is getting loaded.Now along with these names ,I have two checkboxes along with a text box.I have added few validations.Now my challenge is,how to store these values row wise into a new table in the database and load these stored values next time.
Could someone help me?