
时间:2017-11-12 20:24:58

标签: c visual-studio visual-c++ c99


不幸的是,我无法在Visual Studio 2015下编译代码。下面列出的代码会产生以下错误:C2099: initializer is not a constant。这似乎很奇怪,因为list仅使用固定大小的字符串文字列表进行初始化。

#define DATA_LIST { \
    L"some",        \
    L"example",     \
    L"data",        \
    L"in a list",   \
    NULL            \

#define INFO_LIST { \
    L"another",     \
    L"list",        \
    L"with",        \
    L"some",        \
    L"info",        \
    NULL            \

typedef struct data {
    unsigned int flag;
    const wchar_t **list;
} dataset, *pdataset;

static dataset somedata[] = {
    {   .flag = 2,
        .list = (const wchar_t *[])DATA_LIST // C2099
    {   .flag = 4,
        .list = (const wchar_t *[])INFO_LIST // C2099

我还尝试使用指向灵活数组(const wchar_t *list[];)的指针。不是理想的解决方案,因为somedata将不再能够被声明为结构数组。接下来,它还会产生警告(C4200: nonstandard extension used: zero-sized array in struct/union)

typedef struct data {
    unsigned int flag;
    const wchar_t *list[]; // C4200 (somedata can no longer be an array of structures)
} dataset, *pdataset;

static dataset somedata = {
    .flag = 2,
    .list = DATA_LIST


typedef struct data {
    unsigned int flag;
    const wchar_t *list[sizeof (wchar_t *[])INFO_LIST / sizeof *(wchar_t *[])INFO_LIST];
} dataset, *pdataset;

static dataset somedata[] = {
    {   .flag = 2,
        .list = DATA_LIST
    {   .flag = 4,
        .list = INFO_LIST





typedef struct data {
    unsigned int flag;
    const wchar_t **list;
} dataset, *pdataset;

// C4221: nonstandard extension used: 'list': cannot be initialized using
//        address of automatic variable '$S1'
// C4204: nonstandard extension used: non-constant aggregate initializer
dataset somedata = {
    .flag = 2,
    .list = (const wchar_t *[])DATA_LIST // note: see declaration of '$S1'


static const wchar_t *temp[] = DATA_LIST;

static dataset somedata = {
    .flag = 2,
    .list = temp

但是,当将temp声明为指针指针并对字符串文字列表进行类型转换时,代码将无法再编译为初始化list的表达式被标记为活动错误:{ {1}}

expression must have a constant value

如果我决定再次使static const wchar_t **temp = (const wchar_t *[])DATA_LIST; static dataset somedata = { .flag = 2, .list = temp // marked as active error }; 非静态,则表达式不再标记为活动错误。但是在尝试编译代码时,会再次出现以下错误:somedata

我想知道C2099: initializer is not a constant行为方式是否相同,是否有可用的替代方法以类似的方式组织和处理数据。

1 个答案:

答案 0 :(得分:2)


static const wchar_t *x_data_list[] = DATA_LIST;
static const wchar_t *x_info_list[] = INFO_LIST;

static dataset somedata[] = {
    {   .flag = 2,
        .list = x_data_list
    {   .flag = 4,
        .list = x_info_list

我不确定您是否故意将您的列表设为非const,但如果您不打算在运行时写入x_data_list,那么您可以将其设为const并提供{ {1}}成员类型.list