tell application "Microsoft Excel"
set LinkRemoval to make new workbook
set theSheet to active sheet of LinkRemoval
set value of range "D1" of theSheet to "Message"
set value of range "C1" of theSheet to "Subject"
set value of range "B1" of theSheet to "From"
set value of range "A1" of theSheet to "Date"
end tell
with timeout of (30 * 60) seconds -- timeout set to 30 mins --
tell application "Mail"
set theRow to 2
set theAccount to "Gmail"
get account theAccount
set theMessages to messages of mailbox "INBOX" of account "Gmail"
-- target mailbox for extracting to excel--
repeat with aMessage in theMessages
my SetDate(date received of aMessage, theRow, theSheet)
my SetFrom(sender of aMessage, theRow, theSheet)
my SetSubject(subject of aMessage, theRow, theSheet)
my SetMessage(content of aMessage, theRow, theSheet)
set theRow to theRow + 1
end repeat
end tell