无法从Access 2007中的集合保存报表对象

时间:2017-11-09 15:22:28

标签: ms-access dictionary collections access-vba hwnd

目前,我已经改编了从Allen Brown获得的代码来复制报告而不是表单。基本上我能够毫无问题地通过我的报告标准,我可以用不同的标准创建一些报告。

我的问题是每个报告可能需要保存,打印或通过电子邮件发送给用户。但是会发生的事情是首先打开的对象是唯一可以保存或通过电子邮件发送的对象,但是当我使用简单代码DoCmd.PrintOut acPrintAll进行打印时,每个对象都会采用相应的标准。我需要找到一种方法来保存和发送这些对象。


Public clnClient As New Collection  'Instances of rptClient.

     'Purpose:   Open an independent instance of each Report with seperate criteria
Dim rpt As Report

'Open a new instance, show it, and set a caption.
If strReport = "rptInvoices" Then
    Set rpt = New Report_rptInvoices

ElseIf strReport = "rptExpense" Then
    Set rpt = New Report_rptExpense

ElseIf strReport = "rptExpensesDetailed" Then
    Set rpt = New Report_rptExpenseDetailed

ElseIf strReport = "rptInvoicesDetailed" Then
    Set rpt = New Report_rptInvoicesDetailed

ElseIf strReport = "rptPuchaseOrder" Then
    Set rpt = New Report_rptPuchaseOrder

ElseIf strReport = "rptPurchaseOrderDetail" Then
    Set rpt = New Report_rptPurchaseOrderDetail

ElseIf strReport = "TotalSalesForYear" Then
    Set rpt = New Report_TotalSalesForYear

ElseIf strReport = "TotalShipped" Then
    Set rpt = New Report_TotalShipped

ElseIf strReport = "TotalShippedDetailed" Then
    Set rpt = New Report_TotalShippedDetailed

ElseIf strReport = "rptShipActual" Then
    Set rpt = New Report_rptShipActual

 ElseIf strReport = "rptSearchResults" Then
    Set rpt = New Report_rptSearchResults

 ElseIf strReport = "rptKTNA" Then
    Set rpt = New Report_rptKTNA

 ElseIf strReport = "rptFourWeek" Then
    Set rpt = New Report_rptFourWeek

 ElseIf strReport = "rptBalance" Then
    Set rpt = New Report_rptBalance

 ElseIf strReport = "Bosch_Report" Then
    Set rpt = New Report_Bosch_Report

 ElseIf strReport = "rptQuotes" Then
    Set rpt = New Report_rptQuotes
End If

rpt.Visible = True
rpt.Filter = strWhereDate
rpt.FilterOn = True
rpt.Caption = rpt.Hwnd & ", opened " & Now()
rpt.txtCalledFrom = rpt.Hwnd

'Append it to our collection.
clnClient.Add Item:=rpt, Key:=CStr(rpt.Hwnd)

Set rpt = Nothing


通过标准的报告管理员改编自Gaining Access


sRep = Screen.ActiveReport.Hwnd
DoCmd.OutputTo acOutputReport, sRep, acFormatPDF



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